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    • johntribett
        Post count: 21

        I connected on this goose the other day. I didn’t shoot it on the wing though. I snuck up to the flock on the edge of a pond. I still can’t figure how I got away with it. Stars must have been aligned just right. Ha !

      • johntribett
          Post count: 21

          BTW, I shoot a Big Jim Buffalo bow and used one of his new BIG 3 heads. Second critter with the head and both times the holes were crazy big. I wouldn’t use them on anything bigger than a deer but there fun on smaller critters.

        • wildschwein
            Post count: 581

            Great job on the Goose! As far as I’m concerned, anything that requires a broadhead is big game so your Goose is a qualifier, to me anyhow.

          • johntribett
              Post count: 21

              Thanks Wild.

            • David Petersen
                Post count: 2749

                Good shooting, John. Great arrow placement and that Big head would be just the ticket for turkeys. I also ground-sluiced a Canada goose once, in fact twice, by creeping along a cottonwood-lined creek adjoining an alfalfa stubble field on the Navajo Rez in NM, where hundreds of birds were feeding. With all those wary eyes they are indeed hard to get. Maybe a ground blind would be a good set-up in areas where they spend lots of time on the ground all year. But in the end I’ve not been able to enjoy eating them so gave it up. Tastes differ. dave

              • ssumner1
                  Post count: 109

                  Looks as if the dog claims the kill as its own.:)

                • johntribett
                    Post count: 21

                    She definently tries to claim the kill.
                    Actually some of my surprise of getting a shot at this bird comes from her being with me. She’s a young pup and runs around like mad, she was running around as I stalked the flock and never once gave up the ghost. She seemed to know to stay out of sight. She’s an attempt at a replacement to the finest dog anyone would ever dream to have, (thats another story) and I think she’s fitting the bill just fine.
                    I’m with you, I’ve never had the taste for water bird but instead of giveing this one away I decided to make jerky out of it. Tastes pretty good but certainly not as good as venison jerky.

                  • William Warren
                      Post count: 1384

                      Congrats on the goose! I’ve always wanted to get one with the bow. Your dog looks like mine when he was younger. He was a tenacious squirrel hunter.
                      A couple of things you could try that might improve the flavor of waterfowl are 1) soak the breast meat in a pan of water with a little salt in the fridge to draw out the blood. Change the water a couple of times as needed. 2) Waterfowl is much better if you can age the meat. When I could get weather cool enough to hang my ducks overnight or even over 2 days the flavor and tenderness was greatly improved. Leave the skin and feathers on but do remove the entrails and dry out the body cavity with a clean cloth then hang them in a cool place heads up so they can continue to drain. Put down some paper to catch the drips. Temp should be above freezing but no higher than 45 degrees and do keep a check on them. I’ve not hung any more than 2 days.

                    • johntribett
                        Post count: 21

                        Thanks Duncan,
                        It’s to late for this particular bird but I’ll remember your suggestions for the future, Sadly I’m in the same boat as Dave see’n how this is only the second goose I’ve ever killed.
                        I live in a major flyway and could possibly take many, many geese during season but that would require the use of a shotgun and interfere with bow season for deer, of which neither appeals to me in the least.

                      • rayborbon
                          Post count: 298

                          Looks like it was a devastating shot. I never used those heads but they look like they worked like a charm. I’m partial to the STOS per my experiences on the big birds. Congratulations on your harvest.

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