Home Forums Bows and Equipment I finally figured out what to do with this ol Badger

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    • Cottonwood
        Post count: 311

        I got to thinking that I wanted to make my back quiver better traditional looking. So I slid my current quiver into the Badger thru the largest opening, and slit the belly to fit the buckel end thru with a little tucking of the tail and bottom feet, it fits.

      • Mark Turton
          Post count: 759

          The worlds unluckiest badger shot whilst trying to escape:D

          Ah now read your post, a sporran quiver very nice, do you have some Scottish ancestory. Ideal for hunting haggis as the mist rolls gently down to the sea, the haunting sound of the pipes drifting thru the glen, porridge for breakfast and single malt for lunch:)


          Mey the best ye hae ivver seen
          be the warst ye’ll ivver see.
          Mey the moose ne’er lea’ yer girnal
          wi the tear-drap in its ee.
          Mey ye aye keep hail an hertie
          till ye’r auld eneuch tae dee.
          Mey ye aye juist be sae happie
          as A wish ye aye tae be.

        • David Petersen
            Post count: 2749

            Pothunter — As a regular feller who likes to think of myself as well-edjukated (mostly via reading and independent thinking, rather than school) … well you’re making me feel like an injut here lately. 😳 In this case, can ye please provide an “American English” translation of that lovely pome? Who who writ it? Maybe a feller with a taste for the peat and a linguistically convoluted obsession with such supranatural phenonemon as gravity and rainbows?

            But forget all of that for now, as I feel compelled to addendumize your perceptive but incomplete recognition of Cottonwood’s clever quiver as an artful rendition of merely a “badger shot whilst trying to escape.” I would insert: “a southbound badger shot ‘multiple times by a very good archer shooting from a northerly direction’ …” Life is, can be, a whole lot of fun. Unless you’re overly serious or a badger with wood-shaft constipation! 😆 dave p

          • Mark Turton
              Post count: 759

              Hi Dave, I’m shure yer skoolin was more komprehensiv than mine, most folks was.

              May the best you have ever seen be the worst you will ever see.
              May the mouse never leave your grain store with a tear drop in its eye.
              May you always stay hale and hearty until you are old enough to die.
              May you still be as happy as I always wish you to be.

              Can’t say who wrote it I’ll have a look when I get home.

              I’m afraid my earlier contribution may have been influenced by a generous supply of Bruichladdich, I have a weakness for Islay malts.

              And yes I really like Cottonwood’s very individual quiver.

              ‘Life is, can be, a whole lot of fun’, let’s hope so as I for one intend to be around for a while yet.


            • Cottonwood
                Post count: 311

                Pothunter wrote:
                do you have some Scottish ancestory.

                As a matter of fact I do have Scottish, Irish and English ancestory that dates back to the year 1066 on the English side from Yorkshire, Northern England and the mix got in there after that. I also have ancestory of Native American from the Ohio’s with the Shawnee.

                I used the south end of the badger as the opening, simply because that was the largest area to slide my existing quiver thru, but would have rather had the head of the badger up instead. But the way it is now, it goes along with just giving them old badgers the shaft 😛

              • David Petersen
                  Post count: 2749

                  Thanks for the translation, Mark. A dandy drinking friendship song/toast indeed! dave

                • Patrick
                    Post count: 1148

                    Very cool Cottonwood.

                  • Fletcher
                      Post count: 177

                      Very cool indeed, both the badger quiver and the Scot poem. Haven’t seen a wild badger since a teen in NoDak. Do have a fondness for Knockandoo SM.:D May be part of the Scot in me.

                    • Cottonwood
                        Post count: 311

                        My wife asked, “What’s it eat?” I simply replied…. arrows 😛

                      • SteveMcD
                          Post count: 870

                          CW… most excellent!!!:)

                        • tom-wisconsin
                            Post count: 240

                            great looking badger quiver.

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