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    • richard roop
        Post count: 504

        Just got a set of Pearson Deadheads from Ebay. They had inserts epoxied in that I needed to remove. Went with the propane torch just like I would for hot melt cement. Worked fine for the first 5. Got to the 6th one that had excess glue and heated it up using pliers to hold the broadhead just like the others.  Apparently, gas built up in the ferrule and when it went it was with a loud POP.  Naturally I wasn’t wearing a shirt and the hot (really hot) insert flew out and bounced off of my chest.  Ouch !!!!

        Goes to show that you’re never too old to find a new way to do something dumb.

      • Raymond Coffman
          Post count: 1227


          That’s an odd happenstance!  I am glad you are ok. Always good to deal carefully with used stuff.

          I always force myself to wear my safety gear even for minor jobs anymore. Trying to keep my self inflicted damage to a minimum. I have enuff physical issues…

          Scout aka Ray

        • Stephen Graf
            Post count: 2426

            I don’t know…  A good thump on the chest lets you know you are still in the fight 👍

            Good luck with those deadheads.  That’s some good mojo!

          • richard roop
              Post count: 504

              Yeah, cool heads !!!  Since I’m pretty sure that the Patents expired on them it’s a shame that somebody can’t make them again. How awesome would a Deadhead in Zwickey green be ???? Or better yet, that blue that Zwickey used to use.


              That hot insert left a mark. Can I claim it’s an arrow wound ????

            • aeronut
                Post count: 383

                I had a similar occurrence happen once.  I always clean the inside of my field points with acetone before gluing them on the shafts.  I use a Q-tip to do this and didn’t notice part of the cotton tip had stayed in the point one time.  I put hot melt glue on the shaft, put the point on, and heat it over the stove flame.  A loud pop from the trapped acetone igniting sent the point sailing across the kitchen.  Took me a minute to figure out what happened.

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