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    • shawhill
        Post count: 63

        So its official…I sold my old faithful compound today so I would not be tempted anymore. It was my first serous bow. She put alot of food on the table and taught me alot over the past 4 years. I sold it (with all the trimmins) to a coworkers 15 year old son, and I wont lie…I felt guilty. It was like she was looking at me while I was packing her up and handing her off! Is that weird? Truth be told my wife thinks I’m nuts (for more reasons than one). But all in all it feels good to know where I stand…in the woods with a long bow…and thats where I belong.:wink:

      • Cottonwood
          Post count: 311

          Don’t feel bad, I know the temptation would be there as my son keeps the Mathews Drenalin here that I gave him… yes its temptation but I leave it alone.

          BTW – Congrats on making the switch over.

        • Stephen Graf
            Post count: 2428

            You may think there is a temptation, but there isn’t. You may occasionally want to take the compound out, but the feeling will pass quickly.

            Or not. Just remember that all of it is supposed to be fun. And it ain’t a marriage vow. And it doesn’t make you a better man than your neighbor who hasn’t come as far on his journey as you have…

          • Dpowers311
              Post count: 43

              Steve Graf wrote: You may think there is a temptation, but there isn’t. You may occasionally want to take the compound out, but the feeling will pass quickly.

              Or not. Just remember that all of it is supposed to be fun. And it ain’t a marriage vow. And it doesn’t make you a better man than your neighbor who hasn’t come as far on his journey as you have…

              Well said.


            • David Petersen
                Post count: 2749

                Dan — Ironically and poetically, the “team” you have chosen is “Team Independence.” dave p

              • SteveMcD
                  Post count: 870

                  Enjoy the journey, Brother! 8)

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