I am thinking about buying one of Fred Asbell’s GFA quivers. It looks like a good product. Does anyone here use one and is it worth the cash? I don’t know much about hunting quivers so I am looking for advice.
Danny, I’m sure the GFA is worth the cash but what I did was take a Qwikee Quiver that was made as a bow quiver and modified it so it is now a GFA style quiver for alot less money. Something to think about if you don’t want to spend the money.
I use one similar to G. Fred’s that I use and I like it alot. I added a small caribiner to the shoulder strap near the tip end of the quiver so I can uncouple the strap and easily slip out of it without the extra motion and problems of slipping it over my head.
i THANKFULLY crossed from the “darkside”(compounds) to traditional. i always used a mount-on quiver. but now there are mount-on quivers, back quivers, and hip quivers. for hunting purpose what do you all prefer?