Home Forums Campfire Forum Need Cold Weather Gear Recommendations

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    • Stix
        Post count: 175

        Folks, my daughter has a 4th season elk tag and will be looking for good gear to keep her warm in the elements, and also stuff she can use for ice fishing, etc out here in Colorado. Please give me some recommendations for footwear, outerwear, and underwear that would meet her needs.

      • adirondackman
          Post count: 69

          I’m a big Wool fan. I still believe that it is hard to beat in most weather conditions. It does become heavy when wet but still insulates well.

        • Col Mike
            Post count: 911

            Stix wrote: Folks, my daughter has a 4th season elk tag and will be looking for good gear to keep her warm in the elements, and also stuff she can use for ice fishing, etc out here in Colorado. Please give me some recommendations for footwear, outerwear, and underwear that would meet her needs.


            From my experience hard to beat http://www.mukluks.com I use the camuk extreme. Rubber coated so scent proof warm to about -50. Use them every day hunting or running dogs.

            X2 on the wool for outerwear. It’s all we use.


          • jmsmithy
              Post count: 300

              Wool x3. Have a lot of KOM stuff, super expensive but you buy it once and I haven’t been disappointed from Alaska to the Adirondacks, rain snow, bitter wind…it works.

            • Stephen Smiley
                Post count: 46

                Another vote for wool, especially KOM it is unbeatable. I wear it all winter long. Also the warmest pack style boot you can find.

                I like Icebreaker for wool underwear as the first layer. In early fall I use silk as a first layer due to its light weight and its super comfortable against the skin. A neck gaiter like the one from First Lite weighs next to nothing and goes a long way towards keeping you warm.

              • Ptaylor
                  Post count: 579

                  Get her a snow suit that is %100 wind proof. Go for keeping her warm over “quiet or camo” first. Its more important she enjoys the outdoors than is able to sneak around. If she gets cold or wet, she might not enjoy being outside. I like wool too, but the wind cuts right through it, when it is wet it is heavy, and in really cold env. you have to bundle up in layers in wool. The new synthetics are wind & water proof and less bulky.

                • adirondackman
                    Post count: 69

                    Ptaylor wrote: Get her a snow suit that is %100 wind proof. Go for keeping her warm over “quiet or camo” first. Its more important she enjoys the outdoors than is able to sneak around. If she gets cold or wet, she might not enjoy being outside. I like wool too, but the wind cuts right through it, when it is wet it is heavy, and in really cold env. you have to bundle up in layers in wool. The new synthetics are wind & water proof and less bulky.

                    A lot of the Wool companies have added wind barriers as an option in thier clothing. My KOM jacket has one.

                  • Stephen Smiley
                      Post count: 46

                      If its really cold and I don’t have to hike, like when ice fishing I like insulated bib overalls as my primary insulation layer. Then I will add a heavy vest or jacket over them depending mostly on how windy it is. Once its well below freezing getting wet normally is not a big concern so I just use my Carhart overalls. They are reasonably priced and no big deal to wash when they get nasty. A heavy wool shirt and the insulated bibs covers me 90% of the time in the snow.

                    • Stix
                        Post count: 175

                        I have been looking at the ColdPruf Platinum line which is a combination of polypropylene and merlino wool. Anyone have any experience with it?

                      • Col Mike
                          Post count: 911

                          Stix wrote: I have been looking at the ColdPruf Platinum line which is a combination of polypropylene and merlino wool. Anyone have any experience with it?


                          Having spent the last 3 decades or so in arctic or near arctic conditions from all day to all month believe can provide some info. If interested pm at herdering@earthlink.net

                          Having said that so far you haven’t got bad info but very expensive and IMO not required.:D


                        • Ptaylor
                            Post count: 579

                            adirondackman wrote: A lot of the Wool companies have added wind barriers as an option in thier clothing. My KOM jacket has one.

                            Adirondackman- That’s great if they make wool with liners now. It would really help with the wind.

                          • Stix
                              Post count: 175

                              Having spent the last 3 decades or so in arctic or near arctic conditions from all day to all month believe can provide some info. If interested pm at herdering@earthlink.net

                              Having said that so far you haven’t got bad info but very expensive and IMO not required.:D


                              PM Sent Mike

                            • wahoo
                                Post count: 420

                                I like wool also . Silk liner – dress in layers I don’t think what you buy for elk hunting is going to be the same for ice fishing . ck Asbells web site for elk hunting.

                              • jczieske
                                  Post count: 22

                                  No cotton! Good base layer of poly,silk or nylon. Wool is proven, and fleece does a great job also. Keep her head and ears covered and have some hand warmers available. Nice insulated footwear and should be cozy. I cannot afford the really hi tech stuff, so I use the best I can afford. My latest addition is non cotton underware! nice to be dry after a bit, instead of damp all day long if you sweat or get wet. No need for a rash 🙂

                                • Kent Hansen
                                    Post count: 9

                                    Stix wrote: Folks, my daughter has a 4th season elk tag and will be looking for good gear to keep her warm in the elements, and also stuff she can use for ice fishing, etc out here in Colorado. Please give me some recommendations for footwear, outerwear, and underwear that would meet her needs.

                                    Wool, wool, merino wool and wool…LOL. It’s worked for me for the last forty years, and some of those years were the “below zero late bow season” in Northern WI…

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