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    • Raymond Coffman
        Post count: 1232

        A friend just sent me this –

        It is a “Bang stick” attached to an arrow to be fired from your bow!!! You put a Magnum pistol Cartridge in the Bhead and when it hits the animal it shoots the bullet into the portion you hit!

        I am not sure how to post it directly but if you Google up —

        BOW MAG BY RAC-EM-BAC- YouTube — you will get the advertisement. My guess it is only “Legal for nongame” so far -I Hope!

        Wow – It is becoming more absurd daily


      • Michael Scott
          Post count: 80


          I saw this posted on a couple friends’ Facebook pages. Here is a link to a YouTube video:


          They also have a birdshot version for small game that doesn’t use any kind of cartridge. Not sure how it works, exactly. If you can hit the small game with their birdshot arrow, you should be able to hit it with a blunt or Judo.

          My personal opinion, yes, it is one more “lazy hunter” gadget. I believe that these gadgets will only lead to wounded and/or lost game.

        • Raymond Coffman
            Post count: 1232

            Thanks Michael for the easy link –

            I don’t realy “get” the purpose for this, new gadget syndrome I guess


          • Wexbow
              Post count: 403

              WTF?!? I have no words… 🙁

            • Bruce Smithhammer
                Post count: 2514

                Disgusting. My understanding is that most states (not all?!?) have laws against any sort of “explosive head” being used for bowhunting, but still…

              • David Coulter
                  Post count: 2293

                  Alright, with all the crazy stuff out there, this is messed up. dwc

                • lyagooshka
                    Post count: 600

                    Many years ago, I saw, in a “tactical / military / survival” magazine a “bow” that shoots an arrow using compressed air. Basically stick a X-Gun bolt into a paintball gun. What will they think of next? Actually, I don’t think I want to know. Be well.



                  • RayB
                      Post count: 45

                      Fishing lures catch more fisherman than they do fish, I think this just falls into the same marketing

                      Please don’t ask me how I know about the fishing lures 😳

                    • Goraidh
                        Post count: 101

                        Is there any question why we’re all traditional? That gizmo is terrible.

                      • Michael Scott
                          Post count: 80

                          Smithhammer wrote: Disgusting. My understanding is that most states (not all?!?) have laws against any sort of “explosive head” being used for bowhunting, but still…

                          Most likely, the laws in place in those states are specifically for the harvest of animals deemed by each state as “nongame” animals. As the video shows, they use them on hogs. The small game birdshot arrows apparently don’t use any kind of explosive force to propel the shot, so it wouldn’t be illegal for use on designated small game. Just pointing out some thoughts that came to mind.

                          However, don’t get me wrong when I point these out. I do not like the idea of these gadgets being in the woods. Archery season is for ARCHERY equipment. As I’ve said in the past…if you want to shoot something at a long range, or make a “bang” to accompany your shot…HUNT WITH A GUN. In Montana, I would bow hunt during bow season, and then, if I didn’t have meat in the freezer (as was generally the case), out would come the rifle. But I would never consider these gadgets to be useful or practical. Technology is swiftly driving ethics into the dirt. Compounders are taking longer and longer shots….though I know some trad guys that have taken ridiculously long shots as well…and the gizmos and gadgetry is simply getting out of hand in a very stupid way.

                        • BuckyT
                            Post count: 138

                            No words really……………………:x

                            About as pathetic as the “Poison Pods” I saw on a guys arrows in S.C. one time years ago. I was getting gas and noticed them on his bow in the cab of his truck. When he came out, I asked him what they were?

                            He said poison pods.. Doesn’t matter where you hit the deer, as long as it penetrates somewhat……….. Poison gets in blood stream, deer is dead in a matter of minutes…………………..

                          • lyagooshka
                              Post count: 600

                              BuckyT wrote: No words really……………………:x

                              About as pathetic as the “Poison Pods” I saw on a guys arrows in S.C. one time years ago. I was getting gas and noticed them on his bow in the cab of his truck. When he came out, I asked him what they were?

                              He said poison pods.. Doesn’t matter where you hit the deer, as long as it penetrates somewhat……….. Poison gets in blood stream, deer is dead in a matter of minutes…………………..

                              And you’re supposed to eat the meat then? Or was this a trophy poacher? Be well.



                            • Mark Turton
                                Post count: 759

                                Emergency Rooms are going to have ques!

                              • Raymond Coffman
                                  Post count: 1232

                                  pothunter –

                                  Yea the safety issues were the first thing I thought of also after the WTF! —


                                • BuckyT
                                    Post count: 138

                                    lyagooshka wrote: [quote=BuckyT]No words really……………………:x

                                    About as pathetic as the “Poison Pods” I saw on a guys arrows in S.C. one time years ago. I was getting gas and noticed them on his bow in the cab of his truck. When he came out, I asked him what they were?

                                    He said poison pods.. Doesn’t matter where you hit the deer, as long as it penetrates somewhat……….. Poison gets in blood stream, deer is dead in a matter of minutes…………………..

                                    And you’re supposed to eat the meat then? Or was this a trophy poacher? Be well.



