Home Forums Campfire Forum Glenn St Charles has left us 9/19/2010

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    • rayborbon
        Post count: 298

        I heard this morning that one of my greatest heros of archery has left us. God bless his soul and his legacy will continue. He made his mark on many souls. My condolences to the St. Charles family.

      • William Warren
          Post count: 1384

          Sorry to hear of Glenn’s passing. Is he the last of “The Little Delta” adventurers?

          When we go out this Fall to hunt with our traditonal bows we honor Glenn and others like him.

        • dixiedawg80
            Post count: 12

            He will be missed. Rest in peace Glenn.

          • SteveMcD
              Post count: 870

              Thank you, Sir. For all you have done for us. Rest in Peace.

              My sincere condolences to the Family. God Bless.

            • Riverwolf
                Post count: 23

                …….A Great man , and one of the all time Greats in Traditional Archery .

                Happy Hunting Glenn .

                Condolences for friends and family ………….

              • Chiloquin
                  Post count: 56

                  Thanks for the Legacy, praying for the family!

                • JL
                    Post count: 27

                    He will be remembered and his adventures will live in all of our minds; thank you Glen for being you.

                  • celinsin
                      Post count: 40

                      One of the true pioneering legends of bowhunting is gone; but his legacy will never die. All archery will miss Glenn St. Charles.

                    • Van/TX
                        Post count: 34

                        Dang:(May God Bless You and your family, Glenn…Van

                      • WICanner
                          Post count: 136

                          Condolences on the loss to Family and Friends

                          His spirit is free to roam the hills and valleys once again. An adventurer, a pioneer, well remembered by all, a legacy left behind of a gentleman. What more can someone ask for in this life? A full life he had. Rest in peace.

                        • George D. Stout
                            Post count: 256

                            I had the distinct privilege of spending some time with Glenn on several occasions, and got to listen to some stories. He is the last of the pioneer generation for the most part. Glenn St.Charles was a class-act, and he will be missed.

                          • T. J. Conrads
                              Post count: 52

                              Alas! To return home from a successful hunt only to find that my longtime friend has passed on three months shy of his 99th Birthday makes for a bittersweet month.

                              Goodbye, my dear friend. We sure had some swell times and hunts, didn’t we?


                            • T Downing
                                Post count: 233

                                Ah man, I just saw this and while you knew it would happen someday, it is still tough to swallow. He was one of traditional archery’s finest. A true gentleman has passed on to the happy hunting grounds above! God Bless him and his family…

                              • Larry O. Fischer
                                  Post count: 92

                                  I was hiking into my antelope blind at the time of Glenn’s passing, somehow that just seems right! Glenn would want all of us to keep on hunting and keep the spirit of traditional archery alive and most of all make sure we passed the torch to the next generation.

                                • Frank H V
                                    Post count: 129

                                    I am sorry to hear that. He will be missed, he was one of the great ones. Condolances to his family.

                                  • Croatoan
                                      Post count: 35

                                      Wind in your face Glenn.
                                      Condolences to the family.

                                    • RedTape
                                        Post count: 51

                                        Sad news to hear after coming back from a good trip to antelope country with my Dad. I was never fortunate enough to meet the man, but I still feel a loss. He was a true advocate for our community. I can only imagine what it’s like for those who knew him. My condolences to his family and friends.

                                      • wyowags1
                                          Post count: 1

                                          One of my few hero’s and inspirations off to the ultimate happy hunting grounds. Hunt in peace Glenn. Condolences to your family and friends you’ve left here.

                                        • LucasK
                                            Post count: 11


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