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    • grumpy
        Post count: 962

        In a quandary here.   I want to harvest a hickory tree (4″ sapling) but all I am finding with the characteristic shaggy bark are mature (like 10″ in diameter) trees. In the summer it would be easier, match leaves/buds with pics on the net, etc. But I want to harvest now while the sap is down.  I know, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, but there are a lot of trees out there. From what I am seeing on the net there could be Elm saplings out there too, which is strange because there are no mature elms out there.  The issue is also confused by the preponderance of ash trees in the neighborhood.  I think it will take more than just looking at the bark to make a positive identification.  HELP!!!!

      • David Coulter
          Post count: 2293

          Grumps, you’re right. Only the big ones are shaggy. Once you learn it  you’ll always be able to pick them out. It’s difficult for me to describe without standing next to it. Best thing I can think of is B) look it up on the interweb or better, A) ask someone from your county environmental center to show you one. They’ll show you the silhouette and how the branches and twig are positioned. Then you’ll see them all over the place. Dwc

        • William Warren
            Post count: 1384


            I’ve not been as successful with the Shag bark hickory as I have with the smooth bark hickories. I think shag bark is harder and can be more brittle and less forgiving than the smoth barks. The only hickory bow I’ve had to break unexpectedly was made of shag bark but it send arrows down range with authority until it did break. If you have not previously identified one while the leaves are on you can look at the buds. They tend to be thicker than ash or poplar which can be mistaken if you are not very familiar with the bark patterns. Hickory bark is slicker and harder than ash or poplar bark. Try pushing a fingernail into it you will see.  I’ve even had trouble IDing larger trees in winter. The smaller ones are easier for me to ID. Also Hickory bark has a distinct scent when scraped as does poplar and ash. They don’t smell alike at all to me. Good luck with your bow project. I like nice straight 8″ trees. Can often get 4 staves per section and is easier for and old guy like me to handle.

          • grumpy
              Post count: 962

              Thanks for responding. Good to know about smooth bark vs shaggy.

              Looking for someone local that can show me.

            • David Coulter
                Post count: 2293

                Grumps, what Mr Warren said is echoed by my hunting buddy. He has said the same about the two hickorys. He’s been using a selfbow made out of pig nut (smooth bark) hickory for years. We’ve been hunting together for 8 years or so and he’s had that same bow longer than that. He tags out every year with it, too. He’s a good archer and a better hunter. dwc

              • grumpy
                  Post count: 962

                  Good news. Scot, who is in the Tuesday Bible study, works at a sawmill. Yes. He knew what I was talking about has a pignut log for me. He also has a elm log. Just waiting until he has enough time… Seems like everybody is really busy.

                • Stephen Graf
                    Post count: 2426

                    Here’s another vote for pignut.  Or maybe black locust if you can find it.  Or better yet….  black locust with a 1/16 veneer of pignut on the back to keep it together 🙂

                  • grumpy
                      Post count: 962

                      IT  WORKS!!!

                      Shag bark hickory, stave cut out of a 8″ tree from Tim’s woodlot.  Pulls about 50# @ 23″, 53″ nock to nock.

                      Finally got a 50# at my draw length.



                    • Stephen Graf
                        Post count: 2426

                        Salute!  and it looks like you added some siyah’s to it?

                        Looks like the squash are about to come in too.  Nice!

                      • Dave Nash
                          Post count: 113

                          Love it when a plan comes together. Congrats

                        • grumpy
                            Post count: 962

                            yup, siyahs weren’t easy.  Glued one on a tiny bit off, which caused limb twist, fixed it by shaving off one side, then cutting the other down to match.

                            Yes, giving squash to food bank.

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