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    • lhertel
        Post count: 14

        I currently shoot a Martin Hunter 55# @28. I am looking to start shooting a longbow, probably a deflex/reflex. Could anyone recommend a bowyer, or have any advise?

      • SteveMcD
          Post count: 870

          IH… I see a few views and no responses. That’s a tough question. Considering everyone owns the “smoothest, quietest, most accurate, rootinest, tootinest, longbow ever made. 😀

          It is really all about individual preference. Affordability, Craftsmanship, Performance and Beauty. The Longbow has to be comfortable for you, as it is an extension of yourself. There are so many good bowyers out there it is hard to go wrong.

          I know if you look in say TBM Magazine, every bowyer advertized there you would do well by. In this day and age, we are blessed with reputable and excellent craftsman.

          Considering you are shooting a ‘curve, I’d say an R/D Longbow is the way to go. 8)

          Good luck!

        • David Petersen
            Post count: 2749

            Nasty sundburn you have there, Landon! :D:lol::wink: Steve pretty well covers it all. When I switched from recurve to a longbow years ago, two things gave me problems, so maybe worth mentioning. Most recurves are shorter than most longbows, and depending on the kind of hunting you do that could be an issue. Happily, we are seeing more and more shorter r/d longbows. I happen to shoot a 54″ Shrew but can’t recommend Shrew to you as the waiting list to have one built is now well beyond a year! Another problem I hit was going from the formed handgrip of a recurve to the straight grip of a longbow (my first was a plain stick, not a r/d hybrid like most today). I adapted nicely but some shooters don’t. But here again, today’s hybrid longbows often have a semi-formed handgrip. It’s worth a pilgrimage to your nearest good trad shop to shoot several. Great bargains available on used bows and that’s where I’d start until I got it figured out. Good luck with the sunburn! dave

          • Chad Sivertsen
              Post count: 84

              Lots of possibilities and options here. If there is a shoot or expo of some sort in your area it is a great place to shoot many different bows.

              There are some good used custom bows at great prices. Most of them are excellent bows but are for sale because: it’s too heavy, it’s too light, too short, too long, my wife’s gonna kick my butt if I don’t sell this thing now. There are many reasons good bows get sold. There are a few dealers that sell used bows, I think Footed Shaft is one. I’m sure there are others.

              If you are shooting a 55# recurve now something about the same weight should work. I think you will find most longbows “pull harder” than recurves of the same weight.

              64″ is a good LB length but it could be 60″-70″ long. I see Dave and I posted at the same time and he mentions a 54″ longbow, that’s not an LB it is an SLB (ShortLongbow).

              I shot RC for several years before I tried a LB. With a RC I shot straight arm and used a stretched out draw, kind of target style, my DL was 29″. When I started with the LB I changed my style to bent arm longbow style and shortened my draw length to 26″. That allowed me to shoot LB, RC and selfbow interchangeably.

              You can modify the grip with a rasp if necessary.

            • rayborbon
                Post count: 298


                Makes a nice and fast bow.

              • Fletcher
                  Post count: 177

                  You asked for brands, so I’ll say that I’m kinda partial to Robertson Stykbow and Great Northern. Most of today’s bowyers make a very good product, tho. I’m also glad to see that you have the description correct, deflex/reflex. The limbs deflex off the riser and then reflex to the tips. There are very few bows made in the Reflex/Deflex “Cupid bow” design.

                  A lightweight used bow is a great place to start and you can buy and sell for pretty much the cost of shipping. Classified ads, bow shoots and local stickbow shooters are good places to find them.

                  Enjoy the hunt! Rick

                • lhertel
                    Post count: 14

                    Thanks to everyone for your input!

                    I am currently looking into Fox Archery, RER, and Black Widdow Bows. Leaning toward Black Widdow. Whom ever I use, I plan on a 64 – 66 inch deflex/reflex longbow. I would like to go up in weight to 60 or 65 #, but that has yet to be determined.

