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    • SteveMcD
        Post count: 870

        Hi, Everyone. I am back. After a long time away. Ups and Downs and everything in between.. but, nice to be back.

        Besides I heard rumor of a couple of guys chasing Elk this month in the San Juan Mountains in Colorado. So I am hoping to see plenty of pic’s of a 300+ herd bull or two. 😀

        Having said that.. as always wish everyone a happy & successful hunting season. Be Safe!

      • strait-aero
          Post count: 350

          Good to have you back, Steve. It’s been awhile since you chimed in!

          Haven’t heard hide nor hair from Dave,T.Downing,or Alex….I just hope they’re having a good time on their hunts, maybe some success.

          I think they’ll check in on the 2013 Bulletin Board thread.

          Hey….don’t be a stranger. 😉 Wayne

        • Bruce Smithhammer
            Post count: 2514

            Good to have you back, Steve!

          • Alexandre Bugnon
              Post count: 681

              Welcome back Steve! I’ll see you in Fahnestock!

            • paleoman
                Post count: 931

                Welcome back!

              • T Downing
                  Post count: 233

                  Steve, welcome back! I hope you and yours are well.

                  Hey fellas! We are going into the second week of the elk season. Due to my Achilles complications, I won’t be able to hunt my high country for elk for the first time in almost 20 years. Pop is up there though and my oldest son Isaiah has been with him on the weekends. I have been out at least five times in a lower location and have seen three cows. I have yet to hear a bugle, except the offerings of some local hunter who thinks that bull elk bugle every 8 seconds! 😯

                  Still, despite my infection, once these bulls really get going, I know that an opportunity will present itself, which in many ways, is the essence of what we all do. Its currently raining outside, wiping away all human scent from the past week. Its raining so hard that the elk are definitely bedded down and I imagine that their hormones are building with every moment underneath that tree…For the first time in my life I haven’t been able to hunt physically the way I have always have. As a result, I have a profound appreciation of just being out there in it. Grateful for any opportunity just to experience elk country. Yet, my fangs are showing. You never know. I really believe that there will be a bull in front of me at some point, God willing, I will be ready.

                • T Downing
                    Post count: 233

                    Alex…Get ahold of me. I have an offer for you.

                  • SteveMcD
                      Post count: 870

                      Thanks for the gracious welcome everyone!

                      TD.. I know.. I spent the first 8 months of the year dealing and battling cancer myself. I am happy to say, I am cancer free. But now I understand. And yes, any time in the great outdoors, with family and/or friends is a precious gift. I think as TRAD Bow Hunters we all have an appreciative understanding of that. Life’s challenges help bring that into perspective. Get well soon TD!

                      Alex… see you at Stillwater Pond! Go get the Herd Bull! 8)

                    • grumpy
                        Post count: 962

                        Welcome back steve.

                      • Ben M.
                          Post count: 460

                          Congrats, Steve.

                          Welcome back.


                        • William Warren
                            Post count: 1384

                            Glad you’re back Steve!

                          • Ralph
                              Post count: 2580

                              Howdy Steve, Ralph:)

                            • David Coulter
                                Post count: 2293


                                Glad to see your mug in the threads again. I’m happy to hear you are healthy. Continued good health to you. All the best, dwc

                              • Alexandre Bugnon
                                  Post count: 681

                                  SteveMcD wrote:

                                  Alex… see you at Stillwater Pond! Go get the Herd Bull! 8)

                                  You bet I’ll see you at Stillwater pond! I still remember the great time we had during 2009 late season like it was yesterday!

                                  I will go get the herd bull….. until a nice cow comes along and gives me a shot… My hunt will be over! 😀

                                • Stephen Graf
                                    Post count: 2428

                                    Glad to hear you beat the cancer. Good luck in the woods this year, and thanks for checking in!

                                  • jmsmithy
                                      Post count: 300

                                      Congrats Steve and glad to see u back. That insidious disease seems to hit every family at one time or another. My wife (lost leg to bone cancer but still got her!!), my mom beat leukemia and my cousin just beat the breast monster for the second time.

                                      It’s a blessing to get through it successfully… Really drives home how important it is to take every day as it comes with a smile and get in the woods as often as possible 😀

                                    • SteveMcD
                                        Post count: 870

                                        Thank you, JM!!!

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