Home Forums Bows and Equipment Hello silence, my old friend …………

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    • richard roop
        Post count: 522

        …………….. I’ve come to shoot with you again.

        Say what ???? ………… You say that’s not the way that song goes ???  You sing it your way & I’ll sing it mine.

        Down to days to go before deer season opens here and I’ve been aware that my bow is just not whispering sweet nothings to me when I shoot like it used to.  I’ve already checked all of the obvious things like string silencers and those goofy rubber baby buggy bumpers at the ends of the limbs. All the nuts & bolts are tight and the arrows fly great.  That left the bow quiver, an older Sagittarius 8 arrow model. Epoxied the cup to the main beam to eliminate rattle but it didn’t help. The foam insert wasn’t great but I’ve used worse. Replaced it anyway.  Finally had a brainstorm that the broadhead points were contacting the plastic cup and resonating.  I cut a scrap piece of thick latigo leather to fit inside the cup for the points to contact and glued it in.

        BINGO !!!! …………… That got it !!!!  ………………. Shooting clean with just a dull thud !!!  Life is good, I may even be a bit taller and a little more handsome.

      • Raymond Coffman
          Post count: 1232



          Yes silence my old friend. Glad you found him again….

          Keeping em quiet is an absolutely necessity.. as much as one can.

          Glad you managed to sort it out, bow quivers especially the large ones can be a problem..

          Scout aka Ray

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