Home Forums Bows and Equipment Help with fletcher!

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    • boris
        Post count: 1

        I would like to buy fletcher . I don’t know which to choose:roll: (JoJan, Bitzenburger). I like to make helical fletch on wood shafts.

        Thanks! Boris

      • Buzzard
          Post count: 66

          Boris: my choice (hands down) for a coffee table fletcher is the Martin J-8 as shown in 3 Rivers catalog. It’ll do a half doz arrows in the course of a rainy afternoon watchin football, if i can stay awake!!!!

        • Clay Hayes
            Post count: 418

            Most pro’s will tell you the Bitzenburger is the way to go, and I agree – if you’ve got the cash for it. I’ve got one and use it on occasion but it takes a while to fletch a dozen shafts with one fletcher. I’ve also got a jojan and it works fine for 6 shafts at a time. Lot’s cheaper too.


          • cody
              Post count: 87

              I’ve got the Jo Jan and its pretty good. Its a little finicky to get adjusted at first but once you figure it out I like it. I’ve got the right wing and it puts a good twist on the feather

            • David Petersen
                Post count: 2749

                The only question I believe you could ask that would get more differing opinions than this one, is “What’s the best hunting knife?” I’ve used a Blitz, borrowed, and it was great. But I bought a cheap Bohning high-impact plastic simply because it is virtually idential to the Blitz, does exactly the same work and cost a big lot less. Just another vote to confuse you! 😀

              • Danny Klee
                  Post count: 90

                  I use the BPE fletcher and it works great for me. I bought mine at http://www.emeraldarchery.com. I don’t know where else you can buy them. I have another one I bought at one of the Kalamazoo events but I don’t care for it to much.


                • stalkin4elk
                    Post count: 63

                    I use a Bears Paw which works great and is reasonable cost from Kustom King.

                  • Fletcher
                      Post count: 177

                      I’m sure most of today’s fletchers will do a good job. I’m still using the Bitzenburger that I bought in the late 70’s, and when I needed more jigs, I bought all Bitz. If you watch the classifieds and auctions, you can get one pretty reasonable. You won’t regret buying a Bitz.

                    • lhertel
                        Post count: 14

                        I have the JoJan and the Bitzenburger. And the winner is… Bitzenburger!!!!! I use beyond bond with the eccelerator and it works great. I can fletch an arrow in a couple of minutes.

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