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    • Ralph
        Post count: 2580

        Carbons work with my old Yellowjacket longbow quite well at 21 paces methinks.

      • NZLongBowMan
          Post count: 11

          Tehehehe! I use the same arrows, they’re pretty nice!

          Oh well, crappy thing to lose an arrow but at least you got a photo you can prove to others your aim is as good as the hood himself 😉

        • David Petersen
            Post count: 2749

            Good shooting, Ralph! I’m envious, having always wanted a Robin Hood but when I do put arrows that tight they tend to hit just behind the head and break there, ruining a shaft without the satisfaction of a RH. Get one more like that and you can change your handle from R2 to RH2. 😆

          • Ralph
              Post count: 2580

              many !!!

              This doesn’t qualify for a Robin Hood but sure counts for screwing up an arrow!:D

              Like a good friend of mine has a habit of saying “Darn the luck”!

            • David Petersen
                Post count: 2749

                Looks like you’re about due for a new target. That, or quit shooting at the center and shooting so well. My targets last a long time. 😀

              • bruc
                  Post count: 476

                  Wish I had that problem:cry:


                • Troy Breeding
                    Post count: 994

                    I hate it when I do something like that. It just tells me I need to practice more because I never aim at another arrow and it only means I missed at what I was aiming at.:D


                  • Jason Wesbrock
                      Post count: 762


                      Congrats, but believe me, it loses its novelty rather quickly. Those are the times I really miss the old XX75s with the swaged nock ends. You had to hit those absolutely dead center to tube one. Far more often than not, you’d just blow off the nock and nick the end of the shaft. A few seconds with a swag tool, some Krazy Glue, and a new nock and you were back in business. In all the years I shot XX75s I only stuck them twice. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for carbons.

                    • Wexbow
                        Post count: 403

                        There are easier ways to widen a nock R2 😆

                      • William Warren
                          Post count: 1384

                          J.Wesbrock wrote: R2,

                          Congrats, but believe me, it loses its novelty rather quickly. Those are the times I really miss the old XX75s with the swaged nock ends. You had to hit those absolutely dead center to tube one. Far more often than not, you’d just blow off the nock and nick the end of the shaft. A few seconds with a swag tool, some Krazy Glue, and a new nock and you were back in business. In all the years I shot XX75s I only stuck them twice. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for carbons.

                          X2 on that. I only had 1 robin hood with the xx75’s but plenty of knocks removed.

                          And R2 good shooting there!


                        • Ripforce
                            Post count: 225

                            I had on RH w Camo hunter aluminums that stuck, never had one w Heritage carbons though! Since shooting woods I have split several POC shafts and blew off a few knocks! Good shooting!

                          • Ralph
                              Post count: 2580

                              In 40 yrs. of bow shooting, I’ve had Robin Hoods’ upon occasion. Only one was a called shot with a wheel bow (way back when I foolishly traded my old Bear Kodiak for a set of wheels) and the unbelievable (no pics, no proof:P)thing was is that it happened. Actually it was a “wonder if I can hit that?” deal and it happened. I don’t like tearing arrows up, unless in an animal I’m going for, cause I gotta pay for’em and I kinda get personal with my woodies when I make them.

                              I’m not a great shooter by any means and when I get a good group going it’s hard to stop adding to it. So an arrow gone is a “dang it” but “se la vie”!! Most of the time in my back yard I just shoot one arrow groups. Better mind game doing it that way.

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