Home Forums Campfire Forum Nock Tension

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    • cgchris
        Post count: 7

        Hello all and a little help please. I am shooting carbon arrows from a 55lb Bear Montana Longbow. (2 areas I shoot dont allow wooden arrows). It seems as though my new arrows are a lttle tight on the string and cause my shots to make a bit more noise. How firm should the nock be and how would I adjust it? Thanks in advance. Chris

      • kellydockter
          Post count: 67

          hey cg – most all strings have different size servings on them, but you could try sanding the inside of your nock real lightly just a little with a fine sand paper. 😀

        • Vance Brewer
            Post count: 23

            I prefer my nocks just tight enough to hang suspended from the string, allowing the slightest bump to cause them to drop away…….Warming the nocks with warm water also helps with adjusting the nock to your preferred like-in

          • Fletcher
              Post count: 177

              Iron Bull’s fit is perfect, altho I like my hunting nock fit to be just a slight bit snug so they don’t fall off too easy when I bump them on stand. The best way to adjust is with your serving. Sanding or heating nocks too much can weaken them. If they are loose, you can wrap a bit of dental floss where the nock goes to snug up the fit.

            • Brad
                Post count: 35

                cgchris wrote: (2 areas I shoot dont allow wooden arrows). Chris

                Chris… the other guys pretty much covered your nock problem, but I’m curious about not allowing the use of wooden arrows. Never heard of that before. Are they state/federal lands, and do you know why they don’t allow the use of wood?


              • crooketarrow
                  Post count: 1

                  I to have never heard of this,where you hunting.

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