Home Forums Bows and Equipment Shaping feathers

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    • grumpy
        Post count: 962

        I have seen feather burners for sale… You’re kidding me.

        Get sheet copper or brass (cold rolled – copper flashing at Home Depot is too soft) try a hobby shop, you don’t need much. cut a strip 5/8 by 8″, and fold in the middle, then cut/file the free end to the shape you want, put the feather in and burn. To get the shield shape you need to make one for each end. Fly tyers have been shaping feathers this way for half a century (that I know of), and they do it with awesome precision. Like for fly wings 1/8 x 1/2 and smaller.

        attached fileattached file
      • James Harvey
          Post count: 1130

          That’s a great tip. Will be added to my archery tackle box in the very near future.

        • Ralph
            Post count: 2580

            Great deal only at my house that be done in the barn cause it still stinks :lol::lol:. I will give it a go. I have a burner that I inherited from someone but I use choppers. I’ll try your thing as it looks much simpler than trying to get the perfect shape in the wire of burner. Thx.. Ralph

          • Greg Ragan
              Post count: 201

              That is a great idea!

              I was looking to play around with different shapes.

              thanks for posting!

            • Ben M.
                Post count: 460

                Look at the way these feathers were shaped!


              • Greg Ragan
                  Post count: 201

                  I think these would make too much noise in flight:P

                • grumpy
                    Post count: 962

                    Hey!! I can’t take credit, not my idea. Read about it in mag when I was a teen, been doing it ever since.


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