Home Forums Bows and Equipment New bow project Limb blew :(

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    • wTk
        Post count: 103

        Been working on a new bow. Marblewood handle with an actionwood accent strip and camo actionwood veneers. I’ve got the gloss coat of finish on and waiting for it to cure then I’ll sand it smooth, add some vine patterns on the limb and give it several coats of matt finish. It’s about 50# draw weight. The limb tips have buffalo horn.

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      • Brennan Herr
          Post count: 403

          That is one great looking bow! Very nice work!:D

        • Stephen Graf
            Post count: 2426

            I love to see this stuff here! Nice looking bow.

          • wTk
              Post count: 103

              😕 🙁 😡 Dang the veneer appears to have sheared under load. Not sure but it looks like the actionwood pulled apart at a joint. Even the glass pulled apart. Glad it happened to me and not the young man it was for. It never gave me a hint that it was failing.

            • Stephen Graf
                Post count: 2426

                That sucks! But you know what they say, if you ain’t breaking them, you ain’t making them…

                I broke 4 last year, my personal best (or worst 🙁 )

              • grumpy
                  Post count: 962

                  Not your fault, Dude.

                  I was making 2 and one broke (the wood) just above the riser, and the fiberglass let go of the wood on the other (delaminated)we have discussed it in length and decided that I was not at fault. It was the full moon. Bet it was the same full moon that caused your mishap. Salvage what you can (beautiful riser, bet you don’t have any furniture that pretty) and just go on. The only people that never make mistakes are those who never do anything. 😀

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