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    • David Petersen
        Post count: 2749

        A bit early yet, but I’m curious how many here plan to attend the PBS (Professional Bowhunters Society)banquet and show in late March in Portland, OR?

        The entire TBM crew will be there, as we’re holding our annual editorial meeting in conjunction with the PBS event. Of course I and we would enjoy meeting as many tradbow.com regulars there as possible … but I fear a modest attendance since most bowhunters and PBS members live in the East, and Portland is a very long haul. Even for most westerners, they could hardly have chosen a less accessible place. But in any event, anyone here plan to attend? Dave

      • skifrk
          Post count: 387


          I will probably be not able to make it. Are you going to the CBA banquet in Longmont this year?

        • David Petersen
            Post count: 2749

            Thanks for asking, but I’m not a CBA guy.

          • Bruce Smithhammer
              Post count: 2514

              Wish I could, but I’m not going to be able to make it to PBS. I’m hoping to hit the BHA Rendezvous the first week of March, and unfortunately, I can’t take time off for both (+ Missoula is a lot closer for me). Hope to see you there.

            • David Petersen
                Post count: 2749

                Bruce — Thanks for asking, but I won’t be making that one either. When you get there, tell them for me to “keep your boots on the ground and your heads in the grassroots.” I’m attending PBS because I’m a big supporter of TBM, and TBM is a big supporter of PBS. The one I’m sorry I can’t make every year is Kalamazoo, and several of the state annual banquets I’ve attended, east to west. And likely others I’ve not yet attended. Bottom line is I hate hate hate to fly, and March is often our heaviest snow month here and I don’t want to leave my lovely bride stuck up here alone to deal with it.

              • Bruce Smithhammer
                  Post count: 2514

                  David Petersen wrote: Bottom line is I hate hate hate to fly…

                  I hear ya there. I fly when I absolutely have to for work and that’s it.

                  I’d really like to hit PBS and Kalamazoo as well, but I also need to “bank” time now, so that I’ll get less grief about it in the fall!

                • kjlarson
                    Post count: 26

                    I really lucked out for this one. I live less than five miles from where the event takes place!

                  • JEMBO
                      Post count: 29

                      I spent the Holidays in Portland with my son and his family; what a beautiful city. ‘Was planning to go until our other son announced a new granchild coming about that time in the opposite direction. New grandchild trumps PBS. My son and grandson will be there.

                      btw I’d rather drive twelve hours than fly two.

                    • WICanner
                        Post count: 136

                        I really wish that I could go to Portland, but as you say, a long haul from most anywhere. I want to save vacation days for time afield.

                        I did go to Kalamazoo last year, and may do so again this year. Of course they have a very special speaker this year in Dr. Ashby. I have an annual dinner I just may play hooky from, and sneak over to MI one night for the show. Cough Cough I feel a cold coming on! 😉

                      • Robin Conrads
                          Post count: 916

                          Jembo wrote: I spent the Holidays in Portland with my son and his family; what a beautiful city.

                          I’ll second that! It should be nice in March and the weather is usually very mild. (We are hoping it doesn’t rain that weekend.) I’m more excited about going to Voodoo Doughnut and having a Maple Bacon Bar! It’s an eight hour drive from Boise and I think we are going to add a trip to the coast. The Pacific ocean is only an hour away by car.

                          As long-time PBSers we often have to travel great distances to attend the gatherings and see our friends. We fight very hard for gatherings in the West and we tell the Council that more folks from the West would join if they could see how much fun we have. I hope you will join us. It’s not too late to sign up.

                        • David Petersen
                            Post count: 2749

                            WIcanner — thanks for mentioning that Doc Ashby will be giving a presentation at K-zoo this year. It’s not just a review of the basic results of his studies, which we’re all familiar with by now, but breaks new ground. In conjunction, Ron “Sharpster” Swartz of KME will give a sharpening seminar.

                            It would be tremendously fun and useful if someone would video these two presentations so we can post the links here for all to benefit from. Dave

                          • WICanner
                              Post count: 136

                              My wife has just informed me that we have two things going on that K-Zoo weekend. One, the kids bought us tickets to a show called the “Blue Man Group” which is coming to our area. Then there is the aforementioned dinner on Sat. night. RATS! This being civilized stuff is tough on me. The advance billing says the group “leaves the entire audience in a blissful, euphoric state.” 🙄

                              I sure hope somebody tapes Dr. Ashby’s talk to share. Unfortunately, a K-Zoo trip is not in the cards for me this year.:(

                            • Vintage Archer
                                Post count: 276

                                David Petersen wrote: WIcanner — thanks for mentioning that Doc Ashby will be giving a presentation at K-zoo this year. It’s not just a review of the basic results of his studies, which we’re all familiar with by now, but breaks new ground. In conjunction, Ron “Sharpster” Swartz of KME will give a sharpening seminar.

                                It would be tremendously fun and useful if someone would video these two presentations so we can post the links here for all to benefit from. Dave

                                Troy Breeding will also be part of the K-zoo seminar.He will be discussing arrow tuning and FOC arrows .I am really looking forward To meeting Dr Ashby along with Troy and Ron.

                              • wabow35
                                  Post count: 6

                                  I’m just making sure, but do you have to be an PBS member to go to this banquet? I may only be able to make it saturday but i would like to go to some of the seminars and the dinner+auction.

                                • Robin Conrads
                                    Post count: 916

                                    wabow35 wrote: I’m just making sure, but do you have to be an PBS member to go to this banquet? I may only be able to make it saturday but i would like to go to some of the seminars and the dinner+auction.

                                    Yes, I believe you do have to be a member to attend the events. Best to check with PBS though.

                                  • 3blades
                                      Post count: 58

                                      I saw Portland and I thought Maine. My geography was a mere 2000 miles off…:oops::lol:

                                      Never been but someday would love to visit.

                                    • Chad Sivertsen
                                        Post count: 84

                                        PBS will be fun but I have to be at TBofMT in Chico this weekend and BHA Rendezvous in Missoula in early March so may not make it to Portland. Hate to miss it when it is in the West as I don’t go East of the Missouri River.

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