Home Forums Bows and Equipment New Backpack Quiver

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    • Stephen Graf
        Post count: 2428

        A few years ago, I posted a thread about a PVC Backpack quiver I made.  It worked really well and so I thought I’d make one from leather as it would be a bit lighter.  I was gonna just add to that other thread, but when I tried to do a search, I got a “404 error”.  This happens every time I try to do a search. – Maybe our web mom knows why?

        Since I could not find the old thread, I thought I’d start a new one.  The leather for this quiver cost about $5.00.  It straps to the side of the backpack…  I got fancy with some braiding around the arrow opening and the top, but its not necessary.

        I hope those elk appreciate all this effort come the end of October when I head out to CO…  Dang I miss those good emoji’s we used to have on this forum.

        Here’s the quiver itself:

      • Robin Conrads
          Post count: 916

          Hi Steve. Good luck with the elk!

          Sorry this site is still hard to work with. It seems that the search doesn’t work for phrases, only single words, but I will do some digging to change that! When you search for a word, such as quiver, you will see comments from  threads that have the word quiver in them. If you look at the upper right corner of each box, it will tell you the thread it was in, and if you click that you see the whole thread. Yes, that is a really bad way to find something!

          The other solution I found may be easier. Since you know you wrote the post, you can go to your profile (by clicking your name, everyone can click on anyones name) and click “Topics Started”. Then you will see a list of all of them and (hopefully) find the one you are looking for.

          And now for emojis…

          Emojis seem to be an individual thing within your keyboard now. Phones and mobile devices generally have them built in; look for the little smilie face near the space bar when you’re typing.

          Here is a document that explains it for all devices; mobile and desktop/laptop computers. This probably isn’t the answer you were hoping for, but I am really having a hard time finding something that works on our site. I found that a quick keystroke combo gives me tons of choices on my Mac laptop. I think if you set this up on your computer, it can be a lot easier than you think, but it might be more difficult if you are using an older computer.


          Keep it “G” please. My grandson’s favorite emoji is the poop. 😊 😳

        • Stephen Graf
            Post count: 2428

            Thanks for the search advice, I will remember it for next time.  As for emoji’s, the one’s on my computer pretty much suck.  And I am reluctant to download others as I have read a number of articles like this one:


            I guess you can hide malware code in the emoji.  There was a story about it on the news recently too.  It’s a way “in” to your ‘puter that the virus software folks haven’t been able to protect well.  No worries, I’ll just be more colorful in my verbiage.

            • Robin Conrads
                Post count: 916

                Here is a list of emojis/smileys that you can type in, however, the images I see using these keystrokes or words are a bit different from what is shown. Some can be inserted with either text or full text, and some can only be done with the full text option. I hope that makes sense. 😯


            • William Warren
                Post count: 1384

                Very nice quiver Steve. Good luck on your elk hunt. You’ll have to regale us on all the details when you get back.


              • Dave Wallick
                  Post count: 4

                  Good luck in CO, Steve.  I’d like some more info on how you crafted that leather quiver, especially using only $5 in leather (my leather shoelaces seem to cost more than that !).

                • Stephen Graf
                    Post count: 2428

                    I got the leather from a friend in the business…  he had a piece marked $25.00 which I took home and cut my quiver from.  When I returned it, it was missing about a quarter of it’s area, so he charged me 5 bucks.  Looking on the tandy leather site, a similar quality piece might run $40.00, but you’d get more leather than you’d need to make a quiver.

                    I didn’t write down dimensions or take pictures while making the quiver, so I don’t have much to share that way.  But if you have a question about it, I’d be happy to try and answer.

                  • David Coulter
                      Post count: 2293

                      Steve, how did that elk hunt go? Did I miss your post on that? Dwc

                    • Stephen Graf
                        Post count: 2428

                        The long and short of it is that, like usual, no elk were harmed in the making of that hunt.  But we did see more elk on this trip than I’ve seen in all the trips of the last 10 years or so combined.  It did seem like, for a while, I might have a run it with a cow, but then a rifle hunter popped out at the bottom of the drainage and the herd shied away.

                        This was our first time in this spot and all we could get was over-the-counter tags for the 2nd gun season.  Tough stuff for a bow hunter.  If it were not for my upcoming Appalachian Trail hike,  I would be making plans for a hunt there this fall during the warmer bow season.  I decided to hold off on any trips between now and when we leave for the trail in March (well all but one trip to VA for deer this fall) as its just to hard to keep things up being gone too much.  Need to have the place in tip-top shape before leaving so the wife doesn’t have to work too hard holding down the fort.

                        It snowed on us for 4 days straight on this trip.  This was my first thunder snow storm.  Crazy to see lightening and snow together.  The following picture is from camp before the first thunder-snow.

                      • David Coulter
                          Post count: 2293

                          That’s a great shot. It would make a nice holiday card. I’d be happy to get that one on the Fourth of July. You’re a man of priorities. Good stuff and more hunts to come, building on lessons learned. That second gun season was low odds, but much higher than sitting on the sofa. Best, dwc


                        • CaptLarry
                            Post count: 5


                            Nice quiver! What is the purpose of the opening in the side, and did you wet form it around a section of pvc pipe? When you rejoined the long edges, are the sewed or glued together (both?)?

                            I agree with David, nice Holiday card picture!

                            Capt Larry

                          • Stephen Graf
                              Post count: 2428

                              The hole in the side for retrieving the arrow.  I drop them in the top, and pull from the side.  It may be hard to tell in the picture, but pulling an arrow from the top would be hard on the old shoulders.

                              No glue used in the quiver, just stitching.  No wet forming, just cut and sew.

                            • James Harvey
                                Post count: 1130



                                its a fine looking quiver mate. You really should do the socially responsible thing and take some photos as you go. Not everyone can look at a piece of a leather and see a quiver waiting to happen 🙂

                              • Stephen Graf
                                  Post count: 2428

                                  Sorry Jim.  But I may redeem myself here soon.  I gave away my supply of kids bows/quivers this summer and need to rebuild inventory.  To that end I’ve got a few bows and quivers in the works and have been taking pictures as I go.  I thought I might do a build along for them that care.

                                • Raymond Coffman
                                    Post count: 1232


                                    I would be interested, as I am starting to build my own leather goods. Seeing how a past master of the art goes about it, is always beneficial. Your projects seem very practical to me and nicely executed. So — you have at least one student wanting to be enlightened.


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