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    • skinner biscuit
        Post count: 252

        For those who wear glasses,what style do you prefer? I have 2 pair and if I wear the ones with the bigger frames my anchor hand pushes up on the frame.I shoot 3 under.

      • Arne Moe
          Post count: 147

          Got to ask, what do you mean by style? Shooting style or glasses style (design)?


        • skinner biscuit
            Post count: 252

            Design style,round,square,etc.

          • Arne Moe
              Post count: 147

              I’ve never had a problem due to the shape of the glasses. That’s from the large “aviator” to just standard shaped glasses. If your hand is hitting the frames or bows of the glasses, you may have your string hand too high on your face at your anchor position. In my opinion, the base knuckle of your string hand should not come higher on your face than just under the cheek bone (split or 3 under). That is somewhere around an inch under the glasses and should not interfere or hit the frames.

              Would need to see a picture of you at full draw to help much more, I think.


            • skinner biscuit
                Post count: 252

                Moebow,I anchor corner of mouth,middle finger.

              • Fallguy
                  Post count: 318

                  The style of glasses or head wear? I love a brimmed hat but with the shape of my melon if there is any kind of brim it well distract me. The shape of your head the length of your bow your style of anchor and the type bow you shoot all come into play. As with all things Trad you will need to find your own style.8)

                • Stephen Graf
                    Post count: 2428

                    Well hummmmmm. Sounds like a few of us had a little bozo sprinkled on our eggs this morning 🙄 I’ll take a stab here and actually address the question.

                    I have had issues with glasses too. The two problems I had is that the string will sometimes hit the bottom of the frame as I draw, and the frame of the glasses will sometimes block my dominant eye’s view of the target.

                    I have always like the traditional look of round glasses. A few years ago, the optometrist I went to quit carrying them. Notice I say “went”… I found a new place with better attitude and service. They also talked me out of my old round glasses and into some of these new-fangled rectangular ones without frames.

                    I have to say they are the best glasses I have owned in terms of their lack of involvement in my shot. Because they are narrower, my string does not hit the bottom of the lense, and because there is no frames, they don’t interfere with my view of the target.

                    A wee bit expensive though…

                  • mhay
                      Post count: 264

                      I also have two pairs of perscription glasses . One is a set of frames that are over fifteen years old with large lenses, , ,nearly round. The other is a lot smaller , rectangle shape. Neither give me any trouble .

                      But , like Fallguy , I like brimmed hats . If the string touches anything during my draw the whole thing falls apart . So to keep the hat and eliminate the distraction I made a deer antler button and sewed the button to the crown and curled the brim up to the button . Like July Johnson said after he got his face burned ‘it’s easier to where it than look at it ‘.

                      I also shoot split finger and anchor middle finger in corner of mouth.

                    • Ben M.
                        Post count: 460

                        I wear thick black plastic-framed glasses with square lenses. They’ve never once interfered with my shooting, but I’ve been wearing glasses all my life. Maybe yours will just take some getting used to. One thing I notice is that I don’t shoot nearly as well while wearing contacts as I do with glasses. Don’t really know why. Maybe all the extra peripheral vision is distracting, or maybe the problem lies in being able to see the arrow in focus at full draw. Beats me.

                      • Troy Warner
                          Post count: 239

                          skinner biscuit wrote: For those who wear glasses,what style do you prefer? I have 2 pair and if I wear the ones with the bigger frames my anchor hand pushes up on the frame.I shoot 3 under.

                          Wear the ones with the smaller frame. I shoot with glasses and with contacts, I make sure to practice with both. A smaller frame for me is just more comfortable all around.

                          Good luck


                        • Don Thomas
                            Post count: 334

                            I wrestled with this for years. Glasses are a huge PIA in the field. They fog up in wet weather like Alaska’s, and frost up in cold weather like Montana’s. One time I got 10 yards from a bedded caribou in the rain and had to take my glasses off and wipe them so I could shoot. Every time I rubbed them it made a little squeak, and the bull would turn around and stare. (I eventually killed him anyway.) My solution? Daily wear contacts! Don

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