                                    I have no clue………. Didn’t continue the conversation with the guy. Got in my truck shaking my head…

                                    I wouldn’t eat a deer killed with one of those! Think it’s the same chemical vets use to euthanize animals with?

                                  • BuckyT
                                      Post count: 138

                                      BuckyT wrote: [quote=lyagooshka][quote=BuckyT]No words really……………………:x

                                      About as pathetic as the “Poison Pods” I saw on a guys arrows in S.C. one time years ago. I was getting gas and noticed them on his bow in the cab of his truck. When he came out, I asked him what they were?

                                      He said poison pods.. Doesn’t matter where you hit the deer, as long as it penetrates somewhat……….. Poison gets in blood stream, deer is dead in a matter of minutes…………………..

                                      And you’re supposed to eat the meat then? Or was this a trophy poacher? Be well.



                                      I have no clue………. Didn’t continue the conversation with the guy. Got in my truck shaking my head…

                                      I wouldn’t eat a deer killed with one of those! Think it’s the same chemical vets use to euthanize animals with?

                                      Looked up some info and found this:

                                      “Don’t use the stuff, but I shoot targets with a pharmacist, and we’ve had this discussion before-the drug is

                                      Anectine(generic name Succinyl Choline Chloride). It is a non-narcotic schedule 6 drug, regulated by the FDA and its legal use is restricted to its “labeled use” which is to paralyze the breathing muscles during certain surgeries in order to facilitate ventilator breathing. It is also used in combination with other drugs to facilitate the lethal injection administered to death row inmates.

                                      It is not illegal to use for hunting under Mississippi law, however, its use for other than its intended labeled purposes is a violation of FDA regulations. I’m told that it has a very short active life, and breaks down quickly in the body into harmless compounds, hence eating the meat of an animal killed with the poison would be safe.

                                      I understand that the powder form of the drug is now very hard to come by, since hospitals no longer carry it(it kept disappearing from their drug shelf during hunting season). Also, no pharmacist can dispense it or use it for bowhunting, without risking the loss of their license. So if anyone is using it, I wonder how they are legally obtaining it.”

                                      I found this statement on a random hunting forum when I googled “poison pods”..

                                    • skifrk
                                        Post count: 387

                                        Not surprised with either items being posted here after all the human brain is a either a dangerous cruel weapon or can also deliver great compassion and artistic beauty in other ways.

                                      • lyagooshka
                                          Post count: 600

                                          BuckyT wrote: …breaks down quickly in the body into harmless compounds, hence eating the meat of an animal killed with the poison would be safe.

                                          First, I would never use it. Second, no matter how fast the compounds break down, I would NEVER feed my family something so tainted. Part of the reason I hunt is to feed my family “organic, free range” meat. Kind of defeats the purpose. Still shaking my head. Why not just set up a snare? No respect for the game or fair chase, that’s what it boils down to. Be well.



                                        • BuckyT
                                            Post count: 138

                                            lyagooshka wrote: [quote=BuckyT]…breaks down quickly in the body into harmless compounds, hence eating the meat of an animal killed with the poison would be safe.

                                            First, I would never use it. Second, no matter how fast the compounds break down, I would NEVER feed my family something so tainted. Part of the reason I hunt is to feed my family “organic, free range” meat. Kind of defeats the purpose. Still shaking my head. Why not just set up a snare? No respect for the game or fair chase, that’s what it boils down to. Be well.




                                          • skifrk
                                              Post count: 387

                                              And here is another one of the lows to add after all it seems the compounds are getting so short they have had to introduce a new device to eliminate the torquing problem.


                                            • Northener
                                                Post count: 20

                                                It’s no wonder the anti hunting crowd is growing, we are our own worst enemy. No good can come from gizmo’s like that.

                                                While clicking the remote the other day I came across a commercial for some kind of Ozone thingamajig. The hunter hangs this thing above his head on a tree, turns it on and walla, it eliminates our scent in and around the stand area. NO NEED TO SHOWER OR WATCH WIND DIRECTION. This BTW was a commercial for yet another “pro” and his wife, hunting show, you know the ones, where they all whisper, and we are suppose to hear what they are saying, ya right. just turns my stomach.

                                              • lyagooshka
                                                  Post count: 600


                                                  Check out the following thread from a while ago:


                                                  Be well.



                                                • Don Thomas
                                                    Post count: 334

                                                    Ah, the “pod”.. it has an interesting history of which we all should be aware, since it proves that unethical shortcuts and manufacturer stupidity are not unique to our own age. A couple of facts. 1. Eating an animal killed with succinylcholine really won’t hurt you. Strange, but true. 2. Mississippi really was the outlier in terms of legality. 3. Believe it or not, one of its early advocates was Fred Bear. This has been well documented elsewhere, but please see an upcoming TBM interview with Bob Lee. The moral? We must never let our guard down. There is an endless supply of bad ideas fueled by money for someone. Don

                                                  • ccrconner
                                                      Post count: 10

                                                      Used to be that you could obtain the drug from vetinary’s in MS but the finally put a stop to that source.

                                                    • William Warren
                                                        Post count: 1384

                                                        Pods have always been illegal in NC. I hope these things are considered like pods and struck down as well but with our new legislature, who knows what could be made legal.:(

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