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    • OpenSky1
        Post count: 20

        Well as you can see, my little one is not so little any more in size, but little in another way: We have challenges from Muscular Dystrophy as well as cognitive delays. While at the range last year she asked me, “Dad, when is it my turn?”

        My heart about melted. I walked over to the brush and found a good stick. Next I found a string in the range trash can, and as typical, I searched behind the hay bale and found a couple of arrows in the grass…and a bow and archer was born.

        I then purchased a Bear ‘Lil Brave’ which was light in hand, but found out to be too heavy to draw though rated at 8-12 lbs. The joy she first experience with that ‘made on the spot’ stick bow left quickly. Because the Bear was a takedown, I reversed the limbs to make the pull lighter, but then the performance was compromised so much, even my daughter picked up on it and was discouraged at the arrows bouncing off the hay bale.

        Was at a loss of how to achieve a longer draw(she is now 14 yrs) but still have a ‘toddler’ pull weight. I recently obtained an old Ben Pearson glass bow for free from a customer of mine. Being free I took a belt sander to the limbs, and CAREFULLY sanded (I am a master tradesman, but clueless on being a bowyer), until my daughter can comfortably pull the bow.

        All is working great. A simple nail was added for arrow containment, and at the right price also. As my daughter continues to grow I may need another invention. Does anyone know if I can sand the limbs of an adult sized Ben Pearson or Bear, glass reinforced limbed recurve in a similar manner? (I mention these 2 because I have a couple laying around, and then no cost will be required, but I hate to ruin a perfectly good bow, at the least it looks real good on the wall)

        Not looking to win the olympics, but rather just be able to provide the means to bring some laughter and enjoyment into my daughters life.

        Thanks for any ideas offered.

      • OpenSky1
          Post count: 20

          Sorry about no pics. I am trying to send to compressed folder, as even 1 single pic was 210kb and this put over limit allowed.

          If I can figure it out I will add.

        • OpenSky1
            Post count: 20

            Hope this works, and that pics were worth the effort. Don’t know if I gained anything archery wise, but I will be a computer genius by the time I finish this effort.:lol:

            As mentioned earlier, I would love ideas of how to come up with longer draw lenghts at very light draw weights for future issues that may arise.


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          • Ben M.
              Post count: 460


              You’re right: a custom bow is certainly the way to go here. I think you’d have better results making a new bow than modifying an existing one.

              I’d try a longer bow and sharper arrows. Giving a kid a sharp arrow sounds scary but as long as they shoot with supervision it can be safe. They don’t have to be full-on broadheads. A sharpened field point can be sufficient.

              I’d try making a board bow out of red oak or something comparable. Make the bottom limb end, say, mid-thigh (maybe even at the knee). A bow that long would probably weigh no more than the recurve in the picture and would provide a smooth draw and release. Make the string as thin as possible to prevent the bow from being sluggish, but serve it to accept the arrow.

              My 7-year-old son’s friend has a red oak bow with an innovative arrow rest. It’s 3/4 of a circle so the arrow doesn’t flop off the bow while the archer draws. Not easy for me to describe. I’ll try to get a picture of it soon.

              Good luck, bro.


            • OpenSky1
                Post count: 20

                Ben, Thanks for sharing your .02 I fully expected no response. The easiest answer for most dealing with special needs children is just to scrap the idea if easy answer is not found. I am blessed that my daughter thinks I am the greatest, and wants to do what I do. So I ‘need’ to come up with a workable solution….and have fun in the process. Just shooting targets after all.

                Many a 7 year old can easily pull the 8-12 pound “lil brave’ pictured, without a glitch…the need for an EXTREME low draw weight – at longer draw, is the heart of my dilemma. I like your ideas to address less drag(lean string, smooth rest,….), never thought of that. A whisker biscuit rest(similar to what you describe) came with the lil brave, but is a bad choice unless a a cut away riser is used, which then makes the physical bow weight too heavy(more wood mass needed). A longbow style, seems the best option, and I will probably tweak the nail idea in the pic to make more visibly pleasing(paint?), but it does function perfectly.

                With the extreme low draw weight I am thinking all wood will be so thin, it will never have spring and memory to work again. Perhaps my carpentry experience is not relevant to being a bowyer, and I should just stop thinking it won’t work with wood, and give it a try. So far, I know I need a longer bow or else the weight stacks too quickly from limbs needing to flex more. I never shot anything but a recurve, so the longbow concept will take some research…can it be too long if navigating a woods is never a concern? Photo’s of native’s bows look as long as the person.

                Is that a hand made bow in your signature pic? I am never ceased to be amazed at the creativity of the members on this forum. Thanks for the ideas.

              • Ben M.
                  Post count: 460

                  Yah, I noticed that this thread was a few days old with no takers. Summer is my busy season (I’m a stay-at-home dad), so I’ve been checking Tradbow infrequently lately but this sort of thing is really important. Archery is so good for kids.

                  You’re right; a long, low draw weight selfbow (all one piece of wood, no fiberglass) will be thin–and tricky to tiller–but longer bows flex less than shorter bows. I don’t think it would take an excessive set. Just don’t leave it strung when it’s not in use. And yah, if the shooter isn’t navigating woods or shooting from a kneeling position, the bow can be quite long.

                  I’d think four strands of B-50 Dacron would be a good starting point for the string. But, of course, test it yourself if there’s any safety concern. Also, very lightweight arrow shafts aren’t too hard to find. I’d use 1/4″ shafts. Maybe check with Allegheny Mtn. arrow woods. Bill Bonczar (sp?) is very easy to work with.

                  One other idea that you’re probably already onto: I made a target for my son when was four because his arrows bounced off all the “big people” targets. It was just a burlap sack loosely filled with straw. Everyone’s arrows but his flew right through the thing. He enjoyed the heck out of it and it was virtually free.

                  The bow my son is shooting in the picture is a Ragim. 48″ nock to nock, 22# @ 24″ draw. He draws it about 18″. That kid’s a real deadeye. 🙂 I didn’t make it, but thanks for asking.

                • James Harvey
                    Post count: 1130

                    Hey mate,

                    something else you might be able to experiment with is PVC. I made a 4′ long 3/4 inch pvc pipe bow as per the instructions on an old TBM article (you can download it here: https://www.tradbow.com/members/programs/fileinfo.cfm?id=13&action=display).

                    I just did some tests with it, 6# at 12″, 10# at 18″, 15# at 24″. I knocked up some little dowel arrows from the hardware store. The bow probably cost me $10 in materials and about 30 minutes in time. Might be a cheap and easy way for you to experiment with different lengths of bow and draw weight to see what will well suit your daughter before you invest the extra time and money into a ‘real’ bow for her.

                    Anyway, glad to see another dad getting their kids outdoors 😉


                  • Ben M.
                      Post count: 460

                      Right! That’s exactly what I’m talking about. A bow that long or longer with such a draw weight simply isn’t mass produced. You have to make it for yourself. PVC is light and easy to come by; give it a try.

                    • Ben M.
                        Post count: 460

                        Well here it is, but it’s a little different than I remembered it. Still, the rest helps the little archer keep the arrow where it’s supposed to be.

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