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    • grumpy
        Post count: 962

        Four hours in the woods and… (drum roll)…


        Audrey had to search every inch of my body, and since she can’t see all that well, she had to search with her hands!!

        Anybody ever match that???

      • David Coulter
          Post count: 2293

          They’re bad here this year, too, but not 18 at once! Dwc

        • Charles Ek
            Post count: 566

            Twenty-eight, several years ago. The price you pay as a SAR dog handler while hiding for someone else’s dog during training, in head-high grass in deer habitat.

            The experience induced me to compose the following as I reflected on it and similar ones:

            Dog Handler’s Lament

            Tick tock, tick tock.

            Is that a tick crawling up my leg?

            Tick tock, tick tock.

            Flick the light.

            Grab the tick.

            Drown the tick.

            Back to bed.

            Tick tock, tick tock.

            Is that a tick crawling up my leg?

            (By the way, during that same outing, I had a deer run straight across my chest, striking my arm once, as the dog approached my location …)

          • paleoman
              Post count: 931

              Apparently deep snow insulates the things and they’re overjoyed about it. I give my outdoor clothing (which is most of it) a good blast of permethrin from about now to October. And if you drive, give a blast to your car/truck seat too. They seem to get off the clothing in the truck and roam around.

            • Spikebuck
                Post count: 10

                18 is a lot for sure.

                Several years ago a friend and I were out stump shooting and walked through a brushy area. I don’t know how many ticks we had on us when we exited because they were beyond counting. We literally “brushed” them off our clothes in droves. 😯 Dozens each, I’m sure. We had to basically undress right there and turn pants and shirts inside out and they were everywhere. I’ve never experienced anything like that time.

                As a kid I remember occasionally getting a tick. Maybe even two in a whole day in the woods. The big “dog” ticks. Now I’m constantly aware and checking as picking up a dozen or more little deer ticks is nothing anymore, especially in the spring.

              • Charles Ek
                  Post count: 566

                  Spikebuck wrote: 18 is a lot for sure.

                  Several years ago a friend and I were out stump shooting and walked through a brushy area. I don’t know how many ticks we had on us when we exited because they were beyond counting. We literally “brushed” them off our clothes in droves. 😯 Dozens each, I’m sure. We had to basically undress right there and turn pants and shirts inside out and they were everywhere. I’ve never experienced anything like that time.

                  As a kid I remember occasionally getting a tick. Maybe even two in a whole day in the woods. The big “dog” ticks. Now I’m constantly aware and checking as picking up a dozen or more little deer ticks is nothing anymore, especially in the spring.

                  Spikebuck, my mom grew up in Embarrass during the Depression era. She said that they never had ticks in the woods when she was a kid, and they only showed up after cattle were imported into MN from TX.

                  Some good stuff in this article from the Northern Woodlands organization:

                  Tale of the Tick – How Lyme Disease is Expanding Northward

                • Doc Nock
                    Post count: 1150

                    grumpy wrote: Four hours in the woods and… (drum roll)…

                    EIGHTEEN TICKS!!!

                    Audrey had to search every inch of my body, and since she can’t see all that well, she had to search with her hands!!

                    Anybody ever match that???


                    I’d rather be a Chick Magnet then a TICK Magnet but then at this point in life, I’m guessing the former is now out of the question while the latter looms as an undesireable feat!

                    Of course, the “braile” check out might be considered desirable, indeed.

                    Hope she got them all… Why I treat all my clothes before I go OUT! Nobody to do a ‘check’ when I get home! :shock::roll:

                  • grumpy
                      Post count: 962

                      Dog Handler’s Lament

                      Tick tock, tick tock.

                      Is that a tick crawling up my leg?

                      Tick tock, tick tock.

                      Flick the light.

                      Grab the tick.

                      Drown the tick.

                      Back to bed.

                      Tick tock, tick tock.

                      Is that a tick crawling up my leg?

                      That is EXACTLY what I was feeling all night last night. Now all those bites are itching, and I keep checking to see if I have a new one.

