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    • aeronut
        Post count: 383

        This one will be a work in progress and since I don’t have a whole lotta free time, will take a while with several installments.

        I decided to use the same form that I made my Curly Hickory bow on and make a different style riser. I have a bunch of Osage that I got from a local sawmill about five years ago. It has been stickered in my machine shed drying since then. I bought this wood with the intention of making Bamboo-backed Osage bows, which I have, but there are a couple of slabs that have a natural split and I decided to make some laminations for a few glass-backed bows from them.

        I ripped some thin strips from the slab and started sanding them down. The ‘sled’ they are riding on was a strip I cut off of the r/d bow form that I made.

        A bow’s worth of Hickory & Hedge ready to go.

        Next I took a 1-1/2″X1-1/2″X18″ slab of Black Walnut and inlaid some strips of Hickory and Osage into it, both being 1/4″ thick, and cut out and sanded it down.

        I am going for a straight longbow style on this one.


      • Clay Hayes
          Post count: 418

          looking forward to the next step!

        • aeronut
            Post count: 383

            I had some free time so it is time for another installment on the bow. I put the lams and riser in the hot box while I gathered up the rest of the stuff. Finally found my air hose after about an hour of searching.

            Time to mix some glue. Equal parts of Smooth-On.

            My daughter happened to come down to the basement so I had her snap a picture since I didn’t want a built-in camera on my bow.

            Ready for the hot box. I learned that alcohol is great for removing Smooth-On from your hands.

            I took everything apart this evening and I didn’t get a fresh-out-of-the-form picture:twisted:. I sanded off all the glue boogers and globs and this is what I’ve got so far.

            We found a narrow white streak running along one edge and it took a while to realize that one of the Osage lams had shifted a bit. After looking everything over it won’t affect the bow at all since 90% of it will be removed when I taper the limbs and the rest will be covered by a riser overlay.

            To be continued……..


          • aeronut
              Post count: 383

              I got finished with my fix-it project today so i got some more done on the bow. I re-taped the glass and checked everything with a long string. Looked good, even, and no twist in the limbs.

              I decided to go with a 64″NTN bow so I measured everything for that. I marked center on the bow and laid out the line with my laser level. I stick it to my heat duct right above my head. Remember, I’m in the basement.

              Next I marked out the limbs and went to the machine shed where my bandsaw and sanders are. I saved a dull blade for my bandsaw because it would work for cutting the fiberglass. After cutting out the limbs I sanded them down to the line.

              Earlier I cut some thin Black Walnut laminations ot overlay on the front and back of the riser. I glued them in place and everything is now back in the hotbox.

              To be ontinued……


            • aeronut
                Post count: 383

                I decided to use Black Walnut and Deer antler for the tip overlays. I have a big shed that I found with my bushhog a few years back and decided to incorporate it into some of my projects.

                I used some of the leftover Walnut from the riser overlay and put the antler on top of it. I really hate the smell of cutting and sanding antler but I like the finished product.

                Back into the hotbox again……..


              • Wv Lungbuster
                  Post count: 3

                  Looking good so far can’t wait until the next step.

                • aeronut
                    Post count: 383

                    Here is the progress so far….

                    I’m still working on the tips, sloooowly trying to get them both to somewhat match.

                    I marked and cut out the sight window. The riser is 1.35″ wide and I cut the shelf in .50″, not quite to center.

                    I’ve done some feathering on the riser overlay too.

                    I made a string a few days ago and did some checking on the tiller. Everything is looking good but I am low on the weight I was hoping for. I was hoping for 40-45# but the initial scaling is around 30#’s. I’m going to finish it at this weight and shoot it for a while.

                    I Started rounding off all the edges and shaping the handle. Don’t have any pictures of that yet but I’ll try to get some tomorrow.

                    To be continued……


                  • aeronut
                      Post count: 383

                      Haven’t done much the last couple of days, back’s been hurtin’ a lot.

                      Here is the initial contouring of the handle. The three pencil lines you can see are where I am going to sand shallow grooves for my fingers.

                      It’s starting to ‘feel’ like a bow now.
                      After I get the initial handle/riser section work done I’ll be down to the nit-pickin’ stage getting it ready for a finish.


                    • aeronut
                        Post count: 383

                        Sanded the finger grooves in this morning and did a little more rounding on the riser. Buffed all the Walnut down with 4/0 steel wool.


                      • aeronut
                          Post count: 383

                          Finally finished. I put four coats of True Oil on it on 8/23 and let it dry last week while I was in Wichita on company business. I got three arrows made last Saturday and shot it Sunday. It shoots great and I really like that style of grip. I think I’m going to use this one for 3D shooting.


                          62″ 30#@28″
                          Hickory Core
                          Osage lams
                          .050 glass
                          Riser: Black Walnut with Hickory and Osage accent strips. Black Walnut front and back riser overlays.

                          Profile shots

                          Full draw (well, as full as I can get it):oops:


                        • Robin Conrads
                            Post count: 916

                            Aeronut, thank you so much for a wonderful build along. We appreciate the time you put into this project so others could see how it’s done. Good job, and you make a beautiful bow.

                          • aeronut
                              Post count: 383

                              Thanks for the compliments. When I got interested in learning how to build a bow there wasn’t anything like the internet for information. It took a lot of reading and trial and error. I’m glad that someone will see this and learn a little bit from it. Compared to a lot of bowyers, I consider myself a rank amateur.

                              I’m already thinking about the next build.


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