Home Forums Campfire Forum I draw the line way, way before helicopters

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    • Charles Ek
        Post count: 566

        Could there be a worse example of inappropriate technology use? A longbow hunter squatting in the snow, mere feet from the helicopter that brought him up to mountain goat terrain.

        How is this one different than an ATV ad, Mom?

      • Robin Conrads
          Post count: 916

          You bring up a good point, but how is that different from a bush plane dropping a hunter into a remote Alaska location? I’m not saying this is right or wrong, we’re going to discuss it, but I’d like to hear some feedback from other members here.

          attached file
        • Fallguy
            Post count: 318

            The bush plane needs a runway long enough to land on and take off from so most times you still have to hike your camp a few miles to get to your hunting spot. Helicopter need a 100′ diameter relatively flat circle to land on. My opinion and just to be honest I have never had the opportunity to do a flyin hunt.

          • Cameron Unruh
              Post count: 240

              I think the concept is that this is an extreme hunter and from here he is going to pack and hunt. I drive in a truck two hours to get to my starting point which is a trailhead then pack from there. I think it would fall into the bush plane category. Or I could just be justifying an activity that I would like to experience. Lol

            • Mark Turton
                Post count: 759

                I guess it comes down to the individual and his/her hunting ethics once they arrive by whatever mode of transport.

                I would hope its not a day-trip, back to the hotel in time for drinks and dinner, but then if it were a days fishing to some remote spot that I would otherwise never have the opportunity to visit would I turn down the opportunity? is that me exhibiting double standards and going to get me banned from the trad community! but then I don’t consider myself a fisherman just a man with a fishing rod (fish are mostly safe from me).

                KUIU have a good reputation and I would like to read their response.


              • Steve Capps
                  Post count: 85

                  If we are all limited to hunting only those species we can reach on foot then there would be little need for hunting mags, internet hunting sites, or product marketing. Technology that helps get us to our destination is not the same as technology that gives us an unfair advantage over the game we pursue.

                  The individual in this ad appears to be getting picked up by the chopper. While I’ve never participated in a fly in hunt,I have been transported by helo a few times and the only time I’ve crouched facing the bird was while waiting for it to land.

                • Charles Ek
                    Post count: 566

                    Okay, I’m going to cite a cartoon distributed by one of my favorite law school professors. Two men, apparently members of the French Foreign Legion, are standing in the desert. One is dragging a sword point through the sand and says to the other as he passes: “You have to draw the line somewhere.” The arbitrariness is the whole point (no pun intended.)

                    A helicopter is a very noisy intrusion on the top of a mountain that facilitates easier access to game than that provided by riding a horse, walking, skiing, snowshoeing, and yes, even riding a seat on a bush plane. It’s too easy and too intrusive for my taste.

                    YTMV, and there’s little or nothing that anyone can cite that will make it anything other than a matter of personal choice, other than the potential adverse effects on animals.

                  • Col Mike
                      Post count: 911

                      I have to agree with Charlie on this. I have flown in and boated in and trucked in but miles from the prey. The juxtaposition of a helio and long bow just doesn’t add up in my brain. Unless your using them to get you in where the prey shoots back and I certainly was not carrying a long bow nor looking at the helicopter.

                      I would not classify it as “fair chase”. Just my humble opinion.

                      Semper Fi


                    • paleoman
                        Post count: 931

                        I think the marketing message is that the clothing gets you where want to go…is lightweight, etc. I’m not sweating it.

                      • grumpy
                          Post count: 962

                          I have to say that when I bought my Rav4 I got one with 2 wheel drive, because I don’t want to intrude on the serenity of the animals, fish, or people that may be using the outdoors I am using (I’ve stopped using the private land I have permission to hunt due to excessive truck (veHICular in Dixie) traffic). With that said not a day in the WMAs I hunt goes by without a couple army helicopters (the big ones) go over in formation, and perhaps a few jets (either fighters, or transports). I accept that because they have to do it somewhere.

                          I have never had the time, or money for fly in hunting or fishing, and I’m not so sure I would want to. I really think that a fork horn or a 5 pound bass here in Mass is a better trophy than some monster elk from out west, or a bucket mouth from down south.

                          Just my humble opinion…..

                          I’ve already caught the 5 pound bass, the fork horn is scared.

                        • Ralph
                            Post count: 2580

                            I have to drive an hour and a half to where I hunt, park my vehicle and start hunting. If I could afford it what would be the difference in transportation means other than cost and noise perhaps. 10-15 minutes travel time compared to an hour and a half. More time to hunt.

                            Or is my truck more traditional than a chopper?

                          • Don Thomas
                              Post count: 334

                              This is an interesting discussion, and we are certainly taking everyone’s concerns seriously. In Alaska, where I spent much of my hunting career, it is just plain illegal to use a helicopter in any way during a hunt, or to support a hunt in any way. That regulation was necessary to keep wild Alaska wild, and I don’t know anyone there who quarrels with it. In New Zealand, on the other hand, helicopters are a way of life. Because of the terrain and topography in much of the country, it is simply impossible to land a fix winged aircraft anywhere nearby, including ambitious hiking distance. Those who have been to the New Zealand southern Alps will know what I mean. Are they abused during some hunting situations? You bet. Is every hunt that includes a helicopter unethical? No, in my opinion. You would be unable to reach half the country even if you were willing to die trying. This is one of those situations in which one size does not fit all ethically. However, personally I could do without the helicopter in the ad. Don

                            • paleoman
                                Post count: 931

                                Grumps – I gave my impoverished 21 year old son a break and gave him my long paid for Jeep Liberty. I too consciously went with a fwd car – over 40 mpg Hwy, consciously knowing I would limit my former options. I just can’t justify a 4X4 lifestyle most of the year. I had figured I had plenty of hunting adventures out of a Chevy Chevette long ago. I can settle for that again. I salute your forethought. Not for everyone no doubt, but personally I’m scaling back and trying to lessen my footprint.

