Home Forums Campfire Forum glove or tab?

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    • texasota
        Post count: 47

        being a newbee to trad archery, i am learning a ton from this site. but i am curious on the release aid. do you use a glove or a tab? and why? is it personal preference or is one better than the other?

      • MontanaFord
          Post count: 450


          my personal preference is a good glove. i’ve tried tabs a couple times, and just didn’t like’em. I shoot three fingers under, instead of split finger, so that makes a bit of difference. most tabs, at least the ones i tried, were designed to shoot split fingers. gloves allow you to keep your fingers tight together.


        • texasota
            Post count: 47

            thanks montana, i will expiriment with that, since i really dont have a set style yet. any other advise to improve my shooting is much welcomed

          • MontanaFord
              Post count: 450

              My two biggest reasons for shooting 3 fingers under are these:

              1) It feels funky to have one finger over top of the nock.
              2) 3 fingers under puts the arrow closer to my line of sight before the shot, which I believe helps with accuracy. The closer you can get to a straight line, the less your body compensates and the more accurate you will be.

              These are my two biggest things for the style of shooting I chose when I started. If you go with 3 fingers under, keep this in mind…my nock point is set at 5/8″…higher than most split finger nock points. But that could have to do with the arrows I shoot, as well. Good luck.


            • Mark Turton
                Post count: 759

                Hi Texasota
                I think it comes down to what you feel comfortable with, I also use a glove and find that it is more practical to be able to use my hand in the usual way. When it’s cold I use a woollen glove that I have cut the three middle fingers out of.
                Happy hunting, Pothunter.

              • Deadsmple
                  Post count: 7

                  I too use a glove. For me I shoot just as good/bad with either. I just find the glove more convenient. I’ve lost way too many tabs in the woods because I took it off. With a glove, I find no need to take it off while hunting to do simple tasks.

                • texasota
                    Post count: 47

                    thanks for all the responses guys, lots of good advise

                  • dutchman
                      Post count: 3

                      Glove, split finger. I started out this was and never learned to like a tab.

                    • Tony Huckaby
                        Post count: 6

                        I just switched to an American Leathers Glove
                        and really like it alot. I used cordovan
                        tabs for years but now I don’t see myself using
                        one again.

                      • texasota
                          Post count: 47

                          well i guess i will fork out the money for a new glove! you all have been a great help. thanks for all the responses:!:

                        • Iamabowman
                            Post count: 2

                            I have always use a tab and can’t seem to get the correct feel whe I try to use a glove. I’ve had a tab on my middle finger for so long, it feel like an extention of my hand. It depends upon what YOU like and feel comfortable with.

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