                      I was at Wolf Swamp WMA, yesterday. My first time there, didn’t see as much deer sign as I see in other WMSs I

                      go to. Maybe the ticks got all of the deer? Thinking I’m not going back….

                      (By the way, during that same outing, I had a deer run straight across my chest, striking my arm once, as the dog approached my location …)

                    • Cleland
                        Post count: 40

                        GRUMPY; you need to spray heavier to keep the ticks off, and off insect spray is just paying for the name brand. Use Repel or Woodsman. It,s cheaper and usually has more deet for less money. I have been in the woods looking for Morels and ticks were so thick you could find a spot on all the willow for another tick without them piggy-backing each other. When I got home only had a couple ticks. Luckily when I got home I had the wife to look for them! Better luck to you next time.

                      • Doc Nock
                          Post count: 1150

                          Not sure where you are Cleland, but if you can find HAPPY JACK KENNEL DIP, it’s water base and you can dilute it to a .5% solution like the store bought stuff…add a few drops of dish detergent to get it to permeate your clothing more (makes water wetter) and you got some kick butt cheap permitheran spray

                        • grumpy
                            Post count: 962

                            I Am not a dog!!!!!!

                          • paleoman
                              Post count: 931

                              I heard at a seminar a couple summers ago, from an entymologist (bug man) that one of the Raid products has permethrin as its main active ingredient, and that, he was “just sayin'” you can get more for less of the same thing in a can of Raid. I did check it out in the store, and sure enough there it was on the label. I just did a Google search and can’t pin down which one it was though…..still, spraying “Raid”, even on just my clothing seems weird. I suppose none of it is any good for general health,, but I’ll take it over ticks on my hide anyday.

                            • Doc Nock
                                Post count: 1150


                                Hopefully, there were NOT “dog ticks” then that you got!!! Just saying, what’s good to keep “man’s best friend” tick free is Cheap insurance against a mulititude of aliments from tick-borne diseases!

                                RAID! I’ll stick with Sawyers and Happy Jack solutions! I like no smell on my deer hunting gear!

                                Turkey’s can’t smell, but I didn’t mix up a batch of Happy Jack (sounds like fine booze doesn’t it?) for a 2 day hunt that turned out to be a 1-day hunt West of here…

                              • Ralph
                                  Post count: 2580

                                  Booze works Doc. I know a couple guys don’t even know they got ticks for a week. 😀

                                • Doc Nock
                                    Post count: 1150

                                    Guess I was thinking of Apple Jack…what we called cider we laced with sugar and raisins and set in the back of the fridge till it fermented…:shock:

                                  • Cleland
                                      Post count: 40

                                      Lol, I think I’ll stick with the Repel Doc Nock. I need to get home to (South Dakota) so I can try to fill my spring turkey tag. Got me a new 1959 Classic Bear Kodiak waiting in the Post Office. This trucking to Tx. taking to much of my time! We have tons of ticks this year to.

                                    • Doc Nock
                                        Post count: 1150

                                        Repel, Coleman Gear, Sawyer… pump spray or aerosol can…can’t go wrong.

                                        When I can afford it, I use it. When money is tight, I was happy to find the Kennel Dip concentrate.

                                        Travel safe, Cleland!

                                      • Cleland
                                          Post count: 40

                                          Hey everybody, I stopped at wall-mart today in Ok. On my way to K. City, Ka. I found mainly tick spray there by Repel, also for Mosquitos. Comes in a brown can, main active ingredient is picaridin. Going to try this turkey hunting and looking for Morels Mushrooms. 85% other ingredients, it didn’t mention deet.

                                        • Doc Nock
                                            Post count: 1150

                                            Google tells me that picaridin is an alternative to DEET that won’t harm gear. We used to get 100% deet from CN when I guided fly fishing in MT and it would eat fly lines, neoprene waders, etc, so that is good…

                                            Is listed as a “REPELLENT”…where permithren is listed as a KILLER of bugs. Ticks crawl over 6” of treated fabric drop DEAD!

