Home Forums Bows and Equipment Repairing minor damage?

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    • RedTape
        Post count: 51

        I recently bought a used laminated longbow that was in pretty good condition. It shoots fine, but there are a couple dents on the riser where it looks like the bow was dropped. A couple of them look like they are all the way through the finish and into the wood.

        I was going to put a little super glue in there to seal them and keep moisture out, but I noticed on the package it says not for use with wood or polyurethane finish. Any recommendations on what to use to seal these?

      • Stephen Graf
          Post count: 2428

          Why not a little polyurethane? Or a dab of Tru-Oil? Anything you have around the house should work.

          The super glue is good for holding down splinters and such. So don’t hesitate to use it to fix any minor defects of that nature…

        • William Warren
            Post count: 1384

            Try some epoxy. I have not done this on a bow but I have used this on a wooden boat. I had a screw head that would not hold filler for long so I mixed up some 8 hour epoxy and dabbed it into the hole just enough to fill it level. Then I placed a piece of blue painters masking tape over it like a band-aid and let it set up. The tape put enough pressure on it to keep it smooth while curing. When I peeled the tape off the next day it was smooth and set up hard. You could sand it smooth and refinish right over it. Rod building epoxy would be clearer than the type you buy at the hardware. I don’t know how large or small your dents are but this may work for you.
            If it is a really small dent try a dab of clear fingernail polish.

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