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    • SteveMcD
        Post count: 870

        How many of you 55 or older still pulling back 55 or more in poundage?

      • Troy Breeding
          Post count: 994

          Looks like I just made the break, turned 55 afew months ago.

          My current bow is 55# @ 29″ and I’m thinking about building another bow this spring a tad bit heavier.


        • bruc
            Post count: 476

            I’m 60 in March. I have a 58 lb. recurve and my new one that is 48 lb. @ 28″. I have a short draw length of 27″. For the most part I shoot the heavier bow better.


          • SteveMcD
              Post count: 870

              Troy, Bruc… thanks for your reply. I will be 56 in April. I am about ready to order a new bow and I really like the 55# @ 28 range myself. I see some folks dropping in poudage as they get older, but I don’t know, 50# and under seem too light for my liking.

            • Raymond Coffman
                Post count: 1232

                SteveMcD –

                I am 58 — I own 2 bows that are 50lbs but I do not shoot them much. One is my first, a Shakespeare Ocala. I also have a Bear Super Kodiak 65lb at the other end.

                The bows I shoot the most are in the 54lb -60lb. I do not [ as yet] have any physical problems that would cause me difficulty with this poundage. I prefer this range – to give enuff { to suit me} power to the heavier arrows I prefer. My 2 current “pursuit bows” depending on the hunting situation–are a 54″56lb Shrew Samurai[ take down] and a Centaur 56″60lb r/d bow.


              • Troy Breeding
                  Post count: 994


                  The new bow I plan on for the spring will be approx 58#@29″.

                  I’m still working my way back up to 62#@29″ (what I used to shoot). I had to have a shoulder worked on several years ago and the Dr. said I’d be lucky to ever shoot aything over 45#.:shock:

                  I told him I would. It’s taken me several years to get above 50# but I will make it back to my old weight bows.:D


                • David Coulter
                    Post count: 2293

                    Man, you guys are old. I’m only 54 1/2… I never shot a heavy bow and when I order my Stewart Slammer I opted to stay under 50. It came to me at 46# @28 and I’m quite pleased that I can shoot it as much as I want without fatigue and, with some luck, it’ll last me. So far the biggest thing I’m hunting are whitetails. If I ever get lucky enough to chase an elk or a moose, then I’ll rethink this thing and probably work up.

                    Today I photographed a fellow in a ceremony who was in my class from kindergarten through high school. I thought, man, he’s showing his age. I guess there’s a reason I haven’t posted a photo of myself here…

                    Happy New Year to you all, young and younger!

                  • David Petersen
                      Post count: 2749

                      My bows currently are 52# Bear KMag, 53# Shrew Classic Hunter, and #55 Osage selfbow. This year I shot plumb through a nice bull elk with the 53-pounder. With heavy arrows and EFOC I’d take it down to 50# no worries. A shoulder injury several years ago (either weight lifting or whitewater kayaking, or both) prompted me to drop down from 64#, which I’d shot for years. My age (39:P) has nothing to do with draw weight (so far). But since a fast bow in the 50-55 range is plenty for anything I’ll ever hunt, and I can shoot them often without shoulder pain if I’m careful, that’s where I am.

                    • Mike Bolin
                        Post count: 23

                        I’m 56 and I am shooting 55#@28″ out of my MOAB and I will have new MOAB tomorrow that will be 54#@28″. Shoulder doc told me to stay under 50# and we compromised with 55#. Shot 65# on stickbows for quite awhile and when I shot wheels, 85#-95# was the norm. Been shooting thru everything from caribou to pigs with 55# and plan to work on staying between 50# and 55# until I can no longer get around. Mike

                      • Dennis
                          Post count: 52

                          I’m 63 and still shooting about 58 lbs. at my draw length but it’s a struggle. A shoulder injury (from shooting bows too heavy) means I have to work out constantly just to keep up. I’m thinking about a new bow and I think I’ll go a couple of inches longer (presumably smoother) and about 5 lbs. lighter. Getting old sucks, as the kids say.

                        • strait-aero
                            Post count: 350

                            I’ll be 63 in the spring and have no problem shooting my 61# and 58# bows. But, I currently shoot 52# out of my Keith Smith Elk River longbow.At 70″ it’s smooth and fast. Wayne

                          • William Warren
                              Post count: 1384

                              19 days and counting to the big 55.

                              I’ve been focused on losing some poundage around my waist!:D

                              With some weight training I could shoot my 55# Hoyt again. I can shoot a few fairly accurate shots now but to shoot it alot I’d be more comfortable toning up my strength.

                              Steve, I admire your spirit. Keep on keepin on my brother!


