Home Forums Bows and Equipment New Ashby Study update posted.

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    • David Petersen
        Post count: 2749

        Dr. Ashby’s latest study update has just been posted and provides yet more fascinating insight into the workings of FOC and other factors on penetration and lethality. In Ed’s words: “In Part 6 we’ll try to quantify FOC’s effect on penetration and examine some other implications of the FOC testing.” Check it out at https://www.tradbow.com/members/programs/archives.cfm?StartRow=32&show=yes&dept=56&sort=date&ddesc=Ashby%20Library. Or go to the end of the last page of the Ashby Library.

        I look forward to informed discussion of this material among fellow Ashby students, esp. now that the Doc is back online and can participate. Dave p

      • sapcut
          Post count: 159

          Good stuff as usual. Really enjoyed adding a little more to the thinker.

        • Psychmonky
            Post count: 8

            It certainly puts into perspective how much potential a given setup has with just a bit of tinkering.

            Well presented as usual Dr. Ashby.


          • Ireland
              Post count: 108

              David Petersen wrote: Dr. Ashby’s latest study update has just been posted and provides yet more fascinating insight into the workings of FOC and other factors on penetration and lethality. In Ed’s words: “In Part 6 we’ll try to quantify FOC’s effect on penetration and examine some other implications of the FOC testing.” Check it out at https://www.tradbow.com/members/programs/archives.cfm?StartRow=32&show=yes&dept=56&sort=date&ddesc=Ashby%20Library. Or go to the end of the last page of the Ashby Library.

              I look forward to informed discussion of this material among fellow Ashby students, esp. now that the Doc is back online and can participate. Dave p

              Try this experiment…time yourself and see how long it takes you to read Dr. Ashby’s most recent study. If you are like me, I AWAYS GO BACK and re-read it again and again. It takes some time doesn’t it? I can’t imagine how much time Dr. Ashby has devoted in the original research, the collection of the data, the writing of the study, the graphs, etc., etc. It is truly mind-boggling when you think of the time he has invested for all of us.

              I for one, truly appreciate his efforts and hard work.

              Thank you Dr. Ashby!!!!


            • Psychmonky
                Post count: 8

                Well said, Ireland.

                It’s mind boggling.

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