Home Forums Bows and Equipment Rattlesnake Backed Bama Osage Expedition!

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    • Ripforce
        Post count: 225

        Sent my Bama Expi Osage Takedown back to Nate a Bama bows to have it backed with Diamondback Rattlesnake skins, as usual Nate did not disapoint! Love the matte finish and the natural camoflauge look of the skins!

      • Ripforce
          Post count: 225

          another Pic!

        • David Petersen
            Post count: 2749

            Rip — For years I turned my nose up at skins, and darned if I know why. More recently I’ve put them on two Shrews and had them right in the faces of many elk and deer and never once did glare cause a problem. Skins are great camo, so long as they’re not covered with a glossy finish. My favorite is cottonmouth, but diamonback is also gorgeous. While I’m sure you can abuse a bow sufficiently to cause the skins to start flaking off, I’ve not had that problem. It’s a big investment, either in time and labor, or money, but worth it for a bow you consider a keeper. Nice pics, nice bow. Dave

          • Wexbow
              Post count: 403

              That’s a beauty ripforce – enjoy!

            • Crookedstick
                Post count: 38

                Wow, you got that back fast…and it looks GREAT! They’ll make the bow shoot straighter as well!


              • Ripforce
                  Post count: 225

                  Shot it outdoors yesterday was shooting some real tite groups with it! Tues is my indoor shooting nite so it will be a true test at longer distances! I started shooting with a Cavalier Elite tab, absolutly love it, tried other tabs but didn’t like them much! Nick had this one at his house, tried it out it was like I was shooting with one all my life really smooths out your release!

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