Home Forums Campfire Forum Gotta get this "stuff" under control!

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    • Steve Branson
        Post count: 73

        For the past year and a half I have been plagued with a certain problem. Every morning that I hunt, I get up and have a very light breakfast, have even gone away from the morning coffee or tea. I get ready, try to do my morning duties but it NEVER fails. An hour after daylight…..and I gotta go! And yes…the dirty smelly one! I don’t know what I can do to cure this, and I wouldn’t mind if it was just the easier of the two, since I have experimented and found that it doesn’t seem to alarm deer, but I don’t want to be dropping “landmines” in the woods every morning!!:evil:

      • JifeLacket
          Post count: 1

          You’re human bro, i’m the same way. Unless you want to change your eating habits a few days in advance then I would just keep doing what you’re doing! I wouldn’t skimp on breakfast because of this that’s for sure, especially since it happens anyways!

        • wildschwein
            Post count: 581

            LOL man the problems we hunters have! Trick is to skip breakfast and morning liquids. No breakfast, no wooland potty breaks, for me anyhow.

          • Mark Turton
              Post count: 759

              It’s a predator thing, slow’s you down.

            • Nutmeg
                Post count: 33

                😀 lol You’re not alone.(nut)

              • coyote220
                  Post count: 50

                  Another one of the joys of aging! I am in the same boat, I just wake up 1 hour earlier and take my time loading my gear, Jeep and wait…ta dah!! I always prefer home field advantage when dropping a duce and this seems to accomplish that goal.

                • William Warren
                    Post count: 1384

                    Me and ‘Yote220 are on the same schedule, but hey, a folding shovel and a pack of wipes are in the truck at the ready just in case 😀

                  • Charles Ek
                      Post count: 566

                      I don”t think it’s likely one can jump out of bed, go in the field without breakfast and feel good physically and mentally. Nor is it a good idea to jump out of bed and eat breakfast on the way out the door (or in your vehicle). Going without breakfast leaves you groping for energy. Eating breakfast on the way leaves you groping for leaves. 😆

                      The only way I’ve been able to resolve this is to eat a substantial bowl of oatmeal right when I get up, then get ready to go. The oatmeal may or may not have some laxative effect. But it sure is a good source of medium term energy for the morning.

                    • rayborbon
                        Post count: 298

                        Number 2 happens like clockwork at the same time every morning. So I have come to expect it.

                        Number 1 – a lot more random. I try to avoid coffee.

                      • Fletcher
                          Post count: 177

                          try a shot of milk of magnesia before dinner and you will be taking care of business first thing in the morning. I need to have my breakfast, coffee I can go without for a day.

                        • John Carter
                            Post count: 71

                            Go for a short run,,,like around the house a couple of times,,then do a dozen push ups,it’s gets your body “moving”:wink:.

                          • MontanaFord
                              Post count: 450

                              Well, I’m glad I’m not the only one out there that’s run into this.:lol::lol: My truck is usually loaded the night before, so all I have to do is grab breakfast and head out the door. Usually have to stop a time or two up the trail from the truck, and let me tell ya, that’s a bummer…had a buck come up on an old road about 20 yards from me while I was sittin over a downed tree…talk about rotten luck…and smell. He hit the road, the brakes, the alarm and the gas all in about four milliseconds…lol. And my bow was just out of reach through all this. I just carry TP in the front pocket of my pack and if things come up, I step off the trail about 10 or 15 steps, just so somebody else doesn’t STEP in it…


                            • Steve Branson
                                Post count: 73

                                Ever heard anything on how deer associate the presence of Poo whether it spooks them or not?

                              • William Warren
                                  Post count: 1384

                                  Try this: Drink a few swallows of water right after you first wake up. It will start your digestive tract. A past bowunting friend told me this is what works for him. I tried it and it usually works on me before I leave the house.

                                • mswickard
                                    Post count: 34

                                    Get up earlier, start drinking hot liquids and have a hot breakfest. This should get you motor running before hitting the woods. A dip of Cope works wonders too!

                                  • turtlebunting
                                      Post count: 103

                                      i usely just go on the niebor propty. he is a butt hole anyway!!!!

                                    • YankeeRedneck
                                        Post count: 15

                                        Hey! I thought it was just me that had this problem!!:lol: I think alot of my problem is my nerves. I get all worked up when I hit the woods and bam I GOTTA GO..

                                      • Steve Branson
                                          Post count: 73

                                          LOL!!! What have I created?? :D:D

                                        • Cottonwood
                                            Post count: 311

                                            Steve Branson wrote: LOL!!! What have I created?? :D:D

                                            A real smelly topic 🙄

                                          • LimbLover
                                              Post count: 299

                                              Duncan wrote: Try this: Drink a few swallows of water right after you first wake up. It will start your digestive tract. A past bowunting friend told me this is what works for him. I tried it and it usually works on me before I leave the house.

                                              Amen. Make sure the water is cold. Shocks me into doing my business early. However…I always have to urinate when I hit the woods. I think its all the adrenaline.

                                            • Chris Shelton
                                                Post count: 679

                                                turtlebunting wrote: i usely just go on the niebor propty. he is a butt hole anyway!!!!

                                                Now I know whos been poopin on my buddies IL property 😆 just kidding, lol

                                              • Ed Zachary
                                                  Post count: 58

                                                  You need to look at it differently – my missus is a nurse and she always says, “BE GLAD IT COMES OUT!” 😀

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