I’ve been reading ‘Secrets Of The English War Bow’ by Hugh D. H. Soar.
In Sept. 1583 in Merry Ole England there was a meet of THREE THOUSAND archers shooting at a single butt at 148 yards. ……… And just to keep things safe, there were wardens with wooden swords to keep onlookers outside the statutory FOURTY FEET from the butt.
Mind you, this was with the old 100# plus yew longbows and wooden arrows. I can hold my own on the long lobs but the idea of people standing less than 15 yards away from the target would probably mess with my head and I’m using a modern recurve and Easton arrows.
There was also mention of the longest flight shot at 440 yards.
All in all, that must have been one heck of an archery meet.