Home Forums Campfire Forum I thought this would be of use to all

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    • Cottonwood
        Post count: 311

        I was given this site, and I started looking at it and thought what great information for us traditionalist.


      • SteveMcD
          Post count: 870

          Thanks, CW! Good One!

        • lee c
            Post count: 25

            Nice!!!..good call,CW take care,Lee

          • Treetopflier
              Post count: 146

              Sorry to disagree guys but website magazines that run articles about driving all the way from Okla. to Canada to haul out bait on an ATV and kill a bear over it … I mean, huh? What a waste of money, time, energy and resources. That ain’t me. That’s why this is the only website I visit, after years of filtering out. I won’t argue with anyone who has the resources and is so bored and desperate for a kill as to go to such lengths, but I just don’t want to read about it in the magazines I subscribe to, paper or website. Not trying to start a fight but just expressing an alternate point of view. We had a bear in the yard this morning, geeze. To me it’s as silly as flying to the Bahamas to bait fish. To each his own but I can’t applaud that brand of modern hunting, or any magazine or website that glorifies it. Your opinion is as good as mine, and vice versa. Just opinions … or votes maybe, if the moderators are tuned in. ttf

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