                                            Should work and for turkey, that can’t smell or we’d not ever kill one, it should be great!

                                            Permithren will be my ongoing companion on deer hunts cause it also repels skeeters…and is totally odor less—iv’e seen skeeters go into hover mode 8″ off my head mask and try to buzz in and gag and back off!

                                          • Cleland
                                              Post count: 40

                                              I’ll have to try the permitherin Doc, thanks for the tip. I seen on the I-phone last night where the deet works better for ticks than the picaridin.

                                            • Doc Nock
                                                Post count: 1150

                                                [b]WARNING: [/b]

                                                Today I had a gardening class at the Local Ag Extension office of the Univ of TN…

                                                The gal teaching got into some of the pesticides and such and didn’t mention permitheran which I used in my garden decades ago in central PA.

                                                She said that is more for soft bodied bugs as it eats away their insides! 😯

                                                I then commented as I have here that it says it will kill ticks and they’re not soft-bodied in my opinion, if they crawl 6″ over treated clothing.

                                                She blinked and came back with “For that to happen with a hard bodied tick, there is surely some other pesticide in there or a higher concentration then you’d use in a garden for things you eat!

                                                First I’ve ever heard anyone espouse such rhetoric, but hey… I listened and since I chatted up the benefits of the spray bombs in cans, I thought I’d best offer full disclosure…only active ingredient is permithren on the cans I’ve seen or the Happy Jack and nothing more… so I can’t corroborate or refute it but I share it for each’s choice…:D8)

                                              • Cleland
                                                  Post count: 40

                                                  That’s scary Doc, we better stick with the deet and the picaridin!!!

                                                • Doc Nock
                                                    Post count: 1150

                                                    I don’t know…

                                                    Those educated types from a University can come up with as much speculation as others…

                                                    Nothing else is listed on the label of the permithren and it was developed for Desert Storm use…buddy got bit by a spider there w/ his NG unit and in the hospital for 2 weeks! He used it thereafter around his stuff…

                                                    I think it all stems from her belief/learning that it works on ‘soft bodied’ critters (bugs) so she can’t believe it can kill a tick… I saw i t and there ain’t nothing else listed as “active” ingredient.

                                                    Been using 10 yrs so I didn’t grow a 2nd head or 3rd eye or nothing… and I did trust govt labeling prior to 08’…! 😯

                                                  • Brennan Herr
                                                      Post count: 403
                                                    • Doc Nock
                                                        Post count: 1150

                                                        Thanks, Brennan,

                                                        I just reviewed your link…which follows much of the data I’ve read over many years…

                                                        I sent the link to the gal who commented contrary to that at the Ag Extension office…

                                                        Now ME and JACK (Happy Jack Kennel Dip) are BOTH happy! 😆

                                                      • Brennan Herr
                                                          Post count: 403

                                                          I use Sawyer’s spray on all my cloth gear. I treat my packs and outer camo once a year. I have specific clothes I only wear for outdooor activities and I treat that as needed. Sawyers last about 6 washes. I spray my boots as well. But I always wear a base layer of some type and also I dry my clothes on high for over an hour which kills the little ones that stuck around. I also do complete tick checks (with the wife involved :D)as well. If you get them in the first 48 hours you can prevent lymes disease from setting in. I have gotten two tick bites. But it was because I ignored my own process. Lucky the tick checks got the bastards quickly.

                                                        • Doc Nock
                                                            Post count: 1150

                                                            I’ve read that about ticks on you or in you in 48 hrs Brennan. No tick help here, but I rely on the clothing. I like line drying myself… but the dryer makes some sense.

                                                            I mostly treat my out layers, (camo) which is why I don’t dryer dry… course since I started eating less carbs, I have some room if they shrank, but the pattern is no longer made and is my fav.

                                                            So I baby it… line dry shade, then spray and hang in sun..

                                                            I’ve not done boots since mine are rubber knee high..dunno if it would adhere to rubber.

                                                            Sawyer can looks a lot like Culston (?) that I used to get, but not sure of the name…it was a yellow label spray can like the Sawyers now.

                                                            Repel and others…more pricey, more advertising, same stuff?

                                                            I’d gone “scounting” in MD with a guy and forgot to treat scouting clothes, so sprayed at the truck and put on not fully dry… which freaked me a bit, especially when sweating profusely…

                                                            Bad effects would likely be long term and at this age, who’ll know?!

                                                          • grumpy
                                                              Post count: 962

                                                              Dissenting evidence here:

                                                              When Arwen was 3 or 4, she got a tic (rolling down a hill on the lawn). The tic was on her less than 2 hours, and she got lime disease. Cured with antibiotics, as it was caught early.

                                                              I’m planning on myself getting checked for Lime disease next week, it is a simple blood test, nurse takes blood at the Dr office. Better safe than sorry. Insurance is happy to pay for it.

                                                            • Doc Nock
                                                                Post count: 1150

                                                                good luck with that, Grumps!

                                                                I did extensive research on Lyme and its testing some few years ago and at that time, there was serious evidence that the Lyme test was yielding many “false negatives” meaning it said you didn’t have it when you did!

                                                                Perhaps it’s improved greatly in the past 3-4 years. Met a young man up your way at a shoot, has Lyme. Said there were only 2 labs that do a test properly and the FDA won’t approve it, ostensibly because it’s more involved to avoid the “false negatives” so insurance won’t pay for it and they don’t take insurances anyway. But without a positive test from a regular lab, insurance also won’t pay for treatment. Double bind if true…

                                                                My Rheumatologist said, when I mentioned a friend’s MiLaw had it and symptoms recurred, that its not the LYME that comes back, but the damage to organs and systems that Lyme causes that recycles! 😯

                                                                Seems to me its something that is a large problem, but that the body of “evidence” is very conflicted on identifying the ailment and treating it!

                                                                I also thought (???) that there was a considerable incubation period between exposure and testing? Goes to show what I don’t know… so I just try to avoid!

                                                                Best of luck to you, with both testing and results!

                                                              • Brennan Herr
                                                                  Post count: 403


                                                                  Some more good info. My good friend got lymes and the docs thought he had cancer at first. But it took many test to figure it was lymes. Test still are crappy but some researchers are taking lab born ticks and attaching them to people and then testing the tick. Turns out it is much easier to tell if the tick is infected. Early detection is key as it can be cured. My buddy took 9 months of some serious antibiotics to rid his body. He didn’t catch it early. Never saw the tick that bit him. Prevention is the key as well as early detection. Good luck with the testing!

                                                                • Doc Nock
                                                                    Post count: 1150


                                                                    I think that is the most scary part to me… Lyme copies so many ailments, it’s often well down the road thru a “process of elimination” that Lyme is diagnosed… by then, the organs and systems have been badly compromised by the li’l bug like critters in your body…kill them they say isn’t all that hard, but the residual affects of the damage they’ve done can be life-altering…for ….LIFE!

                                                                    I was so sure I had it many decades ago…spent a ton of time outside in the woods and fields, could find big ole dog ticks crawling in my hair when I got home, but never saw ONE implanted on me, but then, who knew to check?

                                                                    I’d been tested several times and always “NEGATIVE” outcome… but the literature said that didn’t matter…because of the false negative results— today, there I live with so much systemic pain and they say it’s DISH arthritis… Arthritis is on both sides of my family tree from root to tip top limbs! So likely that is true.

                                                                    I shall always wonder… not finding a tick, didn’t mean you weren’t bitten or infected by one… Now I pay more attention.

                                                                    Showering with those nylon scrubbie ball shaped things often will “catch” the tail end of a tick that is just getting imbedded and let you know something is amiss, but I bet it’s more fun getting the “ONCE OVER” at home after an outing? 😆

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