                            • Troy Breeding
                                Post count: 994

                                Always got to be some young whipper snapper like dwcphoto sticking his nose in some place he ain’t old enough to be at. hehehehehe!!!!:D:D:D


                              • Vintage Archer
                                  Post count: 276

                                  It is pretty hard to compete with all you young guys (including David P).:D

                                  I will be 73 in two months. I normally shoot a 53# longbow but have recently been working my way up so I can hunt Cape buffalo. Hoping to get up to a 75lb long bow. I have been working my way slowly about 2 lbs a year. I am going slow as I have to save the money for the trip.:lol::lol:

                                  Always keep the dream alive! You have to have something to look forward too:)

                                • Troy Breeding
                                    Post count: 994


                                    I did the same thing several years ago. Increasing my bow weight about 3# a year until I was confortably shooting 72#. I made a new set of limbs at 75# and had just started shooting then when my shoulder went snap, crackle, pop.

                                    Even though the cause of my shoulder problem wasn’t from shooting heavy bows, using them didn’t help.

                                    Hopefully I will be able to work my way back up over time. At my age I still have time to make that goal and save for the Oz hunt as well.


                                  • Charles Ek
                                      Post count: 566

                                      I have a couple years on you, Steve, and I have a couple of bows, 48 and 55. I try to shoot both equally. I’ve always thought of 55 as an ideal weight in a hunting bow. It’s like the middle Goldilocks porridge for me — “Just right”.

                                    • kjlarson
                                        Post count: 26

                                        At 55.85 years I am focusing on my 62# Pacific Yew. No pain shooting. I just wish the rain would let up so that I can get out one more time tomorrow morning.

                                      • aablades
                                          Post count: 5

                                          57 here and I like a 45-50# for the comfort plus it will kill anything in my neck of the woods, whitetail etc.

                                        • David Coulter
                                            Post count: 2293

                                            I’ve often hung out with a more “experienced” crowd. I’ve learned a lot that way and it helps keep me feeling young! Thanks, Troy…

                                          • kstout
                                              Post count: 11

                                              I’m 56 and shoot 55# at 28″ longbow. Also have a ’66 Bear Kodiak that is 72# @ 28″, which I can shoot comfortably.

                                            • Troy Breeding
                                                Post count: 994

                                                It finally hit me this season that I was getting alittle over the hill. Made two different group hunts this fall and it turned out I was the oldest one in both camps.:twisted:


                                              • Vintage Archer
                                                  Post count: 276

                                                  [quote=Troy Breeding]Joe,

                                                  I did the same thing several years ago. Increasing my bow weight about 3# a year until I was confortably shooting 72#. I made a new set of limbs at 75# and had just started shooting then when my shoulder went snap, crackle, pop.

                                                  Even though the cause of my shoulder problem wasn’t from shooting heavy bows, using them didn’t help.

                                                  Hopefully I will be able to work my way back up over time. At my age I still have time to make that goal and save for the Oz hunt as well.


                                                  TROY you have a better chance to make the OZ trip than I do with Cape buffalo.

                                                  I was jokeing when I posted about the Cape buffalo trip.:) (75lb bow less 53lb bow diveded by 2 lb a year will put my age at 84). Pullling a 75 lb bow at 84 and killing a Cape buffalo would probably break some kind of record!:lol::lol: What the heck going for record is a incentive:lol:

                                                  I do thank you for having confidence in my abilities.

                                                  I always in trouble When I am kidding people take me seriously and when serious they think I am jokeing or they don’t pay any attention at all .:D

                                                • Troy Breeding
                                                    Post count: 994

                                                    Ah Joe your being hard on yourself. You gonna let a little ol’ thin like age stop you from living your dream are you?

                                                    I shot a tournament several years ago with a fellow that was in his earlie 80’s (atleast he said he was) that could walk up and down the hills without huffin and puffin as bad as I did.


                                                  • SteveMcD
                                                      Post count: 870

                                                      Troy Breeding wrote: Ah Joe your being hard on yourself. You gonna let a little ol’ thin like age stop you from living your dream are you?

                                                      I shot a tournament several years ago with a fellow that was in his earlie 80’s (atleast he said he was) that could walk up and down the hills without huffin and puffin as bad as I did.


                                                      Thanks, everyone! Appreciate the feedback. I will be 56 in April and was wondering what everyone else shoots as the norm. All my bows are between 50-55 and I’ve liked that range. I just made a deal on another Northwind Reverse Handle longbow that pulls 54# @ 28 so there it is – decision made.8) Thanks, everyone.


                                                    • turok
                                                        Post count: 25

                                                        I’m 58 years old and shoot a 65lb Timberhawk recurve.