                              • wahoo
                                  Post count: 420

                                  you know it’s late archery season here in Idaho and as I sit and look out my window a group of hunters drove by in a side by side going up the hill to hunt. It started with cars and then trucks now atvs even with tank treads on them and they drive everywhere and I bitch and moan because I have to walk farther and farther, but you know I am guilty too because I drive to a jump off point. To help mom a bit the helicopter in the ad as said is crazy but he is not selling birds he is selling clothes . The ship in the ad is just a bad picture just as a crappy kill picture. As long as it is legal it is just the way it is .Great topic – happy holidays

                                • Stephen Graf
                                    Post count: 2428

                                    It would never have occurred to me to question the appropriateness of this ad with respect to the helicopter. I just wouldn’t have given it any thought.

                                    I guess unless someone slaps me in the face with it, I keep the view point of; each to his own. I think Don summed up my own feelings on this the best.

                                    And now four wheel drives are bad? I couldn’t live without one. Have to get the firewood up out of the hollow somehow. Don’t own a mule and cart. I use my four wheel drive all the time doing chores around the farm. And I have used it countless times to pull people (with those holier-than-thou two wheel drives) out of the ditch in inclement weather.

                                    There sure is a lot of judging and sensitivity in our country these days over just about everything. It would be nice if we could relax a bit, give each other a little slack, a smidge of respect, and maybe even the benefit of the doubt.

                                  • Joseph Miller
                                      Post count: 43

                                      Great response Steve, You expressed my feelings exactly. I also, use my old 4×4 Chevy pickup constantly. I could not live where I live without it.

                                    • Fallguy
                                        Post count: 318

                                        The best use I can think of for them in the lower 48 would be to access land locked public property. No sir Officer I did not step over the fence corner I flew over it. They do have an enormous opportunity to be abused just as their smaller cousin the drone.

                                      • William Warren
                                          Post count: 1384

                                          Also agree that to each his own. I don’t use Kuiu or a copter. The add definitely speaks to a certain demographic or perhaps an aspiring one.

                                        • paleoman
                                            Post count: 931

                                            I want to clarify I’m not anti 4X4:) I did give my kid my old one for Mercy’s sake. Though I love the mpg’s I’m getting with my current wheels I’m lusting after a Jeep Wrangler. I use 4X4 every day at work and find I miss having my own more than I thunked!

                                          • Stephen Smiley
                                              Post count: 46

                                              I don’t see a conflict with the helicopter in the picture. I just assume the “action” is taking place in New Zealand. I have seen Kuiu adds where they are riding on horses or just hiking. Basically they are selling clothing and its really good stuff. I have some of there clothing and it is remarkably warm for its light weight. I also use 4 wheel drive almost every day year round. Tough to live on a dirt road in a rural area without it.

                                            • Don Thomas
                                                Post count: 334

                                                Fallguy raises a very interesting point. In my part of Montana, two fabulously wealthy out-of-state brothers have amassed nearly 300,000 acres of prime game habitat and aggressively barred the public. Included within lies 4,000 landlocked acres of BLM containing a great elk herd that offers terrific archery opportunities. Some hunters have been using a local helicopter service to access the area during bow season. I’m not interested personally–too much of my hunting ethic evolved in Alaska where that would be illegal, and I could get a Cub in there anyway (if I hadn’t sold mine to build my ex-wife a barn for her horses, but that’s another story). However, I say more power to those who are doing it–and flying their dead elk out right over the top of the landowners’ trophy hunting lodge. Don

                                              • John Cholin
                                                  Post count: 24

                                                  Actually, I think this is a stupid ad. That fellow doesn’t have any equipment with him – he’s not even wearing gloves! If that’s Alaska he has to sit there until tomorrow before he can hunt. He’s going to be mighty cold by then, no matter what he’s wearing!

                                                  So its a dumb ad that can be argued to be sending the wrong message.

                                                  But I’m from New Jersey so what do I know?


                                                • Ralph
                                                    Post count: 2580

                                                    Perhaps his gear is mostly loaded and he’s fixin to leave?? 😀 Didn’t freeze to death….

                                                  • Stephen Graf
                                                      Post count: 2428

                                                      Oh come on R2, you know its always better to throw out a bunch of assumptions and then just go ahead and judge it right then and there 😯 😳 🙄

                                                    • Ralph
                                                        Post count: 2580

                                                        I musta blinked 😉

                                                      • jmsmithy
                                                          Post count: 300

                                                          As a hunter with a variety of medical issues/handicaps I have no issue if the chopper was used to get the hunter to an area to start from. I for one will go out of my way to avoid certain physically grueling climbs etc. This does NOT mean I forgo my ethics. I will take an atv, only on established, legally opened trails, to get me to my starting point and knock a few miles/days of hiking off the agenda. I’d rather use what physical abilities I have when I get up into the general hunting area than risk my hunt, and what could easily be my season, on an extra day or two of hiking just to say I “hiked there”. If I could I would. And I gotta believe there’s no way in hell any animal holding still for a longbow (or any bow for that matter) shot out of a chopper!

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