Home Forums Bows and Equipment My new Java Man Duo Flex

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    • Roger Norris
        Post count: 91

        I just got this from Gregg today. I shot about 30 arrows tonight. It spits a 650 grain arrow like a rocket. I love this bow. Quilted maple dyed grey, and a wenge riser.

      • JodyS
          Post count: 114


          That is a beauty! Gregg makes excellent bows– nice work Java Man.


        • codger
            Post count: 132

            Very nice bow. im a big fan of the recurves with a tiny riser

            they shoot so much like a longbow its a real easy transition between bow types.

          • David Petersen
              Post count: 2749

              Roger — This is a different looking bow from Gregg’s usual. That’s to say it has neither the extremely streamlined handle-forward look of his Shrews, nor the Mongol horsebow look of most Java Man bows. Looks like a good solid shooter. How many of Gregg’s bows do you have now? Hundreds of just dozens? 😛 I’ve owned four Shrews, loved each one, but down to one at the moment. But happily, I have another on order from his forthcoming greatly expanded Java Man line. IMHO he should be building bows only for his own line, not someone else’s. Just too darn special a bowyer not to be putting all his talent into his own line. Since Gregg will have a booth at K-zoo, I’m saving my pennies and counting frequent flier miles to try and be there in January. I am dubbing Gregg’s growing fan base the Coffey Club. You and I are charter members. 😀

            • Gregg Coffey
                Post count: 13

                A little history on this bow. I started out making self and all wood laminates. Decided to try to reproduce the Willcox Duoflex in all wood laminate in the late 90’s. Made 1-2 dozen of them.

                This bow is a glass version off the same form. Worked pretty well.

                Thanks for all the nice comments.


              • Roger Norris
                  Post count: 91

                  Ha! “The Coffey Club” it is! Your post made me go down to the shop and count….this one makes 6…..unless I missed one 😀

                  Gregg is a great bowyer and a great friend. I get a great deal of enjoyment out of BS’ing with him about all the worlds problems, I love it when he stops by with something for me to shoot, and I like how he treats his customers. I just wish I could get him out in the bush more chasing bunnies with me and Daisy The Wonder Beagle…but he chains himself to that bowyers bench!

                • Alexandre Bugnon
                    Post count: 681

                    David Petersen wrote: Roger — This is a different looking bow from Gregg’s usual. That’s to say it has neither the extremely streamlined handle-forward look of his Shrews, nor the Mongol horsebow look of most Java Man bows. Looks like a good solid shooter. How many of Gregg’s bows do you have now? Hundreds of just dozens? 😛 I’ve owned four Shrews, loved each one, but down to one at the moment. But happily, I have another on order from his forthcoming greatly expanded Java Man line. IMHO he should be building bows only for his own line, not someone else’s. Just too darn special a bowyer not to be putting all his talent into his own line. Since Gregg will have a booth at K-zoo, I’m saving my pennies and counting frequent flier miles to try and be there in January. I am dubbing Gregg’s growing fan base the Coffey Club. You and I are charter members. 😀

                    Yes, Gregg is da’ man!!!

                  • Wexbow
                      Post count: 403

                      Ok Roger I’m turning green here – seeing that beautiful bow and knowing you have another 5 from the same gifted bowyer, that’s just not fair 😛

                    • Roger Norris
                        Post count: 91

                        Wexbow wrote: Ok Roger I’m turning green here – seeing that beautiful bow and knowing you have another 5 from the same gifted bowyer, that’s just not fair 😛

                        I am certainly “Bow Blessed”:D

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