Home Forums Bows and Equipment Her first bow

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    • Cottonwood
        Post count: 311

        I got my granddaughter her first bow the Bear 1st Shot several months ago, and here she is today really excited about it now.

      • MontanaFord
          Post count: 450

          That’s awesome, Cotton. She’ll be out there with Grandpa before too long, I’m sure. You could always take her down to the shop and set up a foam bale for her to shoot at. Pin a couple balloons to it so when she gets a hit, she gets real gratification. My kids love shooting at balloons. I need to go buy a couple bags for them. For kids’ arrows, Rod Kelley, up on 3 Mile Drive has a good selection, and fair prices. Take her so she can pick her own fletching colors. He usually has a bunch already made up.


        • Cottonwood
            Post count: 311

            Thanks Michael, I think she is going to like shooting it, and balloons. I have 3 arrows that came with it, that will work for now, but getting more will be needed as well.


          • wildschwein
              Post count: 581

              Too cute. Outa make a great range buddy for sure.

            • bruc
                Post count: 476

                Nothing like Grandkids:wink::wink:

              • LimbLover
                  Post count: 299

                  Oh boy…Ripforce and I can’t wait to buy a bow for this one either:

                  That is my daughter Aubrey. 7 months as of Sunday.

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