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    • tailfeather
        Post count: 417

        My first traditional deer from yesterday:

        I was hunting a coastal WMA just down from the office this morning. I found a spot on the edge of the marsh where deer were feeding on water oaks, and there were quite a few rubs. I had seen a buck a few days ago, but it never got close enough.

        The woods were wet and quiet this morning, but the squirrels were active. I was only 15 feet up an oak with very little cover around me, so I was taking care to be still, which the mosquitoes appreciated. Around 8:10 I heard the slightest noise to my right, and there was the buck with his nose to the ground at 10 yards. I never thought I’d be able to get to my feet before he moved out of sight (or without spooking him), but he suddenly turned and walked directly under my tree. I was looking straight down at him unable to shoot….and wondering when he was going to smell me and take off……he never did.

        I almost shot him at 3 yds., but it was nearly straight down and there were limbs…..he was going directly away at 5 yds. when he turned slightly to the right and exposed his vitals. It was now or never……I picked a spot, hit anchor, and watched the arrow sink in his side. As he ran off the arrow was sticking out the bottom of his chest. It fell out and was sticking in the ground 20 yds. from where he was standing at the shot. I felt confident about the hit, and had good blood. BUT….after losing one opening weekend, I backed out and decided to wait until lunch to take up the trail.

        I followed blood to the edge of the marsh, where I lost it in the spartina grass. I was slowly following tracks in the mud when I saw a buzzard shadow cross the grass in front of me. I watched it circle low out in front of me for several minutes and then heard wings flapping in the marsh cedars. A sign! I walked straight toward the buzzard and the buck was laying 60 yds from where I lost blood. He fell in the water in the wide open marsh…..those buzzards could likely see him a few miles away. I would have found him anyway, but like the Beatles say….I get by with a little help from my friends.

        I sat down on a fallen cedar and savored everything about the morning, and how good it feels to do it right. Following a little ritual celebration and some quiet thanks, we started slowly up the hill together….


      • wildschwein
          Post count: 581

          Great story and a great Deer. Awesome stuff.

        • T Downing
            Post count: 233

            Awesome! What a fine animal…

          • rayborbon
              Post count: 298

              Fantastic buck. What a way to start a day off prior to work! Great little story too.

            • Bone
                Post count: 27


              • John Carter
                  Post count: 71

                  Congratulations mate.
                  I love reading these storys,and yours is well written.


                • blade
                    Post count: 25

                    Congrats on a nice buck and great story telling!

                  • bruc
                      Post count: 476

                      Well done !!! Pretty nice deer for the first !!!

                    • tko
                        Post count: 19

                        I can only imagine the jubilation one must feel when successful with traditional equipment. I’ve just begun to shoot traditional and can hardly wait for the opportunity to hunt in this fashion.



                      • Steve Branson
                          Post count: 73

                          A HUGE congrats on your first traditional harvest, a great deer! I hope to post my first harvest story this season as well!! I bet it’s an awesome feeling getting over that “first” hurdle!8)

                        • rallcox
                            Post count: 12

                            Hey, great story and great picture. Congratulations!

                          • dixiedawg80
                              Post count: 12

                              Very well written, way to go!

                            • Cottonwood
                                Post count: 311

                                Awesome Hunt Right There!!

                                Congrats on the traditional hunt, and success.

                              • Rocks
                                  Post count: 104

                                  Congrats on your first, great story too, I enjoyed it.

                                • MontanaFord
                                    Post count: 450

                                    Congrats on your buck. Good read.

                                  • David Yukon
                                      Post count: 6

                                      Good for you! hope I’ll do the same one day!!

                                    • William Warren
                                        Post count: 1384

                                        Nice buck! Enjoyed your story very much too.

                                      • Chiloquin
                                          Post count: 56

                                          nice deer!

                                        • strait-aero
                                            Post count: 350

                                            Fine deer; CONGRATS!:) Glad you were able to find him with alittle help from your friends…You never forget the first one.

                                          • Buckhorn73
                                              Post count: 77

                                              Congratulations and thanks for story.

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