                                                        attached file
                                                      • Arne Moe
                                                          Post count: 147

                                                          I’m 65 and can comfortably shoot a 65# bow. If pressed 75 but it is no longer fun to do that. I generally shoot bows in the 45-55# range, just don’t feel the need to shoot “heavy” anymore. I doubt the Cape Buffalo hunt is in the near future, so…

                                                        • tom-wisconsin
                                                            Post count: 240

                                                            I am sixty-three. I had some rotater cuff problems last year and cracked ribs from a fall this year. Remember you always need to look at it one way. You are only one day older than you were yesterday. 😀

                                                          • Northener
                                                              Post count: 20

                                                              57 this Feb. 45 — 50 #’s– @ 30 1/2″ draw

                                                              Naturally right handed my entire life, but switched to lefty 16 yrs ago, being left eye dominate. I am not pulling with my strong side, might have something to do with liking less weight, it, along with 33 yrs of carpentry has my body in tough shape. Lately I have been contemplating a set of 40-42 lb limbs. Whitetail deer is my only quarry, so I am quite confident at 15 to 18 yds, it will do the job.

                                                            • Steertalker
                                                                Post count: 83

                                                                Well…I’m only 54 but I practice with an 82 lb Brackenbury Custom Quest and my “go-to” bow is a 72 lb Brackenbury Custom Quest. Hope you don’t mind me putting my 2 cents in since I’m only 54.


                                                              • anointedarcher
                                                                  Post count: 29

                                                                  Well I am 58 and I still hunt with 63lb Super K, however I am really liking my 53lb Kodiak:D

                                                                • ksbowman
                                                                    Post count: 15

                                                                    I’m 61 and I’m not a big guy (6′-170). My go to bow is a 64#. Sometimes I’ll shoot my back up just to keep in tune to it and it’s 59# at my 29 1/4″ draw. It’s funny I shot a 54# er for quite a few years then when I turned 58 I moved up in weight.

                                                                  • stykbender
                                                                      Post count: 6

                                                                      57, 5’9″ 185# shootin a 60 # Morrison Longbow, 58# Tomahawk Longbow and on occasion my 60# Bighorn recurve. Shot a 70# Bighorn until my nephew talked me out of it last year!!!!!

                                                                    • roninrus1
                                                                        Post count: 27

                                                                        Be 65 in August. Have never shot over 50-55#. Enough for anything I’ll shoot with them.

                                                                      • Steve Sr.
                                                                          Post count: 344

                                                                          Just went to a surprise Bday party for my best friend who turned the big 6 0 last month…….old fart.

                                                                          He’s 11 months older than I am. 😀

                                                                          Can, Could, Don’t. I hunt with my 48 59 Kodiak and expect it will be my last hunting bow. It’s been a LONG search looking for “that” bow for me.

                                                                          But…..I’ve freinds with 70lbers, most bought from me, HEHE.

                                                                          I CAN still shoot them and would hunt with them but with Ed’s and Joe’s help……I feel don’t feel I’d be gaining much for my use.

                                                                          God Bless

                                                                          Steve Sr.

                                                                        • Don Thomas
                                                                            Post count: 334

                                                                            I’ll turn 64 this year, can still shoot 70# easily and go higher if I have to. But, I’ve learned that I don’t, not for anything on this continent. Don

                                                                          • mikelee
                                                                              Post count: 86

                                                                              This is such a fun thread . thought I might as well jump in ! I’ll be 55 in march . I shoot two “Hawk” bows by mike beckwith . one is 55# the other new one is 52# . What I like is they both shoot the same . So I can practice lots with the lighter one and tune up for hunting season with the heavier one . I’m on Ron’s list for a Shew and I’m prob. going with 52# .

                                                                            • Major
                                                                                Post count: 1

                                                                                I’am 71 shot a 55#@28inch:)

                                                                              • SteveMcD
                                                                                  Post count: 870

                                                                                  Great posts everyone! All my bows are between 50 and 55 and I don’t see any reason to go any higher (or lower), not in this lifetime anyway. I was curious to see if anyone ever felt a need to go lighter.

                                                                                • David Petersen
                                                                                    Post count: 2749

                                                                                    Major — Welcome aboard and more power to you! Steve and Steve — I’m with you that 50-55 pounds in a modern glass-lam bow is all that’s needed for anything in N. America … assuming we take advantage of Ashby’ studies to build arrows with qualities that easily compensate for heavier and faster bows. What a great gift Ashby has been to the tribal elders among us, women, young hunters and others who cannot or don’t wish to pull massive weight bows. I am far more consistently lethal now with low-50s yet fast bows and Ashby arrows, than I was most of my bowhunting life with mid-60s bows and standard arrows.

