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    • LanceColeman
        Post count: 17

        So THIS is where you’ve been hiding!! Took me a bit bit I finally found ya. I still have a decent stack of papers and photos gathered from various autopsies here stateside.

        Are you still needin additional info or are you winding down and have enough??

        Sorry for being out of touch. My circle has grown so small it looks more like a triangle:lol:


      • David Petersen
          Post count: 2749

          Lance — I don’t mean to speak for Ed, but he’s going through a lot of hassles right now, the back of course but also moving to the US for the first time in ages. I’m sure when he gets back on track this is the place to find him. Dave

        • LanceColeman
            Post count: 17

            Docs comin home?? ALRIGHT! someone to take huntin!

            Thanks for the update Dave. I preciate it.

          • IronCreekArcher
              Post count: 79

              I wish you a speedy recovery Dr.Ashby and a smooth transition back to the U.S.

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