Home Forums Bows and Equipment Help with Overlays on nocks and risers

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    • Stephen Graf
        Post count: 2428

        I’ve made about 10 bows now. I seem to have trouble getting nice blending for the nock and riser overlays. I always seem to end up with a little lip, or else dig into the glass. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Techniques?, tools?, curse words? Thanks

      • aeronut
          Post count: 398

          I usually start by tapering the overlay as much as possible before gluing it on and make sure to wipe off the glue at the end of the taper before it dries. It just takes a lot of patience. A light sanding on the glass isn’t going to hurt it, just try not to get too deep.

          I tapered the Walnut on this one and left the antler untapered because I could work it down without getting into the glass.


          My riser overlays start out no more than .040″ and usually .030 or less. It doesn’t take much sanding to blend them in. Use a flat piece of wood to back your sandpaper.

        • Stephen Graf
            Post count: 2428

            Thanks for the help. What you described is basically what I do. I was hoping for a “trick” that might compensate for my lack of craftsmanship. I seem to have to learn this lesson over and over – As with all things archery, there is no shortcut for patience and skill.

          • rayborbon
              Post count: 298

              Tips are the hardest part of the bow making process for me.

              Thanks for the tip on this subject. I have been using a different method but I like yours and might use it in the future.

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