Home Forums Campfire Forum Happy Thanksgiving

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    • grumpy
        Post count: 962

        No, I didn’t get my deer, yet….

        But I still have a lot to be thankful for. I’m still able to get out in the woods, and sit in the cold. I was out all day yesterday, bundled up and warm, nice having a cold nose while the rest of me is warm.:wink:

      • David Coulter
          Post count: 2293

          Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Grumpy! I always enjoy your posts. Stay warm, until it’s time to get cold again, and don’t forget to eat too much today. peace, david

        • Ralph
            Post count: 2580

            Hey yeah, Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            I’m still on my longbow turkey quest.

            Not today though, there are other life priorities like family and giving thanks for our lives. Should be a daily but OK too to have a special day for for a great big THANKS…

            And remember, you can get anything you want at “Alice’s Restaurant”. :D:D

            Some remember uh!!!:wink:

            What is bounty if we don’t have a heart full of gratitude????????

          • Stephen Graf
              Post count: 2426

              Just got back from my sisters place. Had the big feed there this year. Now I have to think about those two deer I have hanging in my cooler that need to be turned into burger and backstraps 😀

              I am VERY thankful those two deer saw fit to walk in front of me…

              And that I have a couple kids that still depend on me to feed them…

              Beautiful morning here today.

            • grumpy
                Post count: 962

                Yes, R2, Made them listen to “Alice’s Restaurant” (in 4 part harmony) as it is a tradition here in New England, we are just down the turnpike from Alice’s Restaurant (and Obie). 😀

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