                                                                                  • SteveMcD
                                                                                      Post count: 870

                                                                                      I have to agree with you there as well, Dave. I have learned enough from Dr. Ashby’s studies, that have helped to give a great deal of thought and application to the making of building a better arrow. Hence a more effective and humane killing implement.

                                                                                    • David Petersen
                                                                                        Post count: 2749

                                                                                        AAblades — Al, this is a bit off topic, but in reading through the posts on this thread I checked your website and those are some gorgeous knives you make. I particularly like the one on the left, both eye-appealing and a design I know from long experience and experimentation to work beautifully to take apart elk. Good luck in your ventures. Dave

                                                                                      • roninrus1
                                                                                          Post count: 27

                                                                                          David Petersen wrote: AAblades — Al, this is a bit off topic, but in reading through the posts on this thread I checked your website and those are some gorgeous knives you make. I particularly like the one on the left, both eye-appealing and a design I know from long experience and experimentation to work beautifully to take apart elk. Good luck in your ventures. Dave

                                                                                          David, you made me go look!

                                                                                          And I agree 100% on your knife selection.

                                                                                          Beautiful knives.

                                                                                        • Ripforce
                                                                                            Post count: 225

                                                                                            I turned 55 last October, have been going to the gym most of my life, I have 2 D style Bama Longbows that are 50@28,one R/D Bama Expedition 46@28 and a Selfbow around 43@28 I could shoot much higher poundage with no problem, but I shoot alot and like my 46 R/D, its the best of both worlds,just seems like its more work to shoot those heavy poundage bows!

                                                                                          • drifter1
                                                                                              Post count: 1

                                                                                              Just turned 55 a few days ago, still pulling 56#.

                                                                                            • David Petersen
                                                                                                Post count: 2749

                                                                                                Happy birthday, Drifter, and welcome. Dave P.

                                                                                              • SteveMcD
                                                                                                  Post count: 870

                                                                                                  drifter1 wrote: Just turned 55 a few days ago, still pulling 56#.

                                                                                                  Belated Happy Birthday!

                                                                                                • fartski
                                                                                                    Post count: 4

                                                                                                    I’m 54-11mo, shooting a 62# longbow and working up to 70# to meet minimum requirements for a buff hunt this summer.

                                                                                                  • Chad Sivertsen
                                                                                                      Post count: 84

                                                                                                      I will also be 65 in August. Shooting 50-60# these days, I shoot many different bows so the weight varies. Used to shoot 65-75. Shot a 2 1/2 year old WT last fall with a 51# recurve and the arrow went through both lungs and the broadhead was buried 4″ deep in hard ground. It was an original Sweetland Forgewood, I washed off the blood, steamed the feathers, touched up the BH and it sits in the number one spot in the quiver.

                                                                                                    • Don Thomas
                                                                                                        Post count: 334

                                                                                                        63, 72#. Ha! Don

                                                                                                      • wideangle
                                                                                                          Post count: 35

                                                                                                          I am 65 and generally shoot a 58# longbow. I also shoot a Damon Howatt 60# recurve. My go to exercise for bow strength is the pull up.

                                                                                                        • wahoo
                                                                                                            Post count: 420

                                                                                                            do I have to go to another site ??? only 53 shoot 50 – 55.

                                                                                                          • Todd Smith
                                                                                                              Post count: 167

                                                                                                              I’ll be 53 this year but have shot 48# – 50# for many many years. I’ve had really good luck with wood arrows and good broadheads, so now that I can get high FOC arrows and know about Ashby’s 650 grain magic number, I feel good shooting these weights for anything. 48# seems to be a sweet spot for me. Anything over that feels just a bit too stiff.


                                                                                                            • 71flh
                                                                                                                Post count: 4

                                                                                                                I am 59 and will be 60 this year. I have 3 Jay St Charles long bows, #49 (TD Selfbow), #50, and #52 (TD). I also have a #40 Jay St Charles Thunderbird recurve. Here in Washington state, #40 is legal for all big game. While the recurve does spit the arrow out really fast the long bows (all of them) hit with authority. I use the recurve for deer and the long bows for anything bigger. I use wood shafts and have been using POC, I have just started using Sitka Spruce for deer and will be using Douglass Fir for bigger game.


                                                                                                              • Chad Sivertsen
                                                                                                                  Post count: 84

                                                                                                                  Don T.,

                                                                                                                  Are you familiar with the algebraic archery formula for archers over 60 years old. Bow weight X 3 = Archers weight. So lets see, 72 X 3 = 216#, is that about right?

                                                                                                                  Ha, couldn’t resist. Hope you are wintering well.

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