                    Thanks again, and please let me know if you all have anymore thoughts.

                    I will try to stay out of the sun!

                  • purehunter
                      Post count: 63

                      Let me throw in a plug for Hummingbird. I bought a used one off of another traditional website. Smooth, light and it shoots like a dream! It was made in 1994, 64″ 70@28, and has “mild” deflex/reflex.

                      I own a very nice Stalker Recurve but shoot the Hummingbird the most. I don’t know what it is, but it flat out smokes! The new Hummingbird longbows now have more deflex/reflex than mine. They are in the same price range as the ones you are looking at.

                      All the bows mentioned are fine implements in the craft of archery.


                    • Danny Klee
                        Post count: 90

                        I see you are leaning more towards the Black Widow. I have shot a couple BW longbows and I can tell you they shoot quite nicely however, they are quite pricey but they are indeed very fine bows. There are other bowyers who make very fine r/d longbows at a substantially better price. One thing I would like to point out. Don’t buy a longbow without first having the opportunity to shoot the bow or one like it. It would be a shame to buy one then end up not liking the way it shoots then having to get rid of it at a loss. Good luck and keep us posted on what you decide to buy…and don’t forget to show us some pictures of it.


                      • lhertel
                          Post count: 14

                          Just looked up Hummingbird bows. I have never heard of them before. The riser on the one piece is very unique compared to most long bows I’ve seen, and that is not a bad thing.

                        • JWnWyoming
                            Post count: 21

                            Two reflex/deflex that I have experience with are Herb Meland’s Pronghorn. Both one and three piece. They have a “grip locator” handle.
                            A second bow I like to shoot is Fred Hermann’s “Flying Eagle”
                            I have a three piece and it’s grip is more high wrist. Like a recurve. (your Martin for example) Both R/D but quite different to shoot.
                            Good luck in your quest.

                          • ButchMo
                              Post count: 17

                              I own a Thunder Stick Mag. I shot a few of Jim Reynolds bow. They’re fantastic sticks. They’re everything you could ask for in a longbow. I’ve never heard anybody say anything negative about the. To top it off, they are very reasonably priced. Your text to link here…


                            • Fletcher
                                Post count: 177

                                I’ll ditto the comment on Jim’s Thundrestick bows.

                              • lhertel
                                  Post count: 14

                                  I am going to look into Thunderstick Bows. That price is hard to beat especially with the recommendations given.

                                • lhertel
                                    Post count: 14

                                    I talked to Black Widow bows today and they are going to let me “test drive” a PL V Ironwood. The one they are sending me in 64″ and 60# @ 28″. Should be in on Monday. I will let ya’ll know what I think of it. and how fast it shoots.

                                  • turtlebunting
                                      Post count: 103

                                      lhertel wrote: I currently shoot a Martin Hunter 55# @28. I am looking to start shooting a longbow, probably a deflex/reflex. Could anyone recommend a bowyer, or have any advise?

                                      try a martin savannah.i got one and love it

                                    • lhertel
                                        Post count: 14

                                        I tested the Black widow and it shot incredible. I think I have made my decision!

                                        I am thinking osage.

                                        I took pictures of the one I shot and posted them to Flickr. See below and look around.


                                      • T Downing
                                          Post count: 233

                                          “I tested the Black widow and it shot incredible. I think I have made my decision!” lhertel, Well done. I own two Black Widow Longbows, a 55lb autumn oak PLIII that Dave Petersen sold me and A 63lb PLX made out of Cocobolo that is simply the finest bow I have ever owned. It is 64 inches and it shoots smooth and quiet. Some consider these bows to be pricey but I have never regretted the money spent on either one of them. In addition, both bows are takedowns and having this option is an extra bonus to such a fine bow. Good shooting and hunting with your new upcoming Black Widow. God Bless, T Downing:D:D

                                        • SteveMcD
                                            Post count: 870

                                            Sweet!!!! 😀 Cannot go wrong with Black Widow! 8) All the Best!

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