Home Forums Bows and Equipment Right or Left Fletching Arrows

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    • fairburnhunter
        Post count: 17

        I have a right hand recurve and long bow. I fletch my arrows right but for some reason the feathers are hitting the bow real hard and defleting the arrows real bad and destroying the arrow plates also. Do I need to fletch the arrows left? Need help..

      • Crystalshrimp
          Post count: 125

          And I was just about to try out Right helical Fletching……

        • fairburnhunter
            Post count: 17

            I know the compound is heavier to carry into the woods, but setting up a recurve and long bow is very hard to do. I don’t give up easy but I don’t know what else to do.

          • Troy Breeding
              Post count: 994

              If your arrow is striking the shelf plate it could be something as simple as too low of a nocking point on your string. If it striking the sight window plate then your shaft is most likely too stiff.

              Can you show us a pic?


            • strait-aero
                Post count: 350

                [quote=fairburnhunter]I know the compound is heavier to carry into the woods, but setting up a recurve and long bow is very hard to do.
                Don’t give up! Stay on this web site and you will get the help you need to get your set-up right. Post your questions on the equipment side of this site. DON’T GIVE UP!!!!!

              • fairburnhunter
                  Post count: 17

                  Troy Breeding wrote: If your arrow is striking the shelf plate it could be something as simple as too low of a nocking point on your string. If it striking the sight window plate then your shaft is most likely too stiff.

                  Can you show us a pic?


                  attached file
                • fairburnhunter
                    Post count: 17

                    Troy Breeding wrote: If your arrow is striking the shelf plate it could be something as simple as too low of a nocking point on your string. If it striking the sight window plate then your shaft is most likely too stiff.

                    Can you show us a pic?


                    What are some good arrows for 55lbs@28

                  • fairburnhunter
                      Post count: 17

                      Strait-Aero wrote: [quote=fairburnhunter]I know the compound is heavier to carry into the woods, but setting up a recurve and long bow is very hard to do.
                      Don’t give up! Stay on this web site and you will get the help you need to get your set-up right. Post your questions on the equipment side of this site. DON’T GIVE UP!!!!!


                    • Troy Breeding
                        Post count: 994

                        Wow! hard to tell what I’m looking at. If I had to guess I’d say it was a selfbow.

                        Try backing off just a tad and take another pic.

                        55#@28″ depends on the type bow, cut of the sight window, string used, ect., ect., ect.,,,,,


                      • Alexandre Bugnon
                          Post count: 681

                          fairburnhunter wrote: I know the compound is heavier to carry into the woods, but setting up a recurve and long bow is very hard to do. I don’t give up easy but I don’t know what else to do.

                          Don’t give up man!! Its not hard! Once you understand the concept of fishtailing&porpoising, you’ll be just fine! And make sure you read Troy’s advice CAREFULLY, for he is the Truth!
                          Good luck

                        • fairburnhunter
                            Post count: 17

                            alexbugnon wrote: [quote=fairburnhunter]I know the compound is heavier to carry into the woods, but setting up a recurve and long bow is very hard to do. I don’t give up easy but I don’t know what else to do.

                            Don’t give up man!! Its not hard! Once you understand the concept of fishtailing&porpoising, you’ll be just fine! And make sure you read Troy’s advice CAREFULLY, for he is the Truth!
                            Good luck


                          • fairburnhunter
                              Post count: 17

                              Troy Breeding wrote: Wow! hard to tell what I’m looking at. If I had to guess I’d say it was a selfbow.

                              Try backing off just a tad and take another pic.

                              55#@28″ depends on the type bow, cut of the sight window, string used, ect., ect., ect.,,,,,


                              Flat bow 60″ 55lbs@26 Flemish String

                              attached file
                            • fairburnhunter
                                Post count: 17

                                fairburnhunter wrote: [quote=Troy Breeding]Wow! hard to tell what I’m looking at. If I had to guess I’d say it was a selfbow.

                                Try backing off just a tad and take another pic.

                                55#@28″ depends on the type bow, cut of the sight window, string used, ect., ect., ect.,,,,,


                                Flat bow 60″ 55lbs@26 Flemish String

                                attached file
                              • fairburnhunter
                                  Post count: 17

                                  fairburnhunter wrote: [quote=fairburnhunter][quote=Troy Breeding]Wow! hard to tell what I’m looking at. If I had to guess I’d say it was a selfbow.

                                  Try backing off just a tad and take another pic.

                                  55#@28″ depends on the type bow, cut of the sight window, string used, ect., ect., ect.,,,,,


                                  Flat bow 60″ 55lbs@26 Flemish String

                                  attached file
                                • fairburnhunter
                                    Post count: 17

                                    fairburnhunter wrote: [quote=fairburnhunter][quote=fairburnhunter][quote=Troy Breeding]Wow! hard to tell what I’m looking at. If I had to guess I’d say it was a selfbow.

                                    Try backing off just a tad and take another pic.

                                    55#@28″ depends on the type bow, cut of the sight window, string used, ect., ect., ect.,,,,,


                                    Flat bow 60″ 55lbs@26 Flemish String

                                    attached file
                                  • Troy Breeding
                                      Post count: 994

                                      Well, I think I see your problem. This bow has a very thick handle with a shallow sight window. If your trying anything over 40-45# spine you may fine the shafts to be too stiff. I’d suggest nothing over that spine and shoting them long (full length) to start with. You can always cut them off alittle at a time to find the right length. Make sure your nocking point onthe string is about 1/2″ above level to start with.

                                      Thats my suggestions for a starting point.

                                      One other thing, I doubt you will ever find a shaft that will shoot out of this bow and the recurve at the same time. The recurve will require more spine due to it most likely have a deeper sight window.


                                    • fairburnhunter
                                        Post count: 17

                                        Troy Breeding wrote: Well, I think I see your problem. This bow has a very thick handle with a shallow sight window. If your trying anything over 40-45# spine you may fine the shafts to be too stiff. I’d suggest nothing over that spine and shoting them long (full length) to start with. You can always cut them off alittle at a time to find the right length. Make sure your nocking point onthe string is about 1/2″ above level to start with.

                                        Thats my suggestions for a starting point.

                                        One other thing, I doubt you will ever find a shaft that will shoot out of this bow and the recurve at the same time. The recurve will require more spine due to it most likely have a deeper sight window.


                                        Thanks Troy. I will try this. I feel better. Thanks Again.

                                      • fairburnhunter
                                          Post count: 17

                                          fairburnhunter wrote: [quote=Troy Breeding]Well, I think I see your problem. This bow has a very thick handle with a shallow sight window. If your trying anything over 40-45# spine you may fine the shafts to be too stiff. I’d suggest nothing over that spine and shoting them long (full length) to start with. You can always cut them off alittle at a time to find the right length. Make sure your nocking point onthe string is about 1/2″ above level to start with.

                                          Thats my suggestions for a starting point.

                                          One other thing, I doubt you will ever find a shaft that will shoot out of this bow and the recurve at the same time. The recurve will require more spine due to it most likely have a deeper sight window.


                                          Thanks Troy. I will try this. I feel better. Thanks Again.

                                          Had a few Goldtips 3555 and they work great. I was using 5575. One last question. Can 3″ feathers be used with traditional bows? I have read 4 and 5.

                                        • Troy Breeding
                                            Post count: 994

                                            3″ feathers can be used as long as your arrows are tuned properly. It takes time to properly tune your arrows, but it’s worth it once you see how much better they fly.


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