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    • Ralph
        Post count: 2580

        I think they need more help than monetary! The shafts in the box are OK but everything else was ripped off. Ticks me off. I retired from the light company and we made every effort to fix things and get people’s lights back on. With this outfit all I’m getting is a big run around and a form to fill out. Bet I don’t get a dime back of what was taken. Sorry about anger but it’s typical…. Nuff said.

      • David Petersen
          Post count: 2749

          So you think PO personnel stole stuff … or maybe it just fell out after the box was destroyed? Either way, it sucks. This pic looks too familiar to me, as just last week I received a box of arrows in the same triangular box. The shipper had them clipped into foam holders but no protection whatsoever around the arrows, just wads of paper at either end. The box was as torn up as yours or more, so that I could see the yellow fletchings through the big holes. One feather was slightly damaged but the rest miraculously OK. Clearly, this is not a safe way to send arrows. They need some sort of rigid inside protection. And several wraps of duct tape would help a lot to protect things.

          Compared to UPS, the PO is good since at least they usually get your stuff to you, eventually, while UPS regularly loses stuff and claims to have delivered it.

          I believe the shipper should accept some responsibility in this sort of thing. These days, you can’t just dump stuff in a box and send it off; inner packaging is mandatory. Hope you win your battle with these folks.

        • George McCloskey
            Post count: 55

            That’s too bad R2. I had a similar experience with a Cabelas shipment a couple of weeks ago. A great deal on Easton Arrows, but when they arrived, the inner Easton box was crushed, despite being laced into a larger Cabelas box that had “obligatory” wadded up paper on each end. Looked like it had gone through a chipper machine.

            Retailers and shippers know that it’s a pain in the blankety blank to return stuff to them as a consumer. Most are great at refunding/returns, but it just lengthens the purchasing process by weeks. 😥

          • kjlarson
              Post count: 26

              I guess my decision is made. I will go to my local shop with my arrow order, today.

            • Raymond Coffman
                Post count: 1232

                sorry to see that R2 — I have had a lot of arrows/shafts come by USPS and so far {knockwood}all ok — In fact the lady mail carrier brings Bow & Arrow boxes to my house*! Intead of leaving me a note. I hope she keeps doing the job for awhile!!


                * My Mail is one of those community boxes at the end of the road.

              • Mark Turton
                  Post count: 759

                  This appears to be a common gripe around the globe, we recently lost, or I should say the carrier lost, a parcel valued at about $500.00 and because the extended liability box was not ticked we are only entitled to compensation up to $200.00 however the excess is $150.00 so we receive 10% of the value of the contents!

                  One of my Germany suppliers has now started itemizing the cost of packing material due to the cost of filler, tape, banding and extra labeling to ensure things get to us or returned to them.

                  Problem with the big companies is attitude top to bottom they don’t care, fortunately there are still some independents and franchise companies that make an effort.

                  Rant over, Mark.

                • vajd
                    Post count: 29

                    Yes, it’s a pain but, it’s still considered the shippers property until the package crosses the the door way into your home. I had a package stolen off my front porch, saw two sets of tracks coming and going in the snow. Called to police thinking I would let them know it happened. They caught the girl that took the package the next day!

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