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    • Ptaylor
        Post count: 579

        First shed of the year.

        Lets see yours when you find them!

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      • Bruce Smithhammer
          Post count: 2514

          Nice find! We’re still buried in snow and will be for some time, but I’m looking forward to getting out and look for sheds in another month or two.

        • Etter1
            Post count: 831

            Boy thats a score! I found a nice three point whitetail shed a few weeks ago.

          • Ron Roettger
              Post count: 52

              we still have 4 feet of snow only had 2 thawing days so far this winter “great snowshoeing!”

            • 1shot
                Post count: 252

                Nice find!!! Does your neck of the woods get over-run with the shed hunters??? AZ is rife with shed-hunters for profit…

                I usally find a bunch of Coues sheds every year during my Mt. Lion hunting, scouting trips(see “Double Deadheads”…

              • Ptaylor
                  Post count: 579

                  I saw the 2 bulls yesterday. One had dropped both antlers and the other had at least 1 antler still attached.

                  I found this shed though I think its from last year and too small for either of these bulls this year.

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                • Ptaylor
                    Post count: 579

                    1Shot, nope not many shed hunters here. The elk are all spread thin, except for the park elk. And shed hunting is hard here cause the vegetation is already growing before they drop them.

                  • Bruce Smithhammer
                      Post count: 2514

                      This is the best shed I found last season. We were hunting an area behind the house, after a fresh snowfall. As I stepped over a log, my boot kicked something that didn’t sound like wood. I reached down and pulled this out of the snow.

                    • shreffler
                        Post count: 69

                        What a find on the elk sheds! Makes me wish we had elk in NW PA. Only have a few small herds in the central part of the state, and I’m sure those counties are riddled with shed hunters.

                        Still 2 feet of snow in most parts here, haven’t gotten out yet. Once the weather warms up (or should I say if the weather warms up), I plan on getting out for some stumping and searching.

                        Just bought a new bow a few months back and really looking for any excuse I can to get out with it in my hands 😆

                      • Ptaylor
                          Post count: 579

                          nice find Smithhammer!

                        • hay57
                            Post count: 13

                            Took the bow for a walk on Friday to do some stumping and shed hunting . I got plenty of shooting but found no sheds .

                            Yesterday my TRAD partner and I spent almost 4 hours zig-zagging through his woods and only found one bone ,,,left side , 2 point. Must have made a hundred shots each .

                            We don’t actually NEED the antlers , but it is another good reason to get in the woods with our bows .

                          • Michael Davenport
                              Post count: 4

                              I had a crawfish boil and shoot at my house, and while my buddy is taking a nature break he finds this one. I am holding his present to me and Paul is to the right. Now to find the right side!

                            • Ptaylor
                                Post count: 579

                                Hey that a great one Mike!

                              • jpd
                                  Post count: 22

                                  Here in Nevada the Wildlife department has just passed a law stopping shed hunting during the winter and spring months so as to not distress the animals. Funny how wildlife departments think.

                                • Fallguy
                                    Post count: 318

                                    I understand there thinking. There is such a high price for large elk antler sheds that some people will chase them into deep snow so they have to lunge to move, thus hoping this will dislodge the antler. Unfortunately greed is the only thing they see not the truly wonderful animal they are torturing and possibility killing.

                                  • David Petersen
                                      Post count: 2749

                                      Hay57 said … “We don’t actually NEED the antlers , but it is another good reason to get in the woods with our bows.”

                                      In my books, that could be a darn good ethical motto for all hunting!

                                      Mike– crawfish boil? Damn, I’m envious.

                                      And finally, JPD, I second Fallguy about the shed hunting problem. I don’t know about NV, but here in CO the wildlife dept. (whom, I agree, doesn’t always seem to have its head screwed on right) has been forced to put date restrictions on shed hunting in some areas, like around Gunnison where tons of mule deer winter, because–guess what!–lazy stupid loser jerks on snowmobiles and ATVs were running winter herds in deep snow in hopes of making bucks drop their antlers, just like Fallguy describes. It has always been, and increasingly is so, that the honest and ethical majority must suffer for the totally worthless minority. See quote below. 😈

                                    • Stephen Graf
                                        Post count: 2428

                                        Well I have no pictures, but last year while searching for stumping arrow (not mine…) I found the head of a 12 point buck with all tines in tact, but chewed up some. Gave it to the guy who’s land we were on. Not a happy find, like sheds.

                                        Also while out stumping on my land, the young fellow I was with flung a wild one and while looking for the arrow he found a nice 8 point shed. Boy did he light up!

                                      • Ptaylor
                                          Post count: 579

                                          I’ve been offline for the last week, and am now seeing the terrible news. Maybe this can liven us some. The guy in the middle found the big one on the left and the one he is holding. I found the matching side the next day. I’m on the right.

                                          Best of luck Dave.

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                                        • James Harvey
                                            Post count: 1130

                                            Wow, those are awesome Preston!

                                          • Fallguy
                                              Post count: 318

                                              Very nice:D My hunting area still has a foot of snow. Down from 30″ deep at the peak. It has been a tough year for the deer so I am not going to disturb them just yet.

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