Home Forums Campfire Forum Mountain lion vs deer

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    • Arko
        Post count: 7

        Mountain lion wins. This was taken by a trail cam set up by a friend of a friend here in WV.Actually very close to a very populated area. I think the ML was using traditional equipment for his species.:lol: He set the cam up across from his feeder, if you look closely you can see the feeder directly behind the cat.

      • Todd Smith
          Post count: 167

          Wow! What a picture. On one hand that’s awesome and on the other, I think I’d stay on my toes when in your woods… 🙂


        • MontanaFord
            Post count: 450

            That’s a good sized cat. Be careful.


          • Carbomask
              Post count: 39

              INSANE! the buck must be 150lbs!! Ive never seen anything like it. 😯

            • sharpster
                Post count: 91

                Hate to be the killjoy here but, that photo has been circulating around the internet for a couple weeks now. I’ve seen it claimed to be from PA, OH, WV, Texas, and a few others. Even made at least one newspaper in OH. There is also some question whether the pic is even real… may be a photo shop job. Sorry fellas.


              • Bloodless
                  Post count: 103

                  Well tru or not, fun! Reminds me of the “gian’t alligater” pics from half a dozen diffrent states! However, I do know that lions figure out where thre’s deer bait, salt or whatever, and learn to hunt there as the batiers do. Lions gotta eat more than we do, and kill with their claws and teeth (no discussion of “what’s tradition” among them!). Damn photoshop should never have been invented. My 82 cese worth. bb

                • PagosaBow
                    Post count: 61

                    I have a big problem with this photo. Not of the deer, not of the lion, but of the blankity blank blank feeder in the back ground. I DO NOT respect anyone who hunts feeders. As far as Im concerned if you cant find the deer by scouting or just getting out in the woods your self, you have no business out there. But thats just me.

                  • aeronut
                      Post count: 383

                      Cool picture. I am not one to say real or fake on it.

                      Not trying to steal your thread but, as for the feeder…. Not everyone who sets up a feeder hunts near one. My nephew sets one up every year just so his parents can watch the deer from their deck. And I set up a mineral lick and trail camera to see what is in the area but never hunt by it. What irritates me is people who trash the use of a feeder and then plant a food plot to hunt around.

                      Just my .02.


                    • PagosaBow
                        Post count: 61


                        I can see use of a feeder in the way you explained. I have a problem with the videos/pictures of guys shooting themselves taking game with the feeder in plain view. To me thats just not hunting. I dont plant food plots, dont feed or use trail cams. Just my beliefs. Oh and sorry to hi jack the thread.

                      • MontanaFord
                          Post count: 450

                          I don’t think that’s a photoshopped picture. The way the cat is standing over the buck, and the way the buck is laid out seems to be too real not to be.


                        • Chris Shelton
                            Post count: 679

                            Cool picture, what part of WV is it from? Just wondering because I hunt western Maryland and there have been a ton of trail pictures from that area of cats, scares the bejesus out of me when walking down to a stream or something at night to get water!! I mean that is there primal instinct to attack at water isnt it?
                            Actually you guys arguing above me about the deer feeder made me think of it as a great thread, so check it out, I would respond what I think about it here but I dont want to thread in this post about something irrelavant more than I already have! I am thinking I might put it in the Campfire forum?

                          • Bigbearclaw
                              Post count: 32

                              sharpster wrote: Hate to be the killjoy here but, that photo has been circulating around the internet for a couple weeks now. I’ve seen it claimed to be from PA, OH, WV, Texas, and a few others. Even made at least one newspaper in OH. There is also some question whether the pic is even real… may be a photo shop job. Sorry fellas.


                              Been claimed in Oklahoma too.

                            • J-dog
                                Post count: 47

                                Yeah been claimed here in eastern NC too.

                              • J-dog
                                  Post count: 47

                                  That pic I am unsure whether real or not photoshopped or not but in any way a 150lb WT would be nothing for a cat. They take down elk, even big healthy bulls. Pretty amazing predators.


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