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    • paleoman
        Post count: 931

        By the time the weekend rolls around my butt is dragging. I am a lousy sleeper and just that extra hr or so on Sat & Sun keeps me going. Without a hunting buddy nearby, any tricks to motivation or just accept and n not fight it – which is where I kind of am.

      • David Coulter
          Post count: 2293

          When you need sleep, take it. I don’t see the sense in being totally exhausted when you have a choice. That can lead to burn out and poor health. It seems like whenever I catch a cold it coincides with letting myself get overworked and overrun and running on too little sleep. If it helps to sleep in to make up for a poor night rest, do for it. Look into that, though. You might find something that helps you sleep better. Alcohol and eating late can lead to poor sleep. Sometimes a beer or class of wine can help get you to sleep, but then the alcohol later adds a charge of energy as it burns off later and wakes you up. All the best with that, dwc

        • Stephen Graf
            Post count: 2428

            I say no worries. The deer aren’t going anywhere. I’ve killed way more deer after 8:30 am then before, so take a little extra snooze.

            I have also found that a snooze in the woods is almost unavoidable. Nothing like sleeping in followed by a nice mid morning nap.

          • longbow_hunter
              Post count: 10

              Try exercising in the evenings. Even with a fairly physically demanding job I find that an hour of medium to high intensity exercise helps me feel less tired in the evening and allows me to sleep much more soundly.

            • grumpy
                Post count: 962

                Back in the day, when I was young and romantic…..

                I would leave work Friday afternoon, drive until the wee hours of the morning, sleep a few hours in the truck, and go fishing at the crack of dawn….

                With a little maturity I realized I wasn’t having fun trying to function while sleep deprived.

                Heard an interview with Mick Jagger where he said he rearranges his sleeping schedule weeks before a concert so that he is performing about 2 hours after his REGULAR wake up time. That is the time when he can perform at his best.

                Thumbs up to the exercise. I find that the more exercise I get the better I sleep. I have also found that it worked for my kids, even when they were teenagers.

              • paleoman
                  Post count: 931

                  Thanks all! No complaints here. Just a little older and better motivated when I’m in a camp setting.Hope everyone is having a great fall!

                • Don Thomas
                    Post count: 334

                    Some of it is just age. I can remember when I could party until 2 am and be in the woods or duck blind by 4, but that was a LONG time ago. Speaking as a physician, I should point out that many cases of chronic poor sleep have identifiable causes that are treatable–obstructive sleep apnea comes to mind, as it is much more common than we once thought. You might discuss this with your doctor. Don

                  • William Warren
                      Post count: 1384


                      I get the same thing. By Friday I’m wasted from keeping up the pace at work and need more rest. It does not help that Friday is also date night and I tend to over eat and stay up late. I know what needs to change, I just don’t change it sometimes and opt to stay in. Like Don I used to stay up late and arrive early to my duck spot in order to be there before anyone else could claim it.

                      As far as getting in a deer stand early, I’ve never killed a deer at first light much less even see one that was not bumped by another hunter. So I got in the habit of waiting until I could see before going to my stand. I don’t think it matters if you don’t get there before light. If you have a long hike then you may need to start before light but I don’t have access to that kind of land so after first light is fine for me and I’ve killed plenty of deer with all legal methods.


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