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    • grumpy
        Post count: 962

        At one time someone inferred that my name (GRUMPY) is not appropriate. Well, since it is somewhat of a nick name, and nick name are given, not taken. I asked someone.. what I should use. There was only one someone around, and she was 9 years old. Since I had just sent her to bed, and she was pissed, she said grumpy.

        I would be more than willing to change it (is that possible WEBMOTHER?) if youse guys (y’all in Dixie)would care to make suggestions.. Obviously I’m being brave here since I’ve offended most of you at least once (Not too worried about the dixies… they would get lost in NYC).

        Is anyone else brave enough to open themselves to ridicule and abuse?

      • tailfeather
          Post count: 417

          How bout Duster?

          Reason being, as I recall….you had a pretty bad arse stache.:D

        • sinawalli
            Post count: 222

            After reading your reply to the sleeping pad thread by Dave, I’m going with “Half Pint”!!

          • Ralph
              Post count: 2580

              What’s wrong with Grumpy? I see no problem. Pretty much fits:D Was that “y’ouseall? 😉

            • skinner biscuit
                Post count: 252

                “GRUMPY” offensive…..NOT!!!!

              • William Warren
                  Post count: 1384

                  I got mine changed after I first joined. Everybody seemed to be using their names so I did too. But I like Grumpy, its cool and besides you have to earn a nickname so wear it with pride. 😀

                • wahoo
                    Post count: 420

                    I like Grumpy – wasn’t that one of the 7 little guys ??

                  • David Petersen
                      Post count: 2749

                      My grandson calls me Grumps. But mostly he doesn’t call me at all. 😕 Wasn’t Grumpy Snow White’s favorite? 😆 Can’t beat that!

                    • Robin Conrads
                        Post count: 916

                        It is possible to change your user name, (anyone can) but I think you should stick with Grumpy. I was reluctant to change my user name to Webmother–it sounded so “bossy”–but when you get a good nickname you should use it.

                        To change a user name you can A.) use this link: https://www.tradbow.com/members/department7.cfm or B.) email me. 😆

                      • 1shot
                          Post count: 252

                          WebMother is fitting and shows respect for all the work You do for this site, and it’s members Mamm (Please remember this post when/if I post something “questionable” hehehe)

                          Nicknames can be respectfull, so keep it Grumpy, it could give you lee-way in the future…

                          My “oneshot” nickname came from Dad/friends hearing a single shot off in the woods ” Yup, heard one shot this morning out at the end of the Valley, Dave is coming out with game”

                          (I’ll not admit to my second nickname(cruel bunch they are, but factual) while in the Marines, except under the effects of massive amounts of alcohol… hehehe)

                        • joe03
                            Post count: 3

                            skinner biscuit wrote: “GRUMPY” offensive…..NOT!!!!


                          • WyoStillhunter
                              Post count: 87

                              Grumpy is a great moniker. Why would you want to change? Lots of nicknames are contrary to the characteristics of the person. Besides, the older you get — and we hope you eventually get alot older — Grumpy may become more and more descriptive.

                            • WyoStillhunter
                                Post count: 87

                                PS — I serve as the Archdeacon of the Episcopal Diocese of Wyoming. That means I am the “coordinator” of the deacons across the Diocese. I was no sooner appointed than one of the female deacons nicknamed me Archie. That has proven to be helpful because it reminds me of the comic book character. From that point on it has helped me NOT take myself too seriously. And at least no one has suggested Jug Head. Now that would be too much to live with!

                                Lesson learned: Try to be proud of your humility.:roll:

                              • Doc Nock
                                  Post count: 1150

                                  I wanted to wait and see how this went.

                                  My only issue here is not easily (or at all???) being able to click a moniker and find a person’s real name, unless they choose. Sometimes in PM’s an such it would be nice to actually know a name behind the pseudo.

                                  As for Grumpy…well, your humor and dry whit always is a joy to me…if you can see the ironic for the inane, then you be my type curmudgeon I like, and Grumpy is a very, very cool name…

                                  When I see it, it reminds me of that joke that goes, Sometimes I wake up Grumpy…and sometimes I let her (him?) sleep!


                                  You sure she wasn’t referring to Archie Bunker?? :shock:8):roll:

                                • Bruce Smithhammer
                                    Post count: 2514

                                    “Sir Grumpus?”

                                    “Lord Grumpalot?”


                                    Whew, that’s all I’ve got. I’m exhausted.

                                  • Mark Turton
                                      Post count: 759

                                      I recon your stuck with Grumpy.


                                    • David Coulter
                                        Post count: 2293

                                        I never considered changing my name, since it would still be me and, with certain modifications from time to time, I am and you are sort of stuck with me. I like Grumpy and never thought it had anything to do with an accurate description. best, dwc

                                      • David Petersen
                                          Post count: 2749

                                          As I recall from the X-rated version of Snow White, Grumpy was the studly one!

                                          attached file
                                        • Col Mike
                                            Post count: 911

                                            I believe Web Mother has spoken–so let it be done:D Besides most of us can relate to that call sign.

                                            What x-rated version of snow white?

                                          • sinawalli
                                              Post count: 222

                                              colmike wrote: I believe Web Mother has spoken–so let it be done:D Besides most of us can relate to that call sign.

                                              What x-rated version of snow white?

                                              Google will answer that for you Mike. That’s how I found out, was going to post a link, but….! Lol

                                            • Murray
                                                Post count: 46

                                                Any name given by a 9 year old should be treasured, never changed. Besides, everytime I see your name, it makes me grin, and think about some of my exchanges with my grandkids.

                                              • grumpy
                                                  Post count: 962

                                                  Murray wrote: Any name given by a 9 year old should be treasured, never changed. Besides, everytime I see your name, it makes me grin, and think about some of my exchanges with my grandkids.

                                                  WOW!!!! Never expected such a response!!! Only one suggested alternative (which I think is demeaning lol).

                                                  I guess Arwen’s choice shall remain. Murray’s post really clinched it. I’m wondering if Murray’s grandkids are “constant companions” as Arwen is? Did your grand kids come with a built in motor mouth?

                                                  Sitting here in bed with Audry, Sat morn with cartoons, and a 10 year old phone call in the background. When Audry saw the quip about grumpy/studley she said “Can’t change it.” A woman of few bit insightful words.

                                                  While I feel really grateful for the response (didn’t think youseall really paid me that much attention) I was also hoping for more comments on other names. On the other hand aside from half pint there weren’t any insults. You can do better!!!!

                                                  Now where is that link to dirty snow white??

                                                • grumpy
                                                    Post count: 962

                                                    A more serious comment…

                                                    My real name is SHORT UGLY OLD MAN WITH A WHITE MUSTASH, WEARS A DIRTY OLD HAT…” Ironic that I am the guy in the back of a DR office trying to verify insurance coverage based on the patients nick-name.

                                                    It would help if we all had our location under our name. Since we cover such diverse climates it is needed as a frame of reference. And PLEASE no summer pics while I need snowshoes to fill the bird feeders.

                                                  • paleoman
                                                      Post count: 931

                                                      I think you once said you were or once were a roofer? So, it was Shingles:lol: I’m with the rest, stick with Grumpy.

                                                    • Doc Nock
                                                        Post count: 1150

                                                        paleoman wrote: I think you once said you were or once were a roofer? So, it was Shingles:lol: I’m with the rest, stick with Grumpy.

                                                        SHINGLES is NOT a funny name at our age!!! Thankfully, I dug up my $80 copay and got my vaccine!:shock:

                                                        Glad you felt blessed, cause I meant it when I said your wit tickled me in nearly every post you make (not counting the serious ones).

                                                      • grumpy
                                                          Post count: 962

                                                          SLATER, not a roofer. 15 years hanging from a rope on slate roofs. Only fell once… WHAT A RIDE!!!!

                                                        • Doc Nock
                                                            Post count: 1150

                                                            I ran into a couple slate roof repair guys…

                                                            They said there was always ONE primary rule on roof team: NO SPITTING!

                                                            They said just spit was enough to slip and slide right off a slate roof!:shock:

                                                          • Murray
                                                              Post count: 46

                                                              Grumpy, first of all, I’m a Dixie from West Tennessee. Raised on a dirt road, picked cotton by hand, raised quarterhorses, and still say “Yes, Ma’am” to my Mama.

                                                              I’m retired, but babysit 4 of my gkids. My 4 year old gdaughter has never seen me without my white beard. One day she was in my lap talking to me. I hadn’t shaved my cheeks in a few days, and suddenly she was staring at my face. When I asked, she said “Papa, you’ve got little tiny hairs growing out of your face. JUST LIKE A DOG!”

                                                              I wouldn’t take a million dollars for things like that.

                                                            • grumpy
                                                                Post count: 962

                                                                Doc Nock wrote: I ran into a couple slate roof repair guys…

                                                                They said there was always ONE primary rule on roof team: NO SPITTING!

                                                                They said just spit was enough to slip and slide right off a slate roof!:shock:

                                                                With sun and no wind the slate is 20 to 40 deg hotter than air temp. Can’t tell you how many times I slipped on my own sweat puddle.

                                                              • grumpy
                                                                  Post count: 962

                                                                  MURRY!! High Five!! Just goes to show that with all of our differences, where it really counts we are exactly the same. lmao Keep those little ones safe and happy!!

                                                                • grumpy
                                                                    Post count: 962

                                                                    So we should call Murray dog face??

                                                                  • Fallguy
                                                                      Post count: 318

                                                                      I think we have established when you get a nickname that can be used in public you should keep it. Mine was first given by a 12 year old student in one of my Bowhunter Ed. classes. I ran into him and his parents a year or so after the class. He introduced me to them as “The Fallguy” because that is the portion of the class that I am responsible for. I have been referred to by that name by many different people on many occasions over the years so it has stuck. How I became the resident expert on the topic is another story.:wink:

                                                                    • grumpy
                                                                        Post count: 962

                                                                        I wouldn’t want to share those gory details either.:D

                                                                      • WVSTICKMAN
                                                                          Post count: 19

                                                                          When I was 17 I won the NFAA 3D Nationals in 1994. With a compound then. Lol. All my buddys started calling me Bowmaster just goofing around and the still call me that till this day. I use it as a username on some poker games I play on the net. You would not believe how many guys say something. They will be like who do you think you are. Or Bowmaster. Yea right.I’m like I didn’t nickname myself. Blame my buddy’s. Haha. What does it matter what a nickname is. It’s something someone made up for you. I guess they was just jealous their buddy’s never gave them a cool nickname. 😆

                                                                        • grumpy
                                                                            Post count: 962

                                                                            I would go with that last line. I didn’t name myself short, ugly, old man with a white mustache, either

                                                                          • Murray
                                                                              Post count: 46

                                                                              Didn’t Charlie Brown try to nickname himself Flash, or something similar. And Lucy gave him what for when he let it slip.

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