Home Forums Bows and Equipment New String

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    • Crystalshrimp
        Post count: 125

        I just restrung my bow (new string)without any silencers and was out shooting at my target. WoW!! My bow is as loud as can be, thud thud thud. Could it be that I have to break in the string. I do shoot heavy arrows and my bow with its previous string was as quiet as can be. I did restring with the exact same string for my bow.

      • taterman
          Post count: 14

          yea my one thunderstick cant live w/out silencers ,or if the brace is a little too low new string may be too long

        • Stephen Graf
            Post count: 2428

            If the 2 strings are not exactly the same, and the brace height isn’t set the same, you will not get the same results.

            Put the old string on and check:

            -Brace height

            -nock location

            -silencer location

            Make the new string like the old string and everything should be ok… When I get a string shooting really well, I record all that info on a sheet of paper for future reference.

          • Crystalshrimp
              Post count: 125

              This is just to weird for me. I set my brace height just perfect and barshafted some arrows today. They cleaned up nicely at 15yds leaving nice bullet holes. I came home and added my beaver balls to the strings and rechecked my brace height and fletched my arrows. Every single arrow (9) was shooting weak spined. I shot and shot again. I just cant figure out what happened. I will rest up for tonight and try again tomorrow.

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