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    • rallcox
        Post count: 12

        Does anyone know if Steve Schulz Of Last Wilderness Archery is still making shooting gloves?  I bought one in the early 90’s and after 25 years it’s time for a new glove.

      • Stephen Graf
          Post count: 2428

          As I recall, the American Leathers Company was started by the Schulz’s, but is no longer owned by them.  They sell the cross-over glove.  Not a true hill style.  Here is their website: http://americanleathers.com


        • rgrist
            Post count: 38

            Really good quality glove. Made from elk or bison. A bit stiff at the fingertips at first, as one might expect, but gets broken in quickly.

          • Raymond Coffman
              Post count: 1232

              My favorite and current glove is one from American leathers -bison


            • William Warren
                Post count: 1384

                I’m shooting the American Leathers Big Shot at the moment and it is a better glove than most of the others I have used. Once it got worn in it got very comfortable. I treated mine with Montana Pitch Blend and that helped break it in. They seem soft when new and not needing any break in but mine fit better the more I used it. I also occasionally apply Montana Pitch Blend to the insides of the finger stalls. The stalls really stay put while shooting this way. I’m looking forward to trying a Hill style glove in the future.


              • Raymond Coffman
                  Post count: 1232


                  I am really happy with my American leathers glove.  The glove fits me perfectly and I have used it exclusively for some years now. Holding up great. What Howard Hill version / maker were you considering ? I always liked the design of the H H but never found one that worked( fit) for me —


                • Larry Knott
                    Post count: 2

                    I am using a Fred bear style and I like the fit .We will see how long it lasts

                  • Neven
                      Post count: 6

                      My favorite glove 20 years and going strong

                    • Raymond Coffman
                        Post count: 1232



                        Can’t go wrong with old Howard—-


                      • Neven
                          Post count: 6

                          Took me a little bit to get use to it but the HH glove is great for not feeling that string and I believe a smoother release. I think it also helps me pulling a bit more weight because the string doesn’t dig into my fingers.

                        • Winny Bach
                            Post count: 5

                            I don´t like the way my arrows fly and not the way the arrows group up on the target. I am wondering if it could be the tab/flap I am using? What kind of differences are there in a glove? Does it make really such a difference, either using glove or tab?


                            Any answer will be helpful.



                            • Winny Bach
                                Post count: 5

                                I use string wrapping to make my nockpoint,(just the top one) there is no wear what so ever on the tap. Don’t know, but don’t think there will be any on a glove as well. There are so many gloves around, with full three fingers or just the tip that been then hold by a small leather strip, which could be also in fibres or synthetics. As well as just fingerlings which , I think are not very secured and could fly off?

                                Shoot straight!


                            • Winny Bach
                                Post count: 5

                                Sorry for writing into an exsisting thread, should have opened a new one. Which I will do now.



                              • richard roop
                                  Post count: 526

                                  My favorite glove was one made by King & had individual adjustments for each finger. Haven’t seen them around for quite a while.

                                  Currently shooting a Neet glove that I cut the fingers off and sewed to Velcro and a Velcro backing for the desired finger adjustments. Not yet perfect but it’s a work in progress.

                                  One thing that I did find ……………. The brass nocking point was wearing a hole in the leather on the index finger. Building up above the nocking point with unwaxed dental floss solved that problem. (I nock the arrow below the nocking point).

                                • Ralph
                                    Post count: 2580

                                    Richard I’ve been using tie on nock sets for so long I’d totally forgotten the wear and tear on gloves and tabs that can be caused by a brass nock set.

                                    I recall I used to, very carefully, use a small fine file and smooth off and round off any edges on the brass nocks sets after I pressed them on.

                                    The very carefully part of that was a lesson learned the hard way by the way. 😒

                                  • richard roop
                                      Post count: 526

                                      The visual of what could go wrong filing a nock-set is not a pretty one. I’m using a fingernail file to do mine. So far … so good.

                                    • Ralph
                                        Post count: 2580

                                        I just cut a some serving and a strand or three in the string. Not catastrophic, just chronic.

                                        Those days I knew not how to make strings and the only archery in Amarillo was totally in the mode of the the new world of compound bows.

                                        The days of no order online, phone call and wait ‘patiently’ for Pony Express to deliver…

                                      • Raymond Coffman
                                          Post count: 1232


                                          Imho- whether you shoot glove or tab is personal preference. Try them both. I shoot a glove ( mostly) and currently ( now for years) shoot an American leathers glove, which I like best. I use both string servings and brass knock sets. I havn’t had any issues with the brass wearing my glove. Although I think an argument could be made of the string serving giving a more trouble free, ie smoother release.


                                        • Winny Bach
                                            Post count: 5

                                            Within the last year I have tried various versions of equipment when releasing the arrows. I did string walking, three under gap shooting, split finger gap shooting and now I think there is not much else left then trying to get me a glove to substitute the various flaps I used so far.
                                            That why I asked for your opinion on gloves. Over the last weekend I tried to shoot, because of lack of decent shooting glove, with a normal leather glove and three under.
                                            Unbelievable how small grouping there was!!!
                                            I definitely need to get me one of these three finger gloves…

                                            Shoot straight


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