Home Forums Bows and Equipment I love my classic Bear bows!

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    • coyote220
        Post count: 50

        I took this deer today with my Bear Kodiak Hunter. Smooth shooter! This makes 2 deer for the Kodiak Hunter and 1 deer for the Super Kodiak so far this season.


      • Stephen Graf
          Post count: 2428

          Good man! Where did you hit the deer?

        • bruc
            Post count: 476

            Congrats!!!! Nice picture too. Sounds like a banner year on the deer hunting side of things!

          • coyote220
              Post count: 50

              The hit was on the right side, directly under the bow. I cleaned him up for the photo.

              Yes, it’s been a great year for my archery! I still have another hunt at a national refuge this weekend not counting the regular state wide archery and firearms seasons. These special draw hunts fall outside of the state’s harvest guidelines. Each of the locations sets their own rules.

            • Fletcher
                Post count: 177

                Congrats, Coyote! sounds like you are having a great season.

                Small suggestion if I may; reposition your bowquiver into the riser so the mounts aren’t on the working part of the limbs.

              • coyote220
                  Post count: 50

                  Thanks Fletcher!

                • Cottonwood
                    Post count: 311

                    I love your picture there, and congrats on the fine kill with your Kodiak Hunter. What poundage Hunter is pictured there, and what broadheads did you use BTW.

                    I have 3 Bear vintage recurves

                    All from early 70’s
                    Super Kodiak Grayling 55#, Kodiak Hunter 35#. Kodiak Magnum 45#

                    The Super Kodiak will be used next year for hunting with I believe, as it is still a super nice shooting bow.

                  • coyote220
                      Post count: 50

                      Cottonwood: The poundage is #50 at 28″ but I draw 30.5″. The broadheads are Zwickey Eskimo 2 blade.

                      I have the same Super Kodiak and a few other bows.

                      I’ll be out on Saturday with my father wish us luck!

                    • William Warren
                        Post count: 1384

                        Nice buck! And nice bow collection. I’ve got that same color
                        Grizzly except mine is a lefty. And good luck on Saturday.

                      • coyote220
                          Post count: 50

                          Thanks Duncan.

                          I also have a few “older” Bears that are a blast to shoot. The top two are PSE long bows, I let them sneak into to gain a little class!

                        • Cottonwood
                            Post count: 311

                            coyote220, you have some great bows there on your walls, I wish I had room on my walls to display mine. We also use the same Zwickey Eskimo broadheads.

                          • coyote220
                              Post count: 50

                              I enjoy surfing the web during down times. I have come across some good finds. I shoot all of them.

                              I also supply a local archery shop (Backyard Archery, Noblesville IN.) with various traditional and kids bows. The old classic Red Bear, Gray Fox brand Bear fiberglass bows are fast movers. We just split the profits and the shop keeps me in supplies.

                            • M
                                Post count: 107

                                I shoot and hunt with the older Bears also. I use a set of 55# and a 60# Super Magnum 48’s. I also have a couple Kodiak Mags but would like to sell them and I have my first bow from when I was 10 a Black Bear. I would like to get a deer with that one next year.

                              • coyote220
                                  Post count: 50

                                  Sometimes I feel like if I just spend enough time in the woods I’ll at least bump into a deer! Just get out there when ever you can.

                                  Good luck

                                • rayborbon
                                    Post count: 298

                                    Bear bows it is. Nice looking buck.

                                  • wildschwein
                                      Post count: 581

                                      Great stuff!!!

                                    • makesmoosecry
                                        Post count: 35

                                        AWESOME GUYS! i too love my Bear bows.. #1 old green glass grayling Kodiak Hunter 44# 58″, #2 Super mag 48 55#, #3 a three yr old Super Kodiak 60# 60″…i will buy the anniversary Kodiak Magnum for myself for christmas! -and take a doe with it in short time as i tagged out with my Super Kodiak a month ago.

                                      • makesmoosecry
                                          Post count: 35

                                          Me, my venison and my SUPER KODIAK

                                          attached file
                                        • coyote220
                                            Post count: 50

                                            Another fine Bear success story!

                                          • james gilmer
                                              Post count: 131

                                              Coyote what is the bottom bow in the second picture, the one with static limbs?

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