Home Forums Bows and Equipment herters perfection recurve

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    • wahoo
        Post count: 420

        this curve has a curved shelf ? Never had one . Can I just put a piece on the shelf and shoot or should I do something else ??

      • richard roop
          Post count: 526

          I wouldn’t know why you couldn’t use the fuzzy side of Velcro on the shelf & riser window to see what happens.

          If that fails, it’s really hard to go wrong with a Bear Weather Rest & resetting the nocking point.

        • Raymond Coffman
            Post count: 1232


            What Richard said – I like the velcro myself, but the old bear type hair rests work fine. Don’t have a recurve with a crescent shelf, but have  a number of R/D longbows that do, they are padded with velcro or hair rests….

            Scout aka Ray

          • wahoo
              Post count: 420

              sounds like a plan . Very nice looking bow . Trying to clean all the bows up I have collected over the years and have them all in shooting shape .

            • Raymond Coffman
                Post count: 1232


                Great winter project.  I have a few of mine I need to check and bring back up to operational status.

                Scout aka Ray

              • David Coulter
                  Post count: 2293

                  I still have an old Heeter’s catalog. I spent so many hours as a kid dreaming through those pages of Herter’s Best. What adventures I had from my living room.

                  • Kees
                      Post count: 124

                      I was in the Navy when I first saw a Herter’s catalog, and actually ordered some stuff from it.  Later I was in Minnesota and made several trips to their store in Waseca.  The descriptions were over the top but made for fun reading and dreaming!


                      • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Kees.
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