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    • grumpy
        Post count: 962

        Here in New England we take this seriously.

        Waiting for the turkey to cook, I’m trying to figure out why I haven’t tagged a buck (with only 2 days left in the season).

        Maybe I should get the special detergent to wash my clothes.

        Maybe I should get the spray to block my scent.

        Maybe I should get a special camo suit to block my scent.

        Maybe I should get rattling antlers.

        I already have a can that is supposed to sound like a doe in heat (think I hear it going off in the bedroom again).

        Maybe another buck call?

        Actually I think there should be a pop-up on the internet to tell you when you are spending the electric bill….

        And then there is the fact that maybe I AM doing something wrong….

        Actually it is probably like a lot of the fly-fishing things I’ve done over the years… I blunder around for a while, then I’m suddenly successful. “Oh, that’s how it works.” The reality is that half the money I’ve spent is probably wasted (no I didn’t buy all that stuff), but it is a lot easier to think that some magic will bring success rather than actually have to work at it and change ME.

        Hope you are all reasonably happy, and healthy this Thanksgiving, and looking forward to lots of hunting adventures.

      • Doc Nock
          Post count: 1150

          LOL, Grumpy,

          I always enjoy your posts!

          In today’s world, it’s very easy to get sucked into the gizmos and toys… “if only”… echoes thru my brain a lot too… But then I remember that ditty, “if my Aunt was built differently, shed be my Uncle.”

          We also forget that it wasn’t that long ago, really, that even seeing ANY whitetail in the woods was a big deal! Hunter, the apex conservationists, brought them back to the point where today, many states are trying to figure out how to REDUCE herd size…Obviously, we’re not doing our part as we might! 🙄

          I’m with you, too, on the “stumble” factor to success, but by then, I’ve tried so many things, I cannot for the life of me remember what I did when it went RIGHT! So then I’m relegated to start the experimentation all over again…and in the dark recesses of my feeble mine, I’m pretty certain the next success will probably be for a totally different set of variables tried, alas, it’s not learning, but mere yearning.

          Best wishes for a grand and love filled Thanksgiving. For all the warts growing on our Country, there is still much for which to give thanks!


        • Stix
            Post count: 175

            Have a great day of giving thanks!

          • David Coulter
              Post count: 2293

              Had a brief walk in the snowy woods here this evening checking for tracks and seeing plenty. A few deer a few coyote, some turkey and as always a few squirrel. Looking forward to getting out monday morning.

              The second turkey dinner will be ready in a few minutes and a nice evening ahead with my wonderful wife and children.

              A wonderful evening to you all! Dwc

            • Ralph
                Post count: 2580

                As full as a tick and thankful that I can be. Be blessed brothers and sisters of the bow and good hunting and shooting.

                Diana smile upon us.:)

                Ralph & Shirley

              • horserod
                  Post count: 78

                  On this special day of Thanksgiving, it was special as all the family got together and shared, not only the delicious food, but, also, personal stories of days gone by. I got to shoot one arrow out of my bow as dark was setting in and a light snow filtered all around……A perfect shot! I retrieved my arrow and gave thanks to God for awesome day! Happy Thanksgiving to all……..Horserod

                • Rogue
                    Post count: 84

                    More often than not I probably am doing something wrong. I spend many a day afield contemplating how much better a hunter I would be if my family truly depended on the game I brought home.

                    For as much time that I spend in the woods I have to constantly remind myself that the deer and elk I chase are there 24/7. Full time professionals at avoiding predators.

                    At best I am a part time amateur in the predator department.

                    Lucky for me I occasionally stumble onto one that is probably lacking in the mental capacity department.

                  • Stephen Graf
                      Post count: 2426

                      The way I see it is that if you have lived your life so that you can still go into the woods, and if you choose to do so with a traditional bow (of your own making?) then you have done everything right. Everything that matters anyway.

                    • grumpy
                        Post count: 962

                        So now I have to encounter the mentally deficient critters before Rogue? Actually I have been thinking about this as I waited for the mentally deficient in the cold, cold woods today. You may notice that most of the high level stuff occurs in the Frontal Lobes (the space behind your forhead). Things like What should I have for breakfast? What color shirt should I wear? and in the case of a 10 year old Why is that boy staring at me? Oh, and a few other things like E = MC2, rocket science, and brain surgery. Creatures who do not have a forehead have to rely on instincts, which are in the back of the brain. Things like sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Got that? So the question is: Why do us high forehead guys have so much trouble outwitting a critter with no forehead?

                        Obviously it doesn’t matter to Steve Graf, which suits me just fine, since I have just one day left in the archery season. 😕

                      • Murray
                          Post count: 46

                          Don’t know much about foreheads and such, but hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving, and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS.


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