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    • David Coulter
        Post count: 2293

        Just curious. Has anyone had or tried an elk hunt in Pennsylvania?

      • Brennan Herr
          Post count: 403

          I put in for it every year. If I ever draw a tag i will let you know how it goes!!! But I doubt I will draw a tag!!!??

        • David Coulter
            Post count: 2293

            I entered a couple of times and then figured if I did draw one it would too big a commitment at this juncture. I’d love to go sometime though. D

          • Stephen Graf
              Post count: 2428

              I hear the success rate is near 100%. But not many tags issued.

              In Virginia, about 20 a year or so are killed in the counties bordering Tennessee. The DWR was supposed to stop allowing elk to be taken with deer tags and to let the population expand into VA. But I think they got blowback from the various industries (insurance , Farming, etc) happy with the lack of big critters.

              in North Carolina the WRC has a don’t ask don’t tell policy about poaching the few elk in our mountains. As long as you can “prove” they ate your petunia (if anyone bothers to ask), you’re good to go. Thus the elk herd hasn’t expanded here. Lucky to survive at all.

            • David Coulter
                Post count: 2293

                Steve, in comparison, it looks like Pa might have the right idea on this reintroduction. I haven’t even driven out to see them. It’s quite a tourist sensational, and a good one at that. I didn’t know they ranges as far south as you are. Is that from a Tennessee reintroduction? Interesting. Dc

              • Carl Brickey
                  Post count: 105

                  Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee all have had re-introductions in recent years. The Kentucky herd has grown to over 10,000 elk, and some have migrated over the mountains into Southwest Virginia. There is also a small herd in Buchanan, Wise, and Dickenson Counties in Southwest Virginia. http://www.dgif.virginia.gov/wildlife/elk/management-plan/

                  Personally, I hope to see wild elk in these mountains before I die. Only time will tell!

                • paleoman
                    Post count: 931

                    Michigan has had a herd since the early 1900’s I think it was…anyway, it’s hovered +/- 1000 animals over the years. I’ve never tried to obtain a permit. I’m good with a whitetail or two. Several hundred pounds of meat would overwhelm my ability to use it. I didn’t know the KY herd was over 10K, wow!

                  • smiley1
                      Post count: 102

                      I’ve entered in the drawing for 10 years. Wish they would use a preference point system like many states out west instead of the current system they use. Currently your name goes into the drawing for as many years as you have applied which still gives you very low odds. I’ll keep applying and maybe get lucky one of these years. There have been a few archery kills since the hunt started but as far as I know no one has done it with traditional gear. Steve, you are correct. The success rate is near 100% with about 98% being taken with rifles, 1.5% muzzleloaders and .5% archery.


                    • wojo14
                        Post count: 325

                        I apply every year as well. Only $10.

                        Im with Brennan, I doubt I will ever get the tag.

                      • Lungcutter
                          Post count: 3

                          I have a camp right in the middle of the PA herd. They are fairly easy to get close to, a trad bow shouldnt be the hard part. Drawing a tag is the next to impossible part.

                          They are a beautiful animal and I never tire of seeing them while hunting.

                        • elkhunt65x
                            Post count: 8

                            Lungcutter wrote: I have a camp right in the middle of the PA herd. They are fairly easy to get close to, a trad bow shouldnt be the hard part. Drawing a tag is the next to impossible part.

                            They are a beautiful animal and I never tire of seeing them while hunting.

                            Absolutely, Elk are majestic creatures. It would be an honor to hunt one.. no such luck for